Chapter 20

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Third person pov:

Dream was the first one to wake up in the house. He first went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, then he decided to go downstairs and make breakfast for george and others.

He was surprised at how quiet it was in the house withe everyone sleeping. He thought he should wake sapnap up so he could help him with the breakfast, but then he decided not to do so and just make the breakfast himself.

As he was mixing the pancake ingredients together he felt small pair of arms wrap around his waist and a tail curling around his leg.

His body immediately relaxed and melted in his lovers touch.

"Good morning my love" dream said as he let go of the stuff and turned around to properly hug george.

Instead of answering, george just burried his face in dreams neck and just hummed, clearly still being half asleep. 

Dream smiled at the boy and kissed his head. When he had george in his arms, nothing in the world mattered to him, he felt as if every worry he ever had, disappeared.

After few minutes patches came down running with something in her mouth as she rubbed her body around dream's and George's legs.

"What do you got there?" George asked as he left dream's arms and crouched down to patches

"Oh" he said.

"What is it?" Dream also crouched down

"PATCHES" he gasped

"Nooo where did you find a dead bird!" Dream whined in annoyance

" didn't kill it did you?" Dream groaned obvious that patches killed the little bird

"Is it bad that she killed it?" George asked, he kind of missed running after small creatures and catching them, like he used to do it at home.

"YES! George the bird might have diseases and patches can get sick, not to mention why even hunt down a bird when she has plenty of food here" dream rambled as he put on a glove to take the bird out of patches mouth.

George didn't say anything, he didn't really see dream's point of view so instead he just turned around and poured some of pancake mixture on a hot pan.

Dream threw the poor bird away as well as his glove and turned back to George, giving him a kiss on a cheek.

After they were finished with pancakes they started setting up the table. Just as they took out syrup and nutela for pancakes sapnap and karl came in the kitchen.

"Good morning sleepy heads" dream greeted them

"Oh my god are you making pancakes?!" Sapnap gasped.

"Yeah" george nodded

"Oh my god! I love you so much" sapnap said as he almost broke George in half with his very tight hug.

"Okay okay enough get to eating" dream said feeling somewhat jealous.

George giggled and sat down by the table with others and they started eating.

"Holy shit this is delicious" karl moaned

"I know right! Humans have so much better food than we did" George agreed.

After they were done eating dream and sapnap started cleaning up the kitchen while George dragged karl towards his and dream's room where patches was licking her fur on the bed.

"Why did you drag me up here George?" Karl asked confused

"Wanna shift and play with patches?" George asked smirking

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