Chapter 10: Truth

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Throughout the day, I waited outside the conference room of Freen's agency building. They were discussing the upcoming drama they planned to release in about a month. The producer wanted everything to be perfect, so they asked for the team's presence beforehand.

A guy in his mid-20s approached me and asked, "So you're Freen's new assistant?" He sat down beside me.

"New?" I replied, puzzled, which made him chuckle.

"Freen had a previous assistant who quit and spread rumors on social media that Freen is bisexual. She saw a box with pictures of a girl, but she never revealed who it was. Since then, Freen has been struggling with anxiety, unable to trust anyone and fearing her privacy will be invaded."

However, being bisexual is not the issue here. The real question is, who is the girl Freen is trying to protect? She even had a collection of pictures of her in a box.


I turned towards the person who called my name. It was Freen, standing in front of the sliding door to the conference room. She wore a black long-sleeved shirt tucked into a denim skirt, and her beige cap partially covered her eyes.

"Excuse me," I said to the guy next to me, then walked towards Freen.

"Did Heng tell you something?" she asked, referring to the tall guy earlier.

"Nothing significant, he just mentioned your previous assistant."

"What about her?"

I shrugged, unsure how to respond, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Anyway, next week is the first photo shoot for my drama with Love. My manager will handle all the clothing preparations, but I was hoping you could give me a heads-up on the outfits. I don't want to wear anything too daring or inappropriate."

I nodded and immediately called her manager while Freen went back into the conference room.

As the days passed, my relationship with Freen showed no progress. I couldn't confess my feelings for her or reveal my condition. She was always focused on work, talking about upcoming dramas, stunts, scripts, and so on.

After hearing what Heng said, I decided not to intrude on her personal space. However, deep down, I suspected that her previous assistant didn't quit but was actually fired. Knowing Freen, she wouldn't let anyone invade her privacy.

Nevertheless, the curiosity about the girl's identity still lingered in my mind. Who could she be? I didn't want to assume, but I secretly hoped it was me.

Shaking off my thoughts, I redirected my attention to the two celebrities in front of me, fully engaged in their photo shoot. The way they looked at each other, their intertwined fingers—it seemed like they were in love.

Freen was sitting on the floor while Love was on top of her. They wore white camisole tops, and rose petals were scattered around them. They displayed such professionalism. If I didn't know they were just friends, I might have thought something more was going on between them.

"Let's call it a day. Thank you, everyone!"

I hurriedly approached Freen and handed her a bottle of water, which she accepted and drank. Just as I was about to take it back, she offered it to Love.

Jealousy welled up inside me, but I tried to divert my attention and noticed someone recording them.

Could it be that they were acting out this flirting scene for publicity? No, surely not. Freen wouldn't deceive her fans for popularity.

"Thanks, Becky. I was really thirsty, but Freen kept laughing at me," Love said, pouting.

"What did your manager say? Remember to stay hydrated, then you can leave your belongings in your van." Freen took her clothes and pulled Love along. "I'll see you in a bit. We'll change," she said.

I nodded at them and gathered all of Freen's belongings, placing them in her car. It's amusing how she hired me as her assistant, yet I can't even drive her home. Maybe I should consider learning how to drive.

After about ten minutes, Freen and Love didn't head to the parking lot. Perhaps their manager was discussing something or their producer needed their presence again. I closed my eyes for a moment.

This week had been challenging. I had to conceal my chest pains, shortness of breath, cough, and fatigue. I didn't want Freen to worry.


I don't know how long I had been asleep when I opened my eyes and saw Freen sitting in the driver's seat, crying while looking at my phone.

I quickly snatched my phone from her, but she didn't flinch. She continued crying, now with sobs. As I glanced at my phone to understand the reason behind her tears, my eyes widened at Richie's chat.

"I see you're enjoying your life there, Becca. I hope you made the right decision. If you ever change your mind, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll help you fight that cancer."

"Why, Becky? Why did you have to hide all of this from me?" Her voice was cracked, and the pain in her eyes was palpable.

"Freen," I tried to reach for her hand, but she pushed me away.

"You promised me you wouldn't leave! You said you were going to stay here for good! Was it all a lie? When I asked if you were going to die, you told me you were strong! Why? Why did you have to lie to my face?" She continued crying, and I embraced her tightly, despite her attempts to push me away.

Tears streamed down my face, but all I could do was comfort Freen. I gently rubbed her back as she cried on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Those were the only words I could utter at that moment.

I hadn't expected her to find out so soon. She still had so much to do, and there was immense pressure on her.

"Becky," she called my name when she finally stopped crying. Her eyes were swollen, and she gazed at me intently. "Can I fire you? And take care of you instead?"

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