Chapter 2: Kiss

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"Come on, let's go," Freen said enthusiastically, despite the long hours of driving. I was experiencing chest pain, but I didn't let her notice. I needed some rest and a quick nap, but she kept grabbing my hand, pulling me upstairs to her room.

I learned that she lived alone since she became an actress. She wanted to give her family a private space away from the constant presence of cameras.

"Look, someone gave me a new snow globe, just like the one you broke years ago."

I was shocked to hear her words. "How did you know?" I asked, unable to believe it.

"Well, you confessed to my mom after that incident. She guilt-tripped me, saying you left because you were afraid I would scold you. Do you know how devastated I was when you left?" she asked, making me laugh a little.

I walked over to the snow globe she had placed on her bedside table and gently touched the glass.

Five years ago, we left Thailand because Dad had a heart attack. We had agreed to stay with him until he recovered, but he's still bedridden. And now, I'm suffering from mesothelioma because of the work he gave me years ago.

"I miss how things used to be, Freen. You're so popular now. Everything has changed," I said suddenly, lost in my thoughts.

As I stared at the snow globe, I felt Freen's arms wrap around my waist, and she rested her head on my shoulder.

My heart raced, and I turned around, fearing she might hear it. But my heart sank when I saw her teary eyes.

"You know I don't have a little sister, and you're the only one I can talk to freely, without hiding anything. And then you left me without saying goodbye. I tried to contact you using the number your mother gave me, but you never answered."

She looked like a child who had run out of candy. I gently caressed her hair and patted it. Even though she was taller than me, I managed to kiss her forehead.

"I'm sorry, Dad had a heart attack, so we couldn't say goodbye. I was also studying and working for the company at the same time, so I didn't have time to pick up calls," I sweetly explained, and she nodded.

It seemed like my girl quickly understood the situation.

I took her hands and pulled her to sit on her bed. She was still sobbing, wiping away her tears. I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness.

This girl was still like a baby.

"Now, tell me, how did you end up becoming an actress? Did you audition?" I asked.

She shook her head and looked into my eyes.

Throughout the day, we talked and caught up on all the things we had missed. She had become an actress a few months before I left. Someone discovered her and made her a model, but when the opportunity arose in the world of show business, she quickly grabbed it and became an actress.

"How many guys have you kissed in your dramas?" I asked, taking a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

We were in the living room, watching her latest drama with a guy I didn't know. They seemed compatible, but Freen assured me that it was all an act and that she didn't have any feelings for him.

"Two. Actually, it wasn't supposed to be a kissing scene, but that guy leaned in. It wasn't in the script, so I was so shocked because it was my first time."

I smiled, unable to express it fully because of the ice cream in my mouth. After swallowing it, I looked into her eyes.

I quickly looked away when she noticed me. I didn't know why I did that.

"Hey, are you making fun of me because it was my first time?" she asked, and I immediately shook my head.

"No, it's not that. Do you know how to kiss?"

"No, are you willing to teach me?" she leaned closer to my face, and my heart started beating faster again. "Just kidding, your face turned red," she laughed heartily.

I pulled her closer to me and looked into her eyes, then at her lips. She swallowed hard when she realized there was only an inch of space between us.

"I am, but the question is, are you willing to learn?" I asked seductively, not letting go of her nape. "Just kidding!" I laughed and pinched both of her cheeks.

I was about to say something when she suddenly leaned in for another kiss. It was quick, but it took me by surprise. I could still feel the softness of her lips on mine, causing me to touch my own lips.

"Don't tease me. I know how to kiss; I just don't like doing it with my on-screen partner," she pouted.

"And you like doing it with me?" I raised an eyebrow.

She nervously played with her fingers and slowly nodded.

"Well... You know, I'm more comfortable with you. Even if I were to kiss you right now, you wouldn't mind, right? Because we're both girls."

I mustered a fake smile and nodded.


That kiss might not have meant much to her, but it meant the world to me.

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