"I am pretty sure they asked if you had any sexual experience"

"oh... That. oh I never had that yet"

For some reason many girls took a sigh of relief

With that the misunderstanding came to an end

After practising for a while i went directly to my dorms

Tomorrow is the day huh...

Let's do our best

I woke up at 6 am took a shower and went directly to school

After a while we were instructed to go to the field

The first game was 100m dash

Let's get this

I went to the starting point

"I will not lose Yoshida" sudo said standing by my side

"Try your best"

Sorry sudo but I can't let you win

I took my position

On your marks




I sprint as usual

For a while there was guy who was running side by side with me but then I accelerated and left him behind

And finally I crossed the finish line

1 down 2 to go

And the announcement was made

1st place kai yoshida

2nd place Shibata shou

3rd place sudo ken

Oh so that was Shibata...


Sudo came running towards me

"Its your win I didn't stand a chance there"

"You were pretty fast too sudo"

"But there are 2 more races I won't back down so you better be ready"


After that other games were played one after another

Then finally the 200m dash came

I took my position but saw something rather unexpected

There was Koenji instead of sudo

Wtf why is he here?

I have to face this monster!?

f*ck this i am gonna give it my all no holding back

"yo Yoshida boy. You should be honoured that a perfect existence like me has taken an interest on you"

"I am not that interesting you know"

"oh I will be the one to decide that. Now then amuse me"

"I will try my best"

Take your positions

I took my position

On your marks




I started sprinting with the highest possible speed I could reach from the start

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