Licensing Exam Pt. 3

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Izuku, Bakugo, and Tsu were left by themselves as they waited for the rest of their classmates to arrive. As they were walking Izuku spied a blond girl in the distance. Her hero costume was a black tracksuit and a yellow haori with white triangles. They made eye contact and Izuku immediately regretted it as she sprinted over.

???: "Midoriya! Hi hi! I'm Zenika Agatsuma! Please let me date you!"

Izuku: "Rah?"

Izuku started backing up. He glanced to the side just to see Bakugo and Tsu trying not to laugh and gave them a glare.

Agatsuma: "Oh look at those eyes! You're so handsome!"

Izuku then turned and started running, though the girl's lightning quirk let her keep up easily. It wasn't until she took a metal rabbit's foot to the stomach that she stopped. Izuku then hid behind Rumi, who had just arrived.

Rumi: "Stay away from him!"

Agatsuma got back up.

Agatsuma: *Yelling* "And who are you!?

Both Rumi's and Izuku's faces went deadpan.

Rumi: "Really? You know who he is but not me? I'm Mirko, number five hero, his GIRLFRIEND."

Rumi leaned forward and glared at Agatsuma. The blond girl's gaze then landed on Izuku, who was still hiding behind Rumi and nodding.

Agatsuma: "I guess it's a competition then. He will be mine. Mark my words."

The girl walked away with a huff. Izuku then let out a sigh of relief and came out from behind Rumi. He then pulled out his notebook.

Izuku: -Thanks. She wouldn't leave me alone.-

Rumi chuckled.

Rumi: "I saw. Guess you got yourself your first crazy fan babe. Get ready cause there's gonna a shit load more where that came from!"

Izuku: -yay. Why are you here?-

Rumi sighed.

Rumi: "The HUC members wouldn't let you near them without me here. While you're popular, people are scared of you too."

Izuku: -HUC?-

Rumi: "Yeah, HUC. The Help Us Company, they train people to act injured and in trouble for heros to practice. They're also a part of the exam. Did you really think the exam would be only fighting? Ha!"

Izuku: -Bet you did too.-

She looked away and grumbled.

Mera: "All passing participants have now gathered. -yawn-"

Izuku looked around to see the whole class had passed. He then grabbed Rumi's wrist and pulled her over with him. All the students who passed the first portion of the exam turned to face the tired man on the stage.

Mera: "Now that I have your attention. -yawn- I can describe the second portion of this exam. As you all know, there's more to being a hero than fighting. You must also save citizens. -yawn-"

It was then explosions could be heard going off.

Mera: "That -yawn- is what you will be doing. HUC members have been trapped underneath rubble and on the otherside of fallen bridges. -yawn- This portion will be graded on a demerit system, meaning you will lose points with no hope of gaining them back. If you score below a fifty then you will fail. Now go. -yawn-"

The room then opened up once more to reveal the areas the students were just in, now destroyed. Izuku and Rumi immediately took off, everyone else following after them. A large number went to the city environment so Izuku, and by extension Rumi, went to the factory. They stopped and stood on a roof, after a few seconds they both heard a sound. They looked at each other, nodded, and ran towards it. When they reached it the found their way blocked by a large pipe which was to heavy for them to move, even together.

Izuku: "Rah!"

HUC Member: *Yelling* "Help me! Please!"

Izuku: "Mm!"

Izuku was looking for a way around the pipe but he couldn't find one. He was beginning to panic when he remembered something. Back during the Kamino Ward battle, he grew in size when he demonized. Maybe he could shrink. He began to focus, remembering the feeling of how he grew, it felt like expanding his gut, but all over, so what if he sucked in instead? As he did so, he could feel himself getting shorter and shorter, his hero costume feeling heavier as it didn't shrink with him. Once he was finished he was only 3ft. 7 in. (109.2 cm). He walked over to the pipe and was now able to squeeze under.

Rumi: "Wooo! Go Izuku!"

He sent a smile her way as he dissappeared behind the pipe. He saw and approached the HUC member who looked up at him.

HIC Member: "Oh, it's the demon."

The hate in her voice was thick, but Izuku shrugged it off, he had an exam to pass after all.

Izuku: "Ah."

He took out a roll of bandages he had in his costume and wrapped up a few fake cuts. He then picked up the HUC member and carried her back out, sliding her underneath the pipe and Rumi dragged her out the rest of the way.

Rumi: "You're alright in our hands."

Izuku heard her as he crawled back out and could tell she was forcing it. Izuku grew back, placed his hand on her shoulder, and gave her a smile. Izuku then picked up the HUC member and they took off. Though the member was clearly hating being carried by Izuku. Eventually they made it to the evacuation center other students had set up and passed the HUC member to another student.

Rumi: "Good job! Now let's get some more of these gu-"

She was then blasted away with a torrent of wind. Izuku and a few others looked towards the source to find Yoarashi. He then turned his gaze to Izuku, an angry and hateful look on his face.

Yoarashi: *Yelling* "Get away from him Mirko! He's dangerous!"

Izuku, realizing a fight near the evacuation center wasn't good, turned and ran. Yoarashi and a few others gave chase. As Izuku ran he could see Rumi, Agatsuma, and Bakugo starting to catch up to them. Once they were far enough away from any other students and HUC members, Izuku stopped and turned around to face his pursuers.

Izuku: *Yelling* "Rah!"

Yoarashi landed, Shindo ran up beside him, and a few others Izuku didn't know appeared.

Shindo: "There's nowhere to go now demon. None of your friends are here to help you."

Agatsuma: *Yelling* "Actually we are!"

A flash of lightning blitzed through some of the group and a white blur bowled through the others. Then Bakugo landed infront of the still standing Yoarashi. Rumi landed next to Izuku and Agatsuma stood in the middle.

Bakugo: "You better be able to tell us why you're chasing Izuku."

Yoarashi: *Yelling* "Why!? Because he's a demon type! He's probably using you all to look innocent!"

Bakugo sighed.

Bakugo: "Not the right answer Wind For Brains."

He raised his palm to Yoarashi.

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Blast away!"

He sent the most powerful yet non-lethal explosion to the other boy's chest, knocking him out and sending him flying.

Bakugo: "Lightning girl, take care of the rest."

Agatsuma just nodded and charged forward using her quirk. The rest were out in mere seconds. Izuku however noticed something was wrong, Rumi would usually dive in head first into battle, but she didn't this time. Izuku dragged her off to the side and took out his notebook.

Izuku: -What's going on? You seem like you're hesitant to fight.-

Rumi looked shocked that he picked up on ot for a second but quickly regained her composure and sighed.

Rumi: "I. I'll tell you back in our room okay? It's a bit personal."

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: -Okay.-

Mera: "All HUC members have been rescued! Please return to the locker rooms, change, and follow your teacher."

Izuku and Rumi walked away towards where the others started walking.

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