Chapter 4//One connection

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-N's POV-

"Look I'm just not feeling alright, okay? either you stop being whiny or I'll have you murdered in your sleep understood?" He asked as I hid behind his notepad and nodded, he walked away as I sighed, I looked at the time. 4:09, an hour after the group was separated and its not going so go, I suppose.

"N! I got us blueberry muffins along with some coffee!" F yelled, holding up a bag and two cups of coffee, I smiled but frowned soon after as I looked at Os list.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as he sat down the bag and two cups of coffee.

"O gave me his invitation as a favor, he doesnt feel good" I said as he took O's notepad.

"He hasnt even done anything but L's investigation" he argued, I sighed as I took a sip of my coffee.

"I dont know, you know how O is, when he broke his friendship with L, he's been different ever since" I said as F sat down next to me.

"Yeah, but off topic has anything weird been going around?" He asked, I was trying to think on the top of my head when I remembered the note I, M, P and O got last night.

"Well, I dont know if its been happening around here but me, O, P and M Got a note last night at 4, the note only said either, 'You're it' or 'Safe', we're still trying to figure out what it means but none of us know" I explained, before he could say anything we heard a shout not to far, it was S being held by K, as she flies.

"Guysssss, we need your help!" S panicked, F got his notepad and pen out.

"S, what up? Why so panicked?" I asked

"Me and K were having a converssssssation when we got a call from E, I anssswered and he had his camera but I could tell that ssssomething wassss up, he wasss breathing heavily, he almost as if ssssomeone had attacked him, he wasss panicked, he then proceeded to whisssper to me that he wasss hiding becausssse sssssomeone broke into hissss houssse and attacked him but when I heard his door open he wassss more panicked and sssscreamed then hisss camera sssstarted moving ssso much and it ended" S explained as K nodded in response to the situation, F wrote the whole story down.

"And tell me, did he mention the letters name or did you see him or?" He asked as S and K looked at each other and shook their heads.

"He never mentions who broke into his house nor did we see who it was since his camera shaked" K assured, F put down his notepad.

"Okay, thank you for telling us, we'll send the team to-"

"F! N! There you two are, I have a problem" I took out my notepad and pen before F could.

"What the problem G?" I asked as I allowed him to take deep breaths before speaking.

"I was talking to V and I at I's house and I told them I was going to get a drink, when I did I heard yelling and glass breaking, I went to check and saw that someone was attacking them but before I could move or do anything, they saw me and gassed the whole place and took V with them, leaving me with I" He explained.

"What did this person look like? Where is I?" I asked.

"He's at the hospital, I called C, B and A and they took him to the hospital also about the letter I couldnt tell, the lights had went out when I started heaing yelling and glass breaking" he explained, I wrote down 'lights went off before seeing the suspect' below his story.

"DAMNIT! Whoever they are, just keep getting away! UGH! What's going on around here!?" F yelled, kicking the floor.

"I'm not sure F, first the note then letters start missing" G said.

"Wait, you alssso got a note? I got 'ssssafe' , what about you?" S asked as F continued to kick the floor in anger.

"I also got 'safe' and V and I also got those, V got 'you're it' and I got 'safe'" he said as K pulled theirs out saying 'you're it'

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