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Dear September Rain,

I thought you would never return. It has been several days since we last met. I've grown weary without your comfort. I have thought about what I should do, admit my shameful thoughts or follow them through. After careful consideration I have chosen to make my own decisions in life. The constant fear and curiosity is welling up inside. I refuse to abide by rules from someone who does not share his wisdom. I am often left to care for the messes they make and I lose myself each time. I must know what is behind the walls of nature. Is there really nothing out there for us to see?

I heard the whispers the night before. He presumes no soul can be awaken by his words but I simply do not rest when the time is near. John may be pronounced a man, but no man can be born in a day. His childish tendencies come through in the night when he thinks he's alone. He speaks of wonders I've only read about. Just a little more time until I make those dreams come true.

Dear September RainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ