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Dear September Rain,

You're as heavy as my heart. I drown out the sounds nearby with your pain. It's late and hope they won't find me up here. I wish I knew what it meant to be with others. There's no one in the world but us and I'm grateful for what my father has done to protect us, but sometimes I think its hopeless. I've read books about before, where kids went to schools that were away from home. Where they could meet other kids like me and learn more than what I know. Some of the things I've read sound made up but I dare not ask my father lest I be punished for my ungratefulness. I don't want to be ungrateful, I just want to know more. I wish I could convince them it's okay to know. I think the rain is going away. I can hear myself think and I worry they'll hear me too. I remember when I found last time. I thought I wouldn't be able to write again. I told myself I wouldn't write again. I should be grateful that I can. I should be grateful that I'm alive. I am grateful to have a father who protects us.

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