"What's he gonna do in there?" Stiles asked

"I know who he's after." Scott realized as his eyes went back to the queue forming outside the club.

"What, how? How? Did you smell something?"


Yelena frowned in complete confusion at what Scott was talking about, Stiles grabbed both of them and walked to the back of the building trying to open the back door.

"Aw, come on. All right, maybe there's, like, a, uh - like, a window we could climb through to get in "

Yelena sent him a look, "Speak for yourself I have a fake ID."

Stiles put his hands on his hips and glared at his sister as he carried on suggesting ideas "or some kind of - " Stiles stopped when Scott passed him the door handle "Handle that we could rip off with supernatural strength. How'd I not think of that one?"

Yelena rolled her eyes and dragged him with her as they followed Scott inside, moving through the flashing lights and the blaring music By this point it was clear that they were in a gay bar, well everyone except Scott apparently.

"Dude, everyone in here's a dude. I think we're in a gay club."

"Man, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh, Scott?" Stiles quipped sarcastically as he was surrounded by drag queens who were stroking him.

Yelena smiled at them awkwardly and pulled her brother away from their stroking hands, "Yeah he's underage." She told them as Scott spotted Danny at the bar they headed over to him but he'd gone by the time they reached the bar.

Stiles tried to look casual as he smiled, "three beers."

The barkeeper looked at them, "IDs." Yelena handed over her fake ID which he seemed pretty content with before looking at the other two expectantly, Yelena rolled her eyes when the two of them handed over their real IDs, the bartender raised his eyebrows and chuckled "How 'bout two cokes and one beer?"

Yelena grinned as he handed her the bottle of beer much to her brother's annoyance.

Stiles grinned, "Rum and coke? Sure." Yelena cringed at the bartender's unamused expression and Stiles then became quick to catch on, "Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving anyway."

The guy nodded and walked off to get their cokes, but instead another bartender - this one topless - came over with their drinks and placed them down in front of the boys.

"That one's paid for." He told Scott, nodding to a guy at the end of the bar, they followed his eye line and saw a guy sending him a seductive smile.

"Oh, shut up," Stiles said with a sour expression.

Scott smiled smugly as he picked his drink up, "I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, well, your face did." He huffed as the three of them turned to face the crowd, "Hey, I found Danny."

Scott nodded and stared up at the ceiling, "I found Jackson." He said ominously.

The three of them slowly discarded their drinks as they looked up in horror spotting the shadow of his tail as he crawled across the ceiling in full reptilian mode.

Scott kept his eyes on the ceiling as he spoke, "Go get Danny."

"What're you gonna do?" Stiles asked

"I'm gonna get Jackson," Scott told them flicking his claws out.

Yelena's eyes widened as she nodded nervously, "Works for me."

The two siblings moved through the crowd calling out the teenager's name, they were both being pulled and pushed by the crowd and Yelena panicked when she felt someone yank her wrist but relaxed slightly when she realised it was Derek.

"The hell are you doing here?!" He tried to ask over the noise.

"Trying to protect people from a reptilian teenager!" She yelled back.

Derek tried to pull her closer to him to stop the crowd from separating them, "it's not safe, you need to get out of here!"

Yelena was becoming frustrated with him, he wasn't understanding that this was bigger than her safety, and as much as she appreciated how much he cared about her, he needed to let her do things her way.

Yelena turned around at the sound of her brother calling Danny's name, looking back at Derek who still had a grip on her, she shook him off, "I have to go."


Yelena pulled out of his grip, "You need to let me go." She told him sternly trying to find her brother.

"Danny! Danny! Danny." Stiles shouted over and over again.

"Stiles!" Yelena yelled as she managed to grab hold of her brother who was being pushed around and trapped between bodies, "you ok?" She asked when she gripped him.

"Yes, are you?"

Before Yelena could answer they saw bodies begin to fall to the floor, including Danny's. Yelena and Stiles followed a trail of black blood that led to Scott and stopped dead when they found him leaning over a human Jackson's mauled body.

"What do we do with him now?" Scott asked in a panic.

Yelena closed her eyes tightly knowing who was responsible, Derek.

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