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As Sunoo entered the school, the strong AC struck him. He walked inside and headed for his classroom, which was located at the end of the hallways. He had to walk across the senior's hallways, which was nerve-wracking, but he had no other choice--since there wasn't a shortcut available.

He grabbed his phone from his blazer pocket and scrolled through tik tok while walking, he checked his surroundings to not bump into someone again, because he was pretty clumsy.

He continued walking and was now in front of the senior's hallways. 'Don't look, don't look.' He picked his pace up, making sure not to bump into anyone.

"Yah, Kim Sunoo!" A very familiar voice echoed in the empty hallway. "Wait up!" Sunoo halted. He didn't want to face him. He could feel his hands shaking as he tried not to stagger and trip. Just then, an arm was thrown around his shoulders. "Didn't I tell you to wait for me every morning, you faggot?" He pulled Sunoo along with him as he waved to some of his friends. "Why'd you run off on Saturday? I just wanted to talk to you, nothing else." Heeseung pulled Sunoo closer to his chest, his arm still around Sunoo's shoulders.

"My m-mom told me to get groceries, and I was in a hurry, sorry..." Sunoo felt trapped under him. "Ah, I see...then what were you doing with Sunghoon, were you both gonna kiss?" Heeseung spoke up, with a hint of irritation. "What?!" Sunoo yelled, louder than expected. "Kissing?! Park Sunghoon?" He faced Heeseung, whose face was right in front of him--too close for comfort.

Heeseung was taken back, his eyes never left Sunoo's dark eyes. 

'Thump!' Heeseung felt his stomach churning at that moment. 

"Ahem! Sorry, but can you move out of the way?" A deep voice spoke up from behind the two who were blocking the hallway. Both the said latter's pushed each other away and turned around to be faced with a random stranger. Students started crowding the hallways--the loud rings could be heard from someone's phone.

'It's him, the guy from the bus.' Sunoo gawked at the sight in front of him. "I-it's you, from the bus." The guy gaped at the unexpected sight. His phone was still ringing, and the girls in the hallway were squealing and giggling--everyone whispering something to their friends. The guy checked his phone and silenced it. Sunoo was still staring at the latter from the bus, while Heeseung was confused as to why the latter had referred to him as 'you.'

"Ah! You're that good-looking guy from the bus last time--you sat next to me remember?" Sunoo chuckled and walked closer to the latter to be away from the bigger asshole. The guy was confused as to why the latter was acting as if they were acquaintances. "Please walk with me to class..." Sunoo whispered once he was close enough. "Please.." Sunoo pleaded with a hint of anxiousness in his soft, melodic voice. The guy sighed in annoyance, and intertwined their hands together, facing Heeseung. This, of course, caught Heeseung off guard.

'Are they...in a relationship?' Heeseung tilted his head in confusion as he observed the two. Sunoo tightened his grip on the guy and gently smiled. Heeseung felt his heart beating. 'How can he be this close to someone he just met?' Heeseung scoffed in disbelief as he took heavy steps toward the two. "So, I was right, you faggot. You are into boys--couldn't you have chosen someone better though, you have trash taste in men." Heeseung spat as he kept on inching closer to the smaller one.

"He's my friend. Stop misunderstanding situations." Sunoo somehow confidently spoke up, startling Heeseung. ' Ah, so he thinks he's better than me now?' Heeseung glanced at the other guy who held onto Sunoo's arm.

The hallways were even more crowded. There were several 'dings' here and there, people started gathering to see the morning drama. Just as Heeseung was about to mutter another word, the teacher stepped in and screamed at the students crowding in the hallway.

"Enough, get to class, everyone! Get to class!" The teacher yelled, louder enough for the hallway to clearly hear above all the commotion and crowd. The teacher halted he saw the new student holding onto Sunoo. "Ah! You're Nishimura Riki, right? We were waiting for your arrival." The teacher walked up to Riki and he held his hand for a handshake.

"Huh?" Riki tilted his head in confusion, a breathy sigh escaped his lips. "We greatly respect your parents, and we are so glad you are here." The teacher moved his away and smiled politely. " I have your schedule with me, please follow me to the office." The teacher turned on his heels and walked away. Riki looked at Sunoo in confusion, as Sunoo glanced at him in disbelief.

"Y-you're the famous Ni-ki?" It was the only thing Sunoo could mutter. Heeseung scoffed in disbelief. 'Did he just expose himself? Weren't they friends just now?' 

Heeseung walked away in disbelief, not daring to spare a glance at the both. 

"Uhh, what the fuck happened?" Riki asked as he looked back and forth between Heeseung and Sunoo. "Nothing...he was probably gonna pick on me if you hadn't shown up." Sunoo sulked and stared at the crowd. "Shit, sorry I got carried away." Sunoo leaped away from Riki's hold and awkwardly smiled. Everyone--literally everyone in the hallway was gawking at the two with wide eyes. Sunoo glanced at Riki, and to his surprise, he was staring back at him.

"D-do you known where the administration office is?" Riki turned away and scratched the back of his neck. "Ah, I'll help you repay the favor. Follow me." Sunoo gleamed and ran away from the crowd.

Both boys were walking together quietly, not daring to utter a single word. "Sorry," Sunoo spoke up, clearing the thin atmosphere. "For what?" Riki asked as he glanced at Sunoo. " I dragged you into this mess, it was just pure luck I ran to you--I immediately recognized you..." Sunoo awkwardly chuckled while fiddling with his fingers. Riki glanced away and a soft chuckle escaped his lips. "It's fine. I was surprised to run into you here as well." Riki replied back and they continued walking silently. 

"Here's the office. I'll see you around, gotta go since I'll be late for class." Sunoo waved and paced away. Riki watched Sunoo's small figure disappear. 'He walks like a penguin.' He highly chuckled and knocked on the door, heading inside the office. 

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