"Before The Truth Will Set You free..."

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Akira stood in front of Lucius with a wide and sadistic smile. The black flames all around them grew higher every moment. "Come on! You were talking all the good shit a second ago, pure blood! Then I lit this place up like a candle! Nothing to say now?!" Akira said to the trembling Lucius.

"What are you?! What the hell ARE you?!" Lucius shouted in fear. "I'm an angel to some. But a Devil to others. I could've been and angel to you, but you forced me to become your Devil instead! Blood will be the atonement for your sins, Lucius." Akira said raising a hand into the air slowly.

"Wait! I can give you wealth! Women! Anything you want!" Lucius pleaded. "I don't desire such things. What I want you can't offer." Akira said as his raised hand ignited in black flames.
"What is it you want?! I know I can give it to you!" Lucius asked. "I want my mother back. You honestly think you can resurrect the dead Lucius?" Akira said with a hint of sadness in his distorted voice.

"I lost my mother too. She died because of an emergency C-Section. I blame myself everyday for it. Demons don't regenerate during childbirth, you know..." Lucius replied with tears prickling his eyes.
Akira froze in place with wide eyes. His raised hand dropped to his side. "You honestly think she'd be proud of what you've become Lucius? I was born a monster. You chose to be one!" Akira said gritting his sharp teeth.
"I..." Lucius began to say. "When my other half Akita was walking to school, he'd always listen to music. There was one verse in a song called "Mantra" by 'Bring me the Horizon' that has been stuck in my head everyday. 'Before the truth will set you free.. it'll piss you off!' And honestly it does piss you off doesn't it Lucius?!"
"It doesn't piss me off. It hurts..." Lucius replied. "The world is cruel, Lucius Beelzebub. We don't choose what family we're born into. We don't choose what financial situation we're in. The world does! But the decisions we make in life are our own! The words we say are our own! It's not my decision to make on who lives and who dies. It's the actions the being makes I'm their life that decides their final fate by my hands."
"Then that means..." Lucius realized what his fate would be at that moment with wide eyes. "Yes. You have to die. I'd say I'm sorry... but I'm not..." Akira said softly. Akita's head shot up quickly as did his hand again. "PLEASE, NO!" Lucius shouted as he shot his hand up in a hopeless attempt at defense.
But suddenly as Akira brought his black flamed hand down, it was stopped by two hands grabbing his arm.
"That's enough Akita!" Said Hakura who stood firmly in front of Akira holding his arm. "You know I'm not him. This pure blood made his decisions. And you know what he planned for you after he killed Akita. Why shouldn't he die?!" Akira said looking down at Lucius.
"Do you remember the other song Akita listened too so many times?" Hakura asked Akira with a gentle smile. "Which one?" Akira asked. "It was a song called 'What I've done' by Linkin Park. There's a verse that applies to you in it." She replied still smiling gently at the demonic being before her.
"What was the verse, Hakura? Say it fast, I have to kill this scumbag and I don't have all day." Akira asked with irritation in his distorted voice.
"Let mercy come. And wash away what I've done..." She whispered softly.

The demonic beings eyes went wide and tears began to flow down his dark grey cheeks. "I remember those words. When I was just a newborn... my mother... she said those words to me as she died..." Akira put his hands to his face and began to cry. "My mother... she wouldn't want this. I... don't want this! I just wanted to be normal. I didn't want to be born a monster. But what else can I be?!" Akira said gritting his sharp teeth in both anger and regret.
"You can be Akita again. You can be who you choose to be. I love you, Lilith loves you, your father loves you." Hakura said smiling. "And most of all... your mother loved you. Just the way you were." Said a familiar male voice.
Akira looked up slowly to see his father, Lucifer, standing in front of them with Lilith and Rosell. All three of them were smiling at him, despite of the black hellfire that was consuming the entire arena. "Father?..." Akira asked as if he was thought he was dreaming. "Hey son. Sorry I'm late again. Looks like you had a bit of an outburst here didn't you? You went up to 20% power this time, huh?" Lucifer said looking around.
"This is only 20%?!" Lucius said in shock. "You keep your mouth shut, you little shit. You're lucky my son's girlfriend was here to talk some sense into him. Otherwise you'd be ashes right now. I don't take kindly to racists in my kingdom." Lucifer said with a scowl on his face towards Lucius. "My king, I- " Lucius began to say. However Lucifer held up his hand. "We can discuss the punishment for your actions later. For now, let me handle this?" Lucifer said firmly. Then he turned to Akira. "Hey son? I'm going to need you to let me turn you back to your human state now. It's time to rest, ok? We can always talk later." Lucifer said with a warm smile. "Whatever you say father. Just... let Akita know that he doesn't have to be like me. He's better than that." Akira said softly.
"Sure thing. Now hold still and relax. This won't even hurt for a second." Lucifer said lifting his hand forward and facing his palm at Akira's black, armor plated chest. "Tenebrae tuae Somnus Animae." Lucifer said softly. Akira let out a small gasp. As he did, his large bat like wings, his black thin horns, and his dark grey skin, all disappeared. Akira had become Akita once again and crumpled to the ground unconscious.
"Akita?!" Hakura ran over to her unconscious lover and rolled him over onto his back. Akitas eyes shot open and he began to cough several times. "Oh shit! My chest had a spear stabbed through it! What the hell happened?! I think I blacked out from blood loss and-" Akita looked around quickly at his surroundings. "Wait, Hakura? Dad? Rosell? Lilith?! What the shit happened?!" Akita asked them both shocked and confused. "Will you just shut up? You're alive so just be happy about that, will you?" Hakura replied. "He's a threat to all three realms. I'll take him out while he's weakened!" Lucius yelled out creating a large red ball of hellfire in his hand and aiming at Akita and Hakura. "Lucius don't!" Cried out Lilith. However when Lucius was in mid fire, Rosell grabbed his arm and pushed it to the side quickly. The fireball went towards the stands of the arena a directly at a small demon girl. "Oh for the love of-!" Akita shouted in frustration. He quickly disappeared and the reappeared I'm front of the little girl. The fireball impacted onto Akita and and explosion went off immediately. "Akita!!!!" When the smoke cleared, Akita laid on the ground unconscious. The little girl however was unharmed. The four of Akita's friends ran over to him and Rosell felt for a pulse. "Lord Akita is alive, but his pulse is weak! He's unable to regenerate right now due to the transformation earlier! Get a doctor here! Now!" Rosell ordered a guard who stood nearby. Two more guards ran over to Lucifer. "Have Lucius arrested for the assassination attempt of my son. If Akita dies, I'll make Lucius suffer." Lucifer ordered. "Where's my sister?! I can't find my big sister!" The little demon girl pleaded to Lucifer. "We'll find her, I promise little one. Let's get you to a doctor too, ok?" Lucifer said with a comforting tone and patting the little girls head.
Two guards came over to Akita with a stretcher and put him on it. They immediately ran twords the medical tent in the arena, with Lilith, Hakura, and Rosell following close behind. Meanwhile Lucius was being led away in chains. "Heh. Everything is going according to plan, father..." he said smugly under his breath.

Akuma no musuko-tachi no Romansu (The Devil's Sons Romance)Where stories live. Discover now