The First Transformation

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Akita walked down the hall of Tokyo High School with Hakura clinging to his arm gleefully smiling. Akita showed no emotion as he changed the song on his phone to 'Monsters' by Timeflies. He then began to hear the song play in his EarPods. As the two of them entered their home room class. "Haruka-Chan, you may wanna let go of my arm now." Said Akira still looking emotionless even though he felt slightly nervous. "Why? We're a couple now aren't we? There's no shame." Hakura said back sounding a little bit like a tsundere rather than the long haired brunette tomboy she was.
"No it's just, look at the other girls faces. You definitely should let go for a bit." "Eh?" said Hakura looking around.

The girls in the class gave Hakura icy stares of jealousy and anger. She felt like someone poured ice down her back. She quickly let go of him and sat down at her desk. The bell rang and home room began. Hakura may have been nervous about the glares of jealousy from girls towards her new boyfriend and foster brother. But she was happy at the same time. She thought he felt indifferent about her this whole time. But now she knew he liked her back this whole time.

He may have been a loner, a smoker,
drank underage from time to time, and barley ever showed emotion, but now she knew none of that was his fault. It's was because he was the Son of Lucifer, a truth that the two of them just learned four days ago and only they knew. Time flied by and soon homeroom ended. Everyone exited and walked to second period history. "Akita-San, are you coming? We'll be late." Hakura said. "Go on ahead. I gotta grab my books." Akita replied.

The bell rang and the rest of the class sat down. A silver haired female substitute teacher was in for the day. She wrote her name on the chalk board. 'Ms. Shu'. "Alright time for role call. 'Ruri Yuma'? " Ruri replied. Then she called Taka Yuzuru, who replied. Chika Sasuè was also called and answered in return. "Akita Kurayami?" No answer. Ms. Shu said his name again and still no answer. Hakura looked across the room at his desk at his desk which was empty worrying. "Hey Ms. Shu? I need to go to the restroom. May I be excused?" asked Hakura making an excuse to go and find Akit.
"Of course you can. Take as long as you need. I'll write you a hall pass. Just try and be back before the next class but if you can't it's ok." Ms. Shu said kindly stamped a hall pass and handed her it. "No running ok?" Haruka fast walked down the hall 'If he's skipping class to smoke I'll kill him. But still. That'd be my my Akita-San. But Somehow this feels off.' she thought to herself. She looked out the hall windows. A man with long blonde hair in silver plated armor and a white cloak stood in the far side school courtyard. He was watching Akita walk into the alleyway as he pulled out a cigarette from his pack and his lighter from his pocket. Something was wrong. As Akita went out of sight into the alley the man in the silver plated armor disappeared in a flash of white light. 'Where did he go?! I have to get to Akita-Chan! This is bad.' She ran to the lower floor as fast as she could.

Akita rounded the alleyway and lit his cigarette. He felt like he was being watched. Suddenly his pentagram on his right palm begin to burn horribly as if it was on fire. It began to smoke. "What the hell is happening? I didn't summon my father and it doesn't hurt when I do." He said gritting his teeth in pain while holding his wrist. "Maybe I if I say the summoning words? That could call him here, right?"

"Don't give any effort to it. It won't work. I put a drop of ichor in your whiskey before you went to school in the morning. It'll be useless for about fifteen more minutes. It seems your powers haven't fully awakened yet due to your mortal half. You're mother died a few hours after you were born. She requested to your father Lucifer that he let you experience the mortal feelings of love this world. She knew giving birth to the Anti Christ would kill her. But she would rather let you live   and her die than the other way around." Said a mysterious voice behind Akita. The same man Hakura had just seen watching him before stood at the far end of the alley. "Hello. I am the angel Raphael. I came talk to you about your future as Hell's king. I'm sure Lucifer told you about how you must marry before you can ascend the throne?" Akira was cautious but answered "Yes, he did. But you just said something I have a question about. Does giving birth to an Devils child kill the mother if she's human?"

"Don't worry Hakura isn't human, she's a succubus. But she doesn't know that yet. She's not lustily chasing men because of you actually. Since your the son of the Devil, some of your power was transferred to her unintentionally when you kissed her last night in your room. You got lucky because whenever a supernatural being turns 16, they awaken their traits and powers. Now she'll be in control of her list when she turns 16. No power in heaven, hell or on earth can separate your power from her now. Your bonded for eternity. Too bad you must be banished now to purgatory. Several of the angels under me are planning to end Lucifer's bloodline. If you don't come quietly we have other ways to force your cooperation."  Said Raphael who snapped his right fingers.

Suddenly two more angels with glowing blades appeared holding Hakura by each arm. "Let her go you bastards! If you lay even a finger on her I'll kill you all!" Akita began to feel rage boil in his whole body. "Will you now? You would need to be an arch demon to have the abilities to kill me. You still can't even summon hellfire yet. It's pointless to resist." said Michael with a stuck up attitude. "Please! Leave Akita-Chan alone! He hasn't done anything to anyo-" suddenly Michael backhanded her across the face "You'd dare talk to an archangel that way? I don't know how even the Anti Christ like him could feel love a creature such as yourself. You're so pathetic!"

Suddenly the alleyway was lit ablaze in black flames that were hotter than anything The angels had ever felt. "You sons of hit the woman I love...You'll pay in blood for that! You've made a poor choice and now not even God can save you!!!" Suddenly black bat like wings ripped out from the back of Akitas jacket and think, sharp black horns sprouted from his forehead while his hair went from charcoal black to a dark gray.

Lucifer then appeared from the shadows. "So Raphael. I see you've met my son. You really shouldn't have his his girlfriend in front of him. You should've listened to God and I and left the balance of the afterlives alone. If you had done as we told you then we figured we didn't need to tell you all the details. You see when heartbreak or pure rage affects my sons heart, he enters a powerful transformation. Oh, and for his mothers mortal half mixing with my Devil half, his mother is the key. Since he feels mortal emotions his rage can be stronger than even mine!" He stated amused in a sadistic state. "But...that means..." began Raphael as he and the other angels shook in fear. "Yes, that means he's can grow even stronger than God or I can become. And believe it or not, this is only about 10% of his full strength."

Lucifer simply put his hands in his suit pockets and began shaking his head in disappointment. "Please Lord Lucifer! Stop him! We beg you for mercy!" Pleaded Raphael "Sorry but even if I wanted to I couldn't he's too powerful right now in his current state. It's also a sacred rule between God and I that punishment is decided by the Devil who had the crime committed against him. Akita is the one who decided your punishment. So son what fate have you decided  for these three?" "Death by hellfire sounds fitting." Replied Akita with a wide and sadistic smile as he floated with the dark wings as the black flames began engulfing the alley even further. "You can't do this! I am the third archangel of God the Almighty! This is blasphemy!" "You're the one who committed blasphemy when you disobeyed your God's orders. And by the way you pathetic filth? I'm the Devil. Blasphemy is everyday business where I'm from! Son, send them to our domain. I'll take care of the paperwork." Black hellfire consumed the angels who screamed louder than even the souls of the damned.

Akita slowly descended back to the ground as the flames died down. He then fell on his knees and his black wings and horns disappeared while his hair returned to its jet black color. "Akita-Kun! Are you alright?! Say something!" Cried Hakura who held him close. "Hakura-Chan? What am I doing here? I don't remember what happened. That bastard hit you and then I blacked out. Where are they?" He asked sounding confused. "You don't remember?" "Sorry Hakura, the power he used wipes any memory he has since the time he uses it to the time it ends. He may remember over time as his mind recovers but it's not definite. He'll be ok. I'm actually surprised how strong he was on his first transformation. Even I wasn't that strong my first time!" Lucifer said sounding envious yet proud.

Suddenly he smelled something. Burned Succubus flesh. He looked at Hakura's left hand. Which had a circular red burn on it. "Let's get some burn salve on that. I'll fly you both home and get Akita to bed. But don't try anything erotic to him while he sleeps. His body needs to rest and recover. " I WOULD NEVER! Wait, fly home?" Asked Haruka. Lucifer extended his dark bat like wings from his back and smiled with amusement. "Would you rather you carry him home on you back or take the bus? You can see all of Tokyo from the sky!" He replied.

Akuma no musuko-tachi no Romansu (The Devil's Sons Romance)Where stories live. Discover now