Love Rivals

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Akita had woken up at 8:12 AM in the morning. He looked to his right and saw Hakura laying to the right of him sleeping soundly. He then saw that the gash on his right arm had regenerated like all his wounds usually did. He then yawned and stretched out his left arm because it felt slightly stiff. When he did, he felt a soft object on his left.

"Did I move the pillow in my sleep?" He asked himself aloud. Akita looked to his left to see Lilith was sleeping on his left side, which gave him a shock.

"What the hell is Lilith doing in my bed?!" He whispered trying not to wake either girl up. He then tried to slowly crawl out of bed by getting over Lilith but she woke up suddenly. "Ummm... I'm just trying to get out of bed. This isn't..." but Lilith covered his mouth with her hand.

"I understand that this is a misunderstanding. I got in the bed to begin with while you two slept. But I actually don't care. If this leads somewhere, I could just end up falling for you. Actually since you saved me last night, I may already have." Lilith said seductively.

'She's only fourteen and I'm only sixteen. How does she already know about sex? Plus Polygamy is normal in hell. But I gotta get outta this situation before Hakura wakes up!' Akita thought in his head.

"Akita-Kun, did you get up to smoke again? I was having a good dream and you just woke me up." Hakura said slowly getting up. She rubbed her right eye and looked to see Akita on top of Lilith.

"Hakura-Chan? I was just trying to get out of bed and found Lilith here. This isn't what I looks like, ok?" He said trying to honestly explain.

Hakura stayed silent for a moment. Then spoke. "If you wanted to have sex, you could've just come to me! I'm your girlfriend so it's my job to relieve your sexual urges!" She said loudly.

"Woah, wait! I just told you what happened and you still jump to that conclusion?! Hakura-Chan, what the hell?!" Akita yelled.

Hakura then grabbed Akita's left arm and pressed herself against him. "I heard your dad that day! Polygamy is legal in hell so I get your curious! Lilith, you'd better understand that I'm Akita's #1 woman! I got here first so I get his first time, got it?!" She yelled at Lilith.

"What the hell is GOING ON?!" Akita yelled in confusion. Lilith then grabbed his right arm and pressed up to him as well.

"You may be his #1 woman but I'm going to be his #1 wife! And I say whoever seduces him first gets his first time! If you want a war, you'll get one!" Lilith shouted back.

"Did I just get caught in a god damn love triangle?!" Akita said still confused at the situation.

"It's not a love triangle! It's a love rivalry!" The two girls said in unison.

"Wait. Is today the 22nd of August?" He asked them.
"Yeah. Why?" Hakura replied.

"Oh shit! I have to fight Lucius in the Hellrazor games today! I gotta go!" Akita shouted jumping out of the two girls grips.
"Lilith, you literally made Akita almost forget the most important thing he had to do!" Hakura said.

"Me? You started this situation in the first place! It's not my fault I'm more sexually attractive to Akita than you are." Lilith shot back.

"It was a misunderstanding and you know it!" Akita yelled at Lilith while putting on his black leather jacket.

"Rosell! How long until the games begin?" Akita called from the room.

"They start in one hour, sir! It'll take fifteen minutes to get there and thirty minutes to prepare for the fight so you should hurry." Rosell called from the main hall. "By the way, I haven't seen Lady Lilith since last night. Do you think she ran away?" Rosell asked Akita who ran down the main stairs.

"She's still here. But put a lock on my door today, ok Rosell? Have it installed before I go to bed tonight!" Akita said with a red face.

"As you wish, Lord Akita. But may I inquire as to why you'd make that request?" Rosell asked curiously.

"I just want some extra security. Let's just say that, ok?" Akita replied with his face growing redder at the question. Rosell simply nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He opened the door, led Akita to the carriage outside the mansion, and let him in. Lilith and Hakura ran out to follow a few moments later and got in as well.

"Rosell, could the girls ride on the front with you? I need some room to get extra room to lie down and rest before the games." Akita said with a nervous expression.

"But Akita-?!" Hakura tried to object but Akita shoved her and Lilith out of the carriage.

"Sorry my Ladies. But if Lord Akita commands it, I must obey. It's my duty as his servant." Rosell told them while rubbing the back of his head with amusement. The two girls simply crossed their arms and got frustrated at each other. Rosell chuckled and help them get on the front of the carriage.

After about eighteen minutes they arrived at a large square shaped stadium surrounded by four stone walls. It looked to be about 20,000 feet wide.

As Akita got out of the carriage he saw a large group of spectators look at him. They began booing at him and shouting insults. "Your half breed filth!" One Demon shouted. "Lucius is a pure blood! You don't stand a f***ing chance you Demi-Human trash!" another demon shouted who then spit at Akita.

"No wonder Hell is made for the evilest beings and souls. Everyone here is racist as shit!" Hakura said to Akita quietly. Lilith showed a look of fear on her face.

"I promised to protect you right Lilith? If any one of these people lay a finger on you, I'll cut that finger off. Ok?" Akita said reassuringly.

"I'll walk past them. But you'll hold my hand like last time, right?" She asked. Hakura actually felt not jealousy, but sympathy twords Liliths request.

"She's literally been through Hell Akita. I don't mind if it's just this one time." Hakura said putting her hand on Lilith's shoulder to comfort her.

"Really Hakura? You don't mind even though I love Akita too?" Lilith asked confused.

"I can tell your scared. Akita made a promise to me a long time ago too. If he made one to you also then he would never break it. Even if I tried to make him." Hakura said with a gentle smile.

"Ok...." Lilith said reaching for Akita's left hand. Suddenly a medium sized stone was thrown from the crowd and hit Akita in the back of his head. Akita tripped over a bit but didn't fall.

"You half breed trash bags deserve each other!" yelled a young demon male who threw the stone. The crowd began to laugh at them as Lilith, Hakura, and Rosell tried to help Akita. He simply held up his left hand to stop them.

Akita then reached down and picked up the same stone that hit him which had some of his blood on it. He tossed it up and kicked it with his left foot at the demon who threw it. It hit the demon directly in the jaw knocking out several teeth and some blood.

"Shouldn't throw what you can't catch, you piece of shit." Akita replied making the whole crowd go silent as he , Rosell, Hakura, and Lilith, who's hand he has taken, walked past all of them towards the entrance to the arena.

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