My Name is Akita Kurayami and My Father is...

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Akita walked out of his foster parents home at 7:30 in the morning and began to walk into the city streets of Tokyo. He felt the fall breeze blow his long black bangs to the side revealing the small x shaped scar on his right cheek bone. He reached into his high school uniform pocket and grabbed his iPhone 12 and opened his music app. He always listened to the same song on the way to school in his ear pods everyday since he began junior year. "Gasoline"by Halsey.

He listened to the music begin to play in his ears as he pulled out a menthol cigarette from his pack. He put the end of it in his mouth and lit it with his lighter, inhaled, and exhaled out a puff of smoke. He continued to walk as he felt a hard smack of a hand hit the back of his head. He smirked and turned his head slightly. "Big bro! I told you to stop smoking! It's bad for your lungs! You know you could get cancer!" Said a girl with medium long brown hair who wore the same school uniform as him.

"Hakura, why do you always fuss over me? We're not even blood siblings. Why don't you go walk to school with a guy you have feelings for. You're at that age after all." Akita replied as he took another inhale of his cigarette and walked with her. "Akita-Kun knows I have no interest in boys. And besides, you just turned 16 two days ago. Why don't you ask out one of the many girls at school who always are fighting over you? The only person you talk to is me, and I'm just your adopted sister. Don't you feel anything towards women?"

Akita took another drag and answered "I think you're pretty cute Hakura-Chan. Even if you lack size in the bust." Akita then took another drag.

"Akita! You pervert! I'll have you know I've grown to a C cup! I'm 15 and have plenty of time to continue to develop!" She said loudly in frustration.
"You said I'm the perv but you just announced your bra size to the world." He said as Hakura covered her mouth looking around in red faced embarrassment. "You BAKA!" She hit him in the stomach but he didn't feel it much. "Akita are you doing exercises in gym again? I think you've gotten a four pack now. And how come you barley ever have any bruises when you get harmed? Even when you do get a bruise you heal in merely hours? It doesn't make sense." She asked.
"Why do you care about your foster brothers ab muscles? Are you trying to feel me up?" He asked in return as if the other questions didn't matter. "I wasn't feeling you up! But...if Akita-kun wanted to start slow..." she began to say "Did you say something Hakura? My air pods were too loud." He asked obliviously looking at his phone in regards to her previous sentence. "It's n-n-nothing you stupid jerk! Anyways we're here. I'll see you in second period history. And Akita-Kun?"
"Huh?" She then kissed him on the cheek and gave a tomboyish blush "Be carful around those girls. They'll do anything to get in your pants." She then ran into the school building as he the music in his phone next played to a song by called "Alone" by artist Alan Walker

Akita sat in home room at his assigned desk before class began. Students stood around talking with each other as he just read a manga called "Trinity Seven". It was his favorite manga and he always wanted a season 2 for the anime. Suddenly he smelled several brands perfumes around him. He could always smell and hear things far better than others. "Hello Akita-Kun!" Said five different girls surrounding his desk at the same time. He just turned the page not even looking up and replied emotionlessly "Hello."

The large breasted blonde haired girl on the far left grabbed his left arm and pressed into him giggling much to her other four friends annoyance "Akita-Kun, my parents are away on work this week and I have so much homework I need help with! Could you come over to my house after school and help me catch up?" Suddenly the red haired girl grabbed his other arm and said "Akita-Kun, I actually need to get some new clothes today at the mall after school! Wouldn't you much rather help a cute girl like me pick out some short skirts and knee boots? I'll even wear them just for you if you want!" Akita began to feel annoyed as he had just been getting the the end of the chapter.
"Ruri! I asked him out first! You can't just butt in! Akita-Kun is mine!" Argued the blonde to her rival "No man wants to waste his time studying with his date Nami! They wanna see a cute woman's body in sexy clothes and enjoy the view!"

"HEY!" Shouted Hakura from the desk next to Akita. "My brother doesn't wanna be smothered by several annoying women while he's trying to focus on his book! Go sit down before I call Mr. Hatashi over and get you all in detention!" The four girls all sighed in defeat.
"Hakura, why do you always have to get in our way to Akita-Kun's heart? Don't you two get enough play time at home? You live together after all."

Hakura began to become red and tomboyish again. She slammed her hand on her desk and stood up fast. "It's not like that! And You don't want his heart, you want his dick. Akita doesn't need sluts like you harassing him! Just leave him alo-" "Will you all SHUT UP?! I'm trying to read my friggin-! You know what? I need a smoke. Hakura, I'll be back in ten minutes. Call me on my cell if there's an emergency."

Akita put his manga down, and walked out classroom door. 'Akita-Kun, what's got you so angry lately?' thought Hakura.

Akita stood in the alley behind the school building. He took another frustrated drag of a second cigarette. 'Damn, I feel so angry lately. Why am I like this? Ever since my 16th birthday I just feel so pissed at everyone. Why am I like this?' He thought in his head as he took another drag.
"It's because your bloodlines strength begins to emerge at the date of 16. The anger you feel isn't your own, it's the anger of your father, Lucifer." Said a female voice from the end of the alley. Akita turned his head to see a teenage girl with long white hair, black bat like wings, and black and red plates armor on leaning against the wall of the alley about ten feet next to him.
"Who the hell are you, lady? How could you hear what I was thinking?!" He asked in shock.

"My, my, so this is the The son of the Demonic Master of Hell. I must say you look so much alike. Sorry to tell you this but the bloodline ends here. He was right to hide you from us. I'll never understand why such a godlike figure would love a mortal woman. I'm so glad that little whore died giving birth to you, Akita Kurayami. But now you will die too, and you can spend all of eternity with that mortal bitch!"
She then lunged forward and pulled out a dagger of black flames. It cut cut Akitas chest who felt his flesh begin to singe in pain. "Time to die Anti Christ." She giggled with sadism putting the dagger to his throat. Akita closed his eyes and thought of Hakura.

Suddenly an arm impaled the woman from behind. She screamed and black goo seeped from her impaled stomach. "My lord, I meant only to protect the throne of hell... this mortal boy... he isn't worthy of your power..." she began to plead as Akita saw the fear and agony in her eyes as she began to cry. "You dare call my dead wife a whore? You dare to try and kill my only son, the heir to my throne and Anti Christ of this mortal realm called Earth?! You will suffer for your treason and bathe in the ocean of fire, Shonna! I BANISH you!!!" roared the voice as the woman turned to a pile of black ooze and ashes.

"I'm sorry about missing your 16th birthday. I wish I could've come sooner. But Shonna was very elusive. Being the King of Hell is a tough job. But even if I hadn't been here to destroy her, I'm sure you're hellfire would've awakened and killed her."

Said a talk man in black plate armor and a long cape. His long black hair flowed in the breeze and his eyes were black with red irises and black pupils and he has short black horns on his forehead. "Hello Akita. Sorry I've been gone so long. I had much to do to prepare for your ascension to the throne. Oh and I picked you up your birthday present! I had it made by the best locket crafter in the underworld. The photo in it was taken the moment your mother and I held you for the first time" said the man smiling as if Akita wasn't wounded.

"Who are you?! How do you know me?! And can't you see I have a burning gash on my chest! I need an ambulance!"

The man simply laughed smiling "You'll be ok. The only thing that can kill the son of the devil permanently is the holy dagger of Achilon. Otherwise you'll just regenerate or rise from your ashes. But you still feel some pain from angelic and demonic weapons."
"Who are you?!" Shouted Akita getting even more angry and afraid. The man stopped laughing and smiled held out his hand and said "I'm sorry. You haven't seen me since you were a baby. Hello Akita. My name is Lucifer, King of hell, ruler of the underworld, and keeper of the damned. But you can just call me...Father." Said the man. Suddenly Akita blacked out and fell forward onto the ground. He never even felt the impact.

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