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"Ughhh," I groaned getting up from bed. It was so early in the morning, and I am not a morning person at all. I looked at my clock 5:30. I'm supposed to be going to an interview with Nial today at 7, to be honest I was quite uncomfortable with this. Would they be to personal? If they were then I won't be staying there for to long because it's none of their beeswax what bra size I wear, you get the point. "Bells, I swear you're such a girl when it comes to getting ready." He knows I hate when he says that, it makes me feel all girly ew. I nudged him with my shoulder as I put on my light pink Eiffel Tower headband. He didn't tell me how this was going, the only thing he said was that they were going to pick out my outfit, but no make up. That's right, absolutely no make up what so ever even if I begged him for the millionth time. He told everyone that I was beautiful, and that if I even mentioned that I wanted to get mascara, water would be all over my face. I think he knows I got the message. "Niall James Horan, what is this?" I held up some lace panties that were on his drawer. He blushed like his usual self holding his head low. "I got them for you," he said in the lowest whisper ever. I started laughing so hard, he was just so adorable. His face was beat red as he looked at the ground like a little boy. "Babe, I can't get enough of you, i'll wear em if you want," I tried holding onto my laughter. He noticed this and walked away with the small dignity he had left.

When Niall gets too embarrassed he tends to ignore people a lot, and that's just what he was doing right now. He would blush when he looked at me, he is so over dramatic sometimes it's crazy. We were sitting on a a red couch, in a room where the interviewer was setting her things at. Cameras and bright lights filled the somewhat dusty room. I felt sweat forming at my palms from the lights shining right on me, fantastic start. "Hello, I am here today with Niall Horan from One Direction, and his beautiful girlfriend Annabelle Garcia." I waved at the camera pointing at us with a slight smile, Niall did the same but with his heartwarming smile. (This is going to be like an act )

Interviewer: "So Niall how did you and Annabelle meet?"

Niall: "We met at a club, and we just got along from then"

Interviewer: "Annabelle, how is it like being with a famous person?"

Bells: 'You can call me Bells, and I think it's a bit strange to me having almost no privacy and such, but the fans are such sweethearts"

Interviewer: "And pregnant, how are you guys feeling about that?'

Niall: "Right now, i'm just anxious for the baby to come so we could start forming a family"

Bells: "It's been a little rough but-"

Interviewer: "But what about the band? How are you going to deal with that, and the baby? Don't you think the baby is going to jeopardize it? Bells will probably have to go through this alone most of the time while you're on out in the world."

Niall: "I'll proably have to take a small break just so I know the baby's well"

Interviewer: "Annabelle, don't you ever worry that such a mistake could cause this much sacrafice, and for the fans too?"

Bells: "My baby is not a mistake"

Who the hell did she think she was, trying to blame everything on me. Niall could see the fury in me forming and I could feel the tension in the air. "I have to go," I waved at the camera and at that old bitch. I went into the room where I had my stuff and got the keys with my purse, interviews are not my thing especially with a lady like her. "Where do you think you're going?" I wanted to smack Paul on the face so badly for not letting me leave. He said that I had to go with either Niall or him, but luckily for me I had a plan. ( I like sneaky people)

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