Don't Judge Me

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1 Week later

Cara takes me to my appointments every month. The doctor says the baby's doing just fine. I couldn't be happier.


As I was listening to music, my phone rang. "Hey Alex" "Hi Bells, I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me?" I thought about what I was going to do, soon realizing I had no work so I said yes. "Great ill pick you up at 9 to see Momma?" "Perfect, see you then." I loved horror movies more than I loved any kind of genre. The feeling of getting scared amused me. I know I'm weird but it's me and I was born like that. I don't know what to wear, I never do it takes me hours just to find my outfit. I did the best thing I could think of. "Cara, can you come over and help me pick an outfit for my date.... I mean um for the movies?" "Don't put it like that you and I both know it's a date. But I' be honored to, be there after my photo-shoot." I hung up. Was this a date or just a friendship type of thing? I over think things to much he wouldn't want to be with a pregnant person. Speaking of pregnant my little blip started growing and you can now see a bump. It wasn't big, just enough to see that I was pregnant, I didn't mind though. Every night I would think of how the baby would look like. Would he|she look like Niall, and have his ocean blue eyes? Or would it have his blonde hair? I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Cara go through the door. I shouldn't have gave her the key to my place, but she's the only person I trusted. "Let's go see what your gonna wear munchkin." "I hate it when you call me that," I muttered to her. We were in front of my closet filled with colorful clothes because I wasn't a simple person. "Hmmm it's going to be pretty hot tonight so wear these." She handed me my black high waisted shorts. "Oh and this." She said giving me a pink Lacey shirt. I immediately got out my black flats, and I let her do my make up. Honestly I don't like wearing anything but mascara to make my brown eyes pop out. This was different, I needed to look flawless for this 'date'. She left me with a natural face, and I absolutely loved it. "Now go put on your clothes you have about 20 minutes before he comes." I hurried putting my clothes on in the room, as she was thinking what to do with my hair. She ended up putting my hair into a tight bun with two small curls on the side of my face hanging. "Ready!" I yelled at Cara from my room. "Good cuz he's here." We both looked like stalkers staring at the window to see him come. I opened the door to see him smiling at me with those hazel eyes of his. He was wearing a white polo shirt with black jeans and converse. Well I know who else wears polo shirts. "Hello?" He snapped his fingers at me. "Oh sorry um this is Cara my friend, Cara this is Alex." She coughed," You mean your best friend. Hi" they shook hands, glad that was over. "Keep her safe do you hear me. If you hurt her I will -" "Okay bye Cara see you later!" I pushed Alex out the door and shut the door. "Sorry about her." "No it's alright she was pretty funny. She looks familiar too." Shit I didn't want to tell him. "Oh well maybe you've seen her around here." "Yeah, probably"


We bought popcorn, dibs, nerds, a crunch bar, sour pouches, and our drinks. I think people would think I was fat not pregnant because all the the things we bought. The theatre was not as full as I thought it would be. There were big posters showing the movies that were on or coming soon. We went to where our movie was playing and sat on the very back. "I think I'm more afraid than you are" he said looking at the previews. "Don't worry, I'll make it worse for you." The movie wasn't all that scary, but when I would get bored I would scare Alex and he would scream. "How could you not be scared?" "I don't know, but I did have a good laugh." He slightly blushed at my comment. "Yeah, because you scared me, but I had fun we should do this again." I replayed the scenes from tonight, and I smiled. "Yes we should." We drove back to my place when I heard those lyrics to little things. I turned the stereo off before I had the chance to finish Zayns part. "What you don't like them?" "It's not that I don't like them, I just didn't want to listen to music anymore." It was a total lie, I was not about to tell him any further. "We're here," he jogged out of his black BMW and opened the door for me. We walked up the stairs to my place. "Well it was fun Alex thank you for this." "It was my pleasure." He hugged me as we said goodbye, no kiss. I opened the door to see Cara looking out the window. "Were you spying on me?" "If you mean watched you guys hug and see you blush then yes." I felt myself blush once more. "How did it go tell me everything!" I told her about my 'date' sitting on the couch. She looked sleepy, her eyes fighting to get closed. "What time is it?" I asked. "It's 12:15." "You can go to sleep here then, I'll just take a quick shower." She left to my room yawning every second. After showering I put a blue tank top in with matching shorts. I walked in my room looking at my beautiful friend sleeping in my Minnie Mouse pajamas. I laid next to her, and fell into a dreamless sleep. Suddenly I felt dizzy and I knew what was going to happen. I ran as fast a I could to the toilet and threw up. "Bells are you okay?" Cara was walking toward me her eyes half open. I couldn't speak because I kept vomiting. She sat on a little stool and picked up my hair so it wouldn't get any puke. "Let it all out, it's okay" she started rubbing circles in my back. I had nothing left inside me, my eyes tearing from all the exhaustion. "I'm sorry I woke you up," she faced me,"I don't care, you need a friend right now so I'm here. Brush your teeth too." I laughed as I grabbed my toothbrush, and brushed my teeth. 


The next day at work I couldn't even concentrate on anything. Every few minutes I felt like throwing up or the pain of cramps. "Miss Bells!" Tricia, a little 9 year old girl wearing her tutu and her red, curly hair yelled at me. "Yes lovely?" "Guess what?" I guessed about six times before she finally told me. "1 Direction is coming back to L.A!" She started screaming around the room causing the kids to loose their focus. "Tricia, please calm down." "Aren't you excited?" I tried not to show my awkwardness to her question. "Sure." I left for my break, great this is just what I need. I did this for the good of both if us. Don't judge me.





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