thirty five

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"Hey, come check this out!" Tommy called out.

Ellie and I had barely spoken since we'd arrived back at the theatre. She avoided eye contact, saying very little to me and only when it was absolutely necessary. I understood so I didn't pry, she knew I'd be there to talk about it when she was ready. If she was ready.

Luckily, Jesse was okay. Tommy managed to get him back in record time. He patched himself up and was back on his feet, still grunting every now and then when we leant his body in a certain position. We were all ready to go home, I think even Ellie was at that point. It'd been a rough three days.

"You got a plan?" Jesse asked from his perch on the stage, his legs dangling over the edge as he leant back on his palms.

"I was thinking we cut through the lowlands, here." He explained, pointing to the map he had splayed across the stage.

"That's not gonna work. It's completely covered in snow," I responded, shaking my head as I pulled myself up beside Jesse.

"No, by the time we get there, this whole area'll be thawed," He began before Ellie rejoined us from the dressing room, slipping through a gap in the curtains and shuffling towards us, "Where are you going?"

"Needed some air. What are you guys doing up?" She asked.

"Couldn't sleep," Tommy shrugged, "Come take a look at this. Thought is to head home via Ellensburg."

"If we're in Fall City by tomorrow, we're doing good," Jesse added before noticing that Ellie was still withdrawn, "Hey... they got what they deserved."

"But she gets to live," She sighed, sitting down beside me and leaning forward on her knees.

She looked tired. I couldn't wait to get home. I wanted to take care of her, to help her work through and process everything that'd happened. I wanted her to slow down, to let herself grieve and know that I'd be there to build her back up. Seeing her like this worried me, I had a feeling this wasn't over. I couldn't get rid of it.

"I'm really not looking forward to going through Idaho again," Sighed Tommy, changing the subject of conversation.

"What you should be worried about is what Maria's gonna do to you when we get home," Jesse replied in jest.

"We've been through worse. However, I was passing through some ritzy section of town, came across this necklace. It sparkles a lot. I think it's real gold." Tommy explained excitedly.

"You think it's real gold?" I challenged with a raised brow and a smirk, "Okay."

"It's real gold," he protested.

"Let's see it then," Jesse chuckled, joining in with my teasing.

"I know what gold looks like!" The older man scoffed, "You kids are going to make me grey prematurely. You know that?"

"Hey, if it's real, can we say it's from all of us?" Asked Jesse.

"Ha! You find your own damn bribes,"

I allowed Jesse and Tommy to have it out amongst themselves. It sort of made me dread the journey home. They bickered like it was going out of fashion, I'd have to invest in some high quality earbuds if I wanted to make it home in one piece.

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked, catching me off guard as it was one of the first times she'd spoken to me since we arrived back.

"Yeah... are you?"

"Fine. Thanks for finding me," She sighed.

"Of course..."

Our conversation was cut short when we heard a struggle in the next room. Ellie, Jesse and I grabbed our guns as we burst through the double doors. Another gunshot sent Jesse to the floor where he laid lifeless as blood poured from the open wound in his head, Ellie grabbed me and ducked to the ground. I couldn't tear my eyes from Jesse, everything was happening so fast.

"Stand up! Hands in the air or I shoot this one, too!" The girl yelled.

"Don't you do it, Ellie! Get out of here!" Tommy shouted from the ground.

"Shut the fuck up!" She responded, delivering a hard kick to his side which knocked the breath straight off of him.

Abby stood over Tommy. She was furious. Her features were hardened as she pointed her gun to the back of Tommy's head. She wasn't alone. A small boy stood by the doorway, pointing his bow towards us causing Ellie and I to stand to our feet.

Seeing Abby again after what she'd done made me sick, it was like I could see it all over again. I could feel how cold the ground was against my cheeks, I could hear the way that Ellie screamed and plead. I could smell the smokey wood of the cabin. The air felt so thick that I couldn't breath. I pulled myself to my feet with shaky knees, tossing my weapon out in front of me and holding my hands up above my head.

"I know why you killed Joel. He did what he did to save me. There's no cure because of me. I'm the one that you want. Just let him go," Ellie begged, "Please."

"You killed my friends... We let you guys live and you wasted it!" She screeched.

Tommy grabbed her leg causing them to engage in a struggle. The boy behind us began to yell as Abby shot Tommy in the face, Ellie grabbed my arm and began to run.

"You get out of here, Charlotte! You fucking get out of here, do you hear me?" She screamed, "Go!"

Ellie pushed me towards the stairs and grabbed her shotgun, disappearing from my sight as she began to run towards the back of the stage. I froze for a few seconds before shaking my head, darting for the dressing room and locking the door behind me. I sank to the ground and covered my mouth, crying silently as I rocked side to side.

I felt as though I'd forgotten how to breath. Almost everyone I loved had been killed. Tommy, Jesse. I didn't know how we were going to explain it to Maria, or Dina. I didn't know how I was going to explain that I couldn't protect them. That I'd failed.

After a few minutes I dragged myself to my feet, grabbing my knife and heading for the back of the stage. I dropped down into the basement to see Abby straddling Ellie, beating her blindly with her fists. I screamed as I ran towards her, jumping on her back and knocking her head repeatedly with my fists.

She flipped us over, smashing my face against the ground repeatedly until I was barely conscious. My cheeks were flush as blood began to pour out of every crevice. I shut my eyes as she pulled me by my hair, positioning a knife at my throat as she grabbed my scalp.

"Stop. She had nothing to do with this!"

"I don't care," Abby spat, digging the blade into my throat causing me to wince.

"Abby..." The boy whimpered from the corner causing her to throw me off of her.

She walked towards Ellie, standing over her with a hardened expression.

"Don't ever let me see your face again," She spat before disappearing from the room.

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