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The church was dimly lit with candles, the warm low lighting creating a golden atmosphere within the church hall. Seth stood behind a makeshift bar, pouring people drinks and engaging in friendly chatter whenever he was approached. I spotted my father in the corner with Maria and Tommy, laughing loudly, patting his old friend on the back as he threw his head back.

People danced, joyfully chatting to their neighbours over the soft music echoing throughout the large building. I searched for my friends, spotting Jesse and Dina spinning in circles in the middle of the dance floor. I watched as they skipped around each other, their eyes aglow with adoration as they laughed softly.

When Dina spotted me, she beckoned me over with a wave of her hand.

"You came!" She grinned as she wrapped her arms around me for a quick hug.

"Had nothing better to do," I jested.

The song slowly faded into a slightly more upbeat melody causing Dina to grab my hand and run to the centre of the dance floor. She began to sway from side to side, her hands on my shoulders as she grinned ear to ear.

"Dina! I can't dance!" I yelled over the music.

"Says who?" She asked.

She began to jump up and down, holding my hands and we spun in a circle. I watched the way she danced, the way she bounced around the floor as if nobody was watching. I threw my head back as I laughed, holding my stomach and trying to compose myself so that I didn't wee myself.

"Come on! Just jump around!" She encouraged causing me to shake my head, swallowing my pride to make an idiot of myself with my bestfriend.

I jumped up and down as the chorus faded back in, running around in circles and throwing my head side to side causing my hair to sway ridiculously. I acted like there was nobody else there - just me and Dina.

As the song came to an end, she wrapped me up in her arms as she panted.

"And this is why we're best friends," She laughed breathlessly.

Our moment was cut short when Jesse approached once more, holding his hand out to Dina with a soft smile.

"May I?" He asked.

She took his hand and winked at me before disappearing into the crowd again to dance with Jesse.

I needed air. I felt like I couldn't breathe in there. The music, the fact that I'd just spent three solid minutes jumping up and down. I headed for the back door, pushing it open and taking a seat on the steps.

Once I'd regained my breath, I pulled my pack of cigarettes from my pocket and popped one between my lips. I blew grey clouds into the cool night air, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes.

"What're you doing out here?" A voice asked from behind me causing me to spin around quickly.

Ellie waltzed towards me, taking a seat on the step beside me and holding her hands out for my cigarette. She took a long drag before handing it back to me, exhaling the smoke slowly before leaning back on her elbows.

"Too loud in there," I shrugged, leaning forward on my knees as I smoked.

"Well, the real party's out here anyway," She teased causing me to giggle quietly, shaking my head and looking to the ground.

Then she stood up, dusting herself off before holding her hand out for me to grab.

"Come on," She instructed, tilting her head to the side with a subtle grin.

"Where're we going?" I asked as I grabbed her hand and was pulled to my feet.

"Anywhere. The worlds our oyster - or whatever the fuck."

We practically ran through the town hand in hand until we reached the stables, sneaking in through the back way and grabbing Shimmer. Ellie climbed on and helped me up. Then we were off.

I held Ellie's waist as we raced through the forest, closing my eyes and letting the wind carry my hair. I laughed loudly as we practically soared through the night. Our laughters merged into one, echoing throughout the mountains as we climbed higher and higher.

When we finally reached the highest point we could, we tied up Shimmer and sat on the grass to stare down at the town. The little lights of the houses twinkled like stars. It all felt so far away.

"Everything feels so small from here," I whispered, "So distant."

She nodded in response, holding her knees loosely with her arms as she stared at me. I could feel her eyes burning into my cheeks causing them to flush with nervousness. I hoped the darkness would conceal it.

"What happened with you and Cat?" I asked, "You don't... have to tell me."

She looked down, awkwardly shuffling where she sat. I sure did know how to ruin a moment. She leaned back on her palms and puffed her cheeks and she exhaled.

"If I tell you, you can't freak out," She responded as she avoided eye contact.

I crossed my hands over my heart, turning to face her so that she knew I was paying attention. Not that it mattered, she was looking anywhere but into my eyes.

"Okay...uh. I told her I liked someone else," She sighed nervously as she began to shake her head, "It's dumb."

"Oh, Ellie..." I groaned quietly.

I studied her face. The way her lips parted slightly as her eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips, the way her breath hitched as she took a swift breath in. She slowly began to lean into me and I reciprocated, meeting her in the middle to press my lips against hers.

I draped my arms loosely around her neck, her hand falling to my waist as she gently pulled me closer to her. Her lips were soft, her touch slightly timid. I pulled away, pressing our foreheads together as I smiled softly.

When I finally pulled away completely, she awkwardly looked around as she rubbed the back of her neck. We burst out into laughter, falling back on the grass as we did so to stare at the night sky.

The silence was comforting. Her hand came to held mine, her fingers softly grazing against my own. She turned her face to look at me causing me to do the same.

"I wish we could stay here," I whispered, "Away from it all."

"Me too,"

to the ends of the earth || ellie williams (book one)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora