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"Ellie? Ellie?!" I called into the abyss. Nothing.

The wind blew the snow around in a catastrophic frenzy. I could barely see two feet ahead of me as I raced through the forest. Using my arm to shield my eyes, I noticed the lodge in the distance. My stomach fell as I spotted Shimmer a couple of feet ahead of me. I jumped off of Misty and began to follow the prints in the snow, sliding down the hill as I did so.

I struggled to pick myself up as I sprinted for the lodge, panting as I approached the back door. Pulling my gun from my pocket, I rested my back against the wall and took a deep breath before turning the corner. Quietly, I slipped through the door and slid it shut behind me.

"Ellie?" I called out hesitantly before feeling myself lifted from the ground by a pair of strong arms.

"Put me down!" I yelled, throwing my elbow back to hit my attacker in the nose causing them to drop me on the floor.

I scrambled for my gun but before I could reach for it, I felt a blunt force to my head causing me to lose consciousness.

What I awoke to was a scene from a nightmare. I blinked my eyes slowly, my body felt heavy - like I couldn't move even if I really wanted to. My breathing was staggered and shallow, my ears rang so loudly that I couldn't make out what was happening around me.

"Charlotte? Charlotte?"

I forced my head up to look around the room. Ellie laid on her stomach, her face bloodied and beaten. I'd never seen such a look of horror on her face. She couldn't seem to get out of it as if she was trapped within her own mind.

Dina knelt beside her, running her hand up and down her back whilst muttering muffled apologies that I could barely hear. I placed my palms on the ground, attempting to lift my body from the floor but crashing back down again when my arms gave way beneath me.

"I've got you.. I've got you," Jesse soothed as he knelt down to pick me up.

I clenched my eyes closed as he carried me up the stairs of the basement, leaning into his chest with teary eyes. I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to face what had happened. I grieved so hard it hurt my chest, I felt as though my heart had been smashed with a mallet. I was too late.

When I opened my eyes again, I was in the infirmary. I sat up slowly, scanning my surroundings before the headache hit me like a ton of bricks. Wincing, I touched my hot temple with gritted teeth and a sharp inhale.

"Ellie?" I called out on a staggered breath, pulling myself to my feet and grabbing my stuff from the chair beside the bed.

I crashed back to a seated position as my vision blurred before swearing under my breath and trying again.

"Hey... take it easy," Jesse soothed as he rushed towards me out of nowhere, "You need to get some rest."

"Please just take me to Ellie," I whimpered.

Jesse nodded his head, helping me up and walking with me down the hall. We ducked into the next room and he slowly helped me to sit on the chair beside Ellie's bed. She faced the wall, her hands under her head as her chest rose and fell softly. Nodding to me briefly, Jesse left and closed the door behind him to allow us some privacy.

"Ellie..." I began, "It's me."

She didn't say anything. I wasn't surprised. I wasn't really expecting her to be feeling particularly talkative. I just wanted to know that she wasn't hurt.

"I'm not staying here. I was thinking about heading back to my place... just wanted to make sure you were okay first," I explained.

Still nothing.

I pulled myself to my feet with a slight nod, making for the door before hearing her shuffle behind me. She stood up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, grabbing her belongings before following me towards the door.

"I'll walk you," She muttered.

"I'll be okay,"

"You can barely stand up,"

I didn't see much point in arguing. After all, she was right. Her hands were already gripping my waist to keep me upright, my head lolling as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

We set off out of the infirmary. The night had long fallen. The moon cast shadows on to the sleepy town. Lights flicked off in houses as we passed, the streets growing increasingly darker. I was sort of glad I didn't choose to walk home alone.

"Stay with me tonight," Ellie said, breaking the silence between us.

"Okay," I nodded quietly.

Ellie and I barely said two words to each other for what felt like hours. She sat on her bed, staring into space with her back to me. I sat on the couch, playing with my fingers as I waited for her to say something. Anything.

"Ellie... do you want to talk?" I asked sheepishly.

"No," She responded bluntly.

"I'm so sorry.."

"Don't, Charlotte. Just don't,"

I nodded my head and rose to my feet, heading for the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I sunk to a seated position against the door, burying my head in my arms as I sobbed. I felt helpless. I didn't know how to help her. I felt stupid for even getting upset in the first place. She was grieving and yet I was the one crying in the bathroom.

Quickly standing up, I wiped the tears from my eyes and shook my head. I needed to pull myself together. I twisted the faucet on the shower and stripped out of my clothes, climbing into the tub once the water was warm to begin slowly washing my body.

I let the water trickle down my face, droplets racing down my spine causing me to wince at the scorching temperature. I rested my head against the wall and took a deep breath, trying for two minutes to erase the nightmare that kept flicking through my brain.

I had to keep it together. I had to stay strong not just for myself, but for Ellie too.

to the ends of the earth || ellie williams (book one)Where stories live. Discover now