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"As usual, you know the drill. If you find yourself in a sticky situation, regroup as quick as possible. If you're lost, ignite your flare and remember what I've taught you - always aim for the head," Will nodded as he spoke to the group.

I nodded in response and climbed on to my horse, following along behind him as we left the gates.

The mountains looked beautiful around this time of year. Lush green forest rested at their feet as they towered high in the sky, coated in gentle snow at their very peaks. The sun rested high in the sky, shining down on the path that we headed down on route to zone 6.

"It's so beautiful out here,"

"The sun is fucking blinding me," Dina groaned as she rubbed her head, "I'm such an idiot."

"Now I wasn't going to say it.." Jesse jested as he caught up to us.

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard enough from you about it," She snapped back causing the pair of them to bicker mindlessly.

I trotted ahead so that I was sort of on my own. I wanted to take everything in. Leaving the safe zone never got old, I loved to explore. I hoped to go further one day. To the very ends of the earth.

"Hey," Ellie smiled as she joined my side, "Feeling okay?"

"Better than Dina,"

We both turned to face her before giggling quietly between ourselves. Riding in silence for a while, we both admired the sights until we eventually reached the area labelled zone 6. We dismounted and crowded around again to listen to Will and Emma as they gave us further instructions for the patrol.

"Right, we're gonna pair you up and appoint you different buildings to clear out. Shouldn't be too many, we check this zone biweekly but you know what these things are like - they like to migrate." Emma explained, clasping her hands together as Will began to pair us up.

"And Ellie and Charlotte will take the music store ," he concluded with a nod, "All okay?"

I turned to Ellie with a nod and we set off.

The music store was old and desolate. The painted red sign was decaying, the paint chipping away as a result of the elements. Jackson was prone to harsh winters.

"Here - we can tie up the horses," Ellie said, jumping off of Shimmer to tie her to an old streetlight.

"How do we get in?" I asked, tying up Misty and checking it was secure enough.

"Maybe I can boost you up there,"

She pointed to a nearby window and checked my expression for approval. I shrugged with a nod and watched as she leant her back against the wall, cupping her hands for me to place my feet.

I jumped up and gripped onto the window ledge, pulling myself inside before holding down my hand for her to climb up. I dusted myself off and examined the old music store, my eyes widening with excitement as I surveyed the old records that'd been left untouched.

"This is amazing.." I smiled softly, readjusting my flannel as I set off to explore.

I traced my fingers delicately along the top of the wooden racks, carefully studying each album I passed. Whilst everything wasn't fully in tact, I was surprised at how much had been left behind. Little tokens of a world lost were just beneath my fingertips.

"Hey.. I heard they have some CD's in the basement. You have a player, right?" Ellie asked as she joined my side.

I laughed with excitement as we jogged down the steps, heading for the basement door before realising that it was locked. The words 'don't enter - infected inside' were painted across the withering white paint.

"Fuck..." I groaned, "What now?"

"You still want those CD's?"

"Like hell I do."

"Then get ready." Ellie nodded, kicking the door down with a few hard blows.

We both stepped back as we began to hear echoed groans growing closer and closer. I pulled my knife from my pocket and watched as a clicker began to  sprint towards me.

I drove my knife through its neck once and then a few times through its head, watching its body drop to the floor as more began to flood the room. I groaned as I was shoved on to the floor by a runner, pushing its body away from me with all of my strength when Ellie ran behind it and stabbed it in the left side of its head.

"Hey, are you okay? Are you bit?" She asked, pulling me up from the floor as I dusted myself off.

"No, I'm okay." I panted.

She didn't let go of my hand for a while, just stood there surveying me for a few seconds with concern plastered across her face. When she eventually let go, she shook her head and looked to the basement.

"Spores. Put your mask on," She instructed as she followed her own advice.

We masked up and headed down, clicking on our flashlights as we entered the basement. I gazed around in awe at the boxes and boxes of CD's piled as high as the ceiling.

I began to study them, scouting for which ones I wanted to take back with me. I didn't want to take them all - the magic of music is to be shared with all. Or at least that's what my dad told me.

I picked up an album labelled 'Music from Before the Storm, Daughter' and shoved it into my backpack before turning to face Ellie.

"You ready to go?" She asked and I nodded my head.

Heading back to regroup, we shared little words. It wasn't awkward or tense, just comfortable. We were becoming comfortable in each others silence and I didn't mind that.

The ride home was serene. The sun setting over the mountains had a calming effect - it reminded me that I was still human. That I was so minuscule compared to everything else. It was a thought I found solace in.

"Jesse's having some people over for a movie tonight, you down?" Dina asked as we began to cycle home from the stables.

"If by some people you mean us three then no can do. I have better things to do than watch you eat each others faces throughout the entirety of Star Trek,"

"You love Star Trek," She jested causing me to shake my head, "Plus, Ellie's coming.. with Cat."

"Cat's coming?"

Cat was older than us. She was covered in tattoos, her body was a canvas for her amazing artwork. She had piercings and dark hair, she wore eyeliner and chunky boots. She was cool. I was not.

"Yeah. Trust me, I'm not over the moon about it either. But with her and Ellie being.. you know... an item-"

My heart began to sink and I couldn't quite pinpoint why.


"You didn't know? They're lesbians." Dina remarked, whispering the last word for some sort of twisted comedic effect.

"Not what I meant. I just didn't know Ellie was talking to anybody," I shrugged. I feared my cool approach was coming off as quite the opposite.

"Oh my. Charlotte Winters, are you jealous?" She asked with a gasp, "You're so jealous."

I'd never been so happy to see my street. I turned and began to cycle away, leaving my best friend to her own devices so that I didn't have to listen to whatever nonsense she was spouting.

"Goodbye, Dina." I called out as I sped up my street.

"See you at eight!"

to the ends of the earth || ellie williams (book one)Where stories live. Discover now