thirty one

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"Fucking let me go!" I screamed, pulling on my arm restraints and kicking my feet desperately, "Anybody?!"

The room was grey and cold. The chains around my wrists blistered my tender skin causing me to wince whenever I tried to pull away. I'd been stripped of majority of my clothes, my only coverings being my vest top and underwear. The floor beneath my thighs was so cold that is stung my once warm skin.

My dehydration was excruciating. I couldn't tell how long I'd been out for but judging by the dryness in my mouth, I guessed well over 24 hours. I couldn't remember anything after the hospital, only being loaded into a van before being struck with the end of a rifle.

The door swung open, casting a cool light on to the floor of my prison. A tall man walked through the door, closing it behind him and pulling a chair up in front of me. He handed me down a cup of water, holding it to my lips and I gulped before placing the empty beaker on the floor.

"What's your name?" He asked.

The shadows cast over his face made him look sinister. There was something unsettling about his appearance. His eyes were empty and shallow, he was freakishly tall and slender. He almost didn't look human.

"What's it to you?" I growled, "Let me go and I'll be out of your hair."

He chuckled but he was unamused.

"I'm going to let you in on something about myself," He began, leaning forward on his chair and resting his elbows on his thighs, "I don't give out many chances. So you can sit there and test my patience as much as you like, but I hope you're prepared for what's coming to you if you choose that path."

"Charlotte," I responded hesitantly, "You gonna tell me yours?"

"I think you already know," He nodded, "What's your business here?"

"Some of your people killed a friend of mine. I'm here for revenge." I shrugged.

"Are you here alone?" He asked.


Isaac lurched forward, grabbing the back of my head by my hair and pulling my face close to his. He flicked open a previously concealed knife and held it to my face, tracing the blade along my cheek but not enough to cut through the skin.

"Yes, fuck!" I grunted, "I'm alone."

He dug the blade into my cheek, dragging it down my skin until I bled before wiping it along his trouser leg.

"Tell me the truth, Charlotte..." He warned, "Are you here alone?"

I hesitated for a few seconds, looking to my lap before bringing my face up slightly to his.

"Go to hell," I growled, spitting at him before leaning back against the wall.

He wiped his face slowly, nodding as he rose to his feet. Without a word, he turned back to the door and swung it open, ushering a guard to his side before saying, "Make it hurt."

The masked man nodded, walking in after him and slamming the door. He clicked the lock shut before walking towards me, crouching at my side and observing me for a few seconds in silence. He then pulled his mask down his face and began to saw at the rope that restrained me.

"If you two run off without me one more goddamn time," Jesse muttered as I pulled my hands free.

"Trust me, it wasn't my idea," I sighed, wrapping my arms around him briefly, "We need to get out of here."

"Like hell we do. Here." He muttered, pulling a WLF uniform from under his shirt and tossing it my way.

I quickly clothed myself, tying my hair back and concealing it under a hat. I masked my face as Jesse made for the door, gripping the handle and pulling it open. I stayed close behind him as we navigated our way out of the FOB, only breathing out a sigh of relief once we were out of the building.

"Do you have a plan or?" I asked hastily.

"Of course I do. I managed to get in here, didn't I?" He remarked, "See those trucks over there?"

I nodded my head. He dug into his pocket, pulling out a key and waving it in front of my face.

"That's our ticket out of here. We just need to be quick." He explained, "Think you can manage without attracting too much attention?"

"Sure," I nodded, "Easy."

"She's got out!" A soldier screeched as he ran down the steps of the FOB, "Nobody comes in or out!"

Jesse and I exchanged panicked glances as we made for the trucks. I kept hot on Jesse's trail. I wasn't armed and blind trust wasn't really my thing but he'd never let anything happen to me before, so I assumed I'd be okay.

"Get down," He muttered under his breath.

I looked around for cover, ducking behind a crate as he pulled a grenade from seemingly nowhere. He always seemed to have a plan. He pulled the pin with his teeth, launching it as far away from the trucks as possible causing it to detonate in the distance.

"Over there!" Another soldier cried out, sprinting for the source of the noise shortly followed by the rest of his group.

Once the trucks were clear of wolves, Jesse and I sprinted for the one he had the keys for. I jumped into the passengers seat, watching as he twisted the key in the ignition and slammed his foot down.

"So much for not attracting any attention," I yelled as we flew towards the gate.

I grabbed his gun from his lap, throwing my hat off and letting my hair fall back to my shoulders. I smashed in the window with the rifle, lunging myself forward so that I was hanging out of it with my gun loaded.

"Faster!" I shouted, closing one eye to begin shooting at the truck that followed us.

As we sped through the city, I noticed the opening to a car park in the distance, pointing my finger towards it to alert Jesse.

"Lose them through there!" I called out.

He nodded his head and pushed his foot further on the accelerator, speeding through the entryway of the car park and eventually losing them in the rubble and debris.

Swerving the car to the side, Jesse braked and held his chest as he regained his breath. I climbed from the car, brushing the glass off of my lap as I panted.

"What happened to your face?" He asked, climbing from the drivers side to head around to where I was stood.

He ran his fingers down my wounded cheek causing me to turn away from him, diverting my gaze to the floor with a wince.

"Let's get back to the theatre. We'll clean you up there," He sighed, "This is what happens when you two think you can handle it all on your own. You need my man power."

"Okay, muscles," I giggled, shoving him as we walked side by side out of the car park.

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