twenty five

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"Shamblers. Is that what they called them?"

Ellie and I navigated ourselves through an old train wreck. To even be seeing daylight was a relief. Getting out wasn't easy, I almost died at the hands of one of those things. It was a narrow escape.

"Yeah. I've never heard of them before," Ellie contemplated, "Did you see the acid burns on those soldiers?"

"I didn't inspect too closely," I winced, taking her hand as she helped me on top of the withered vehicle.

"Fuckin' Shamblers. As if the others weren't bad enough," Ellie muttered under her breath as she cruised ahead, "We're almost out."

One wrong step and the carriage began to sway, Ellie yelled out as the cart crashed to the ground. I sprinted for where she'd fallen, jumping down to see her tackled to the ground by a wailing runner. I grabbed its throat, shooting it a few times in the back before helping Ellie back to her feet.

My heart sank as my eyes focused on the crack in her mask.

"No..." I whispered, "Your mask!"

Ellie brought her hand to her face, her fingertips dragging over the jagged glass as her eyes widened.

"Here," I began, unclipping my mask at the side, "We can take turns with mine."

"Charlotte stop!" She yelled, grabbing my shoulders and shoving my back into the wall, "Don't take it off."


"Listen to me!" She responded imperatively, ripping her mask from her face and discarding it on the ground.

My knees gave way as she began to breathe in the lethal spores, she held me up with ease, pushing my hair out of my face to hold my chin to face her.

"Stop! I'm not infected! I'm immune. I'm not coughing, do you see? Fuck. Char? Shit," She began, "Can you run?"

I nodded my head with wide eyes as the shadows of dozens of infected loomed around the corner.

"Fucking go!" Ellie screamed, pushing me ahead of her as we began to sprint.

Darting through the station, I quickly tried to figure out my way around the place. My heart was about to rip out of my chest as I jumped up escalator steps two at a time. Ellie fell to the ground at the top of the stairs, frantically kicking a runner off of her leg before I made a clean shot for its head and hauled her back to her feet.

"Run, Charlotte!"

I picked up the pace, beelining straight for a gate in attempts to put some distance between us. I grabbed the metal bars, pulling myself over as I set off to the left.


"I'm right here, babe. Don't stop running!" She called from behind me.

I threw myself through another set of metal bars, collapsing to my knees once I was safe on the other side. I gripped my stomach with my arm, laying my head on the concrete as I gasped for air.

"Charlotte..." Ellie soothed from behind me, plucking me up to my feet to carry me out of the ticket lobby, "What do you say we rest in that theatre?"

"That'd be perfect," I smiled breathlessly as we made for the large building opposite the station.

The rain began to pour down as we trudged across the grass, Ellie used her free hand to pull her hood over her head as she set me down to open the door.

The theatre was somehow larger on the inside than it looked on the outside. The ceilings were so high that whispers would echo, the whole place was aged. Large props and furniture pieces were covered in dust sheets and blankets aside from a little couch by the door which Ellie placed me on gently.

"Wanna tell me what's going on with you?" She asked, taking a few steps back with folded arms as I regained my breath.

"With me?" I chuckled dryly in disbelief, "Ellie, I just watched you breathe spores,"

She nodded slowly, her attentions diverting to play with her fingers nervously as she thought of what to say.

"I told you... I'm immune,"

"Do you think now is the time, Ellie?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes at her stupidity as I sank back into the couch.

"I was bitten a long time ago..."

My eyes widened with disbelief as I shook my head. I tore my heated gaze away from her. I couldn't face her when she was being so ridiculous.

"I was bitten and nothing happened,"

My eyes travelled from her feet to her legs, up to her waist before eventually settling on her arm. The chemical burn. It all finally made sense.

"Maria and Tommy... and Joel are the only ones who know... knew. Now you know. I can't get you infected, if that's what you're worried about. I can't make you immune either," She explained, "Can you say something?"

Remaining silent, I laid to the side on the couch to face away from her. I couldn't fathom what she was telling me. I couldn't wrap my head around what it meant. It was as if she was speaking a language I couldn't understand.

After a few minutes, I heard her footsteps grow increasingly further away as she muttered something about clearing the building. I didn't respond. I was too exhausted and confused to even function properly. On top of all of that, I wasn't even entirely sure what she wanted to hear.

I must've drifted to sleep because when I awoke I felt as though I'd been gone for hours. I lifted myself up slightly to examine the large auditorium. The moon cast dark shadows on the dusty old furniture. The entire place was eerily quiet. Dragging myself to my feet, I began to search the building for Ellie.

Old movie posters plastered every wall, their frayed corners barely holding down after so many years. The floorboards creaked gently as I tiredly dragged my feet across them, pushing open the door to the main theatre hall where I saw Ellie sat at the very front.

I trailed down the steps slowly. She hadn't noticed me coming yet as she sat mindlessly stroking the strings of the instrument with her rough fingertips. When she noticed me, her eyes widened as she jolted in her seat, placing down the guitar beside her to give me her full attention.

"Hey..." I sighed, rubbing my cold arms with my even colder palms.

"Hey," She responded after clearing her throat, "I, uh, found a place back there. Behind the curtain. Made up a little bed and stuff but I didn't want to wake you,"

I pursed my lips as I nodded slowly. Ellie pulled herself up from her seat and led the way, pushing open the door to the back dressing room where she revealed a pull out bed in the corner littered with old blankets she'd somehow managed to find in my absence. I smiled softly at the gesture.

"Clothes," She nodded, pointing to a folded pile at the foot of the bed, "Found them in the closet... if you want them."

I hesitated for a few seconds before dumping my bag on the floor, sliding my jacket off of my shoulders to rest it on the back of a chair by the mirror. I kicked off my shoes, yanking my jeans off of my legs and folding them on the desk. Dressing myself quickly, I crawled into bed and pulled the blanket up to my chin as I watched Ellie climb in beside me.

I scooted towards her so that our heads were on the same level, pulling her arm over my stomach and tracing my fingers delicately over her chemical burn. She blinked slowly, her lips parting as I stroked the scarred skin.

"Will you tell me what happened?"

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