I walk over to one of the spare bikes because in this small town barely anyone uses cars and i wanted to feel the sun on my skin. The guy who i'm going to see has been ranting about this spot for a while so i finally decided to come here with him.

I got to the restaurant a bit early, and as i enter there's a group of older gentleman playing card in the corner and soft Italian music playing in the background. The lights are dim making the natural lighting from the windows open the place up a bit.

This place is a vibe.

I pick up one of the magazines sitting on the shelf next to the table I was sitting at and i began to read, until i heard the bell from the door chime. I look up and see Vincenzo.

Lord i forgot how fine he was. He has a well built frame standing at about 6'2 and trust and believe me i would love to climb that tall piece of italian hunkiness as soon as possible.

"Salem, how have you been amore?" his deep voice booms as he walks up to me.

I instinctively stand up and greet him with a hug taking in his soft scent.

Damn he smells so good.

"I've been good Vince, but i've missed you." I purr into his ear before releasing myself from the hug.

He clears his throat and then pulls out a chair for me as he sits down.

"So should i speak to you in italian, english, or spanish? you are a smart woman and i want to test you." he says while smirking at me.

Vincenzo is Italian and mexican, which in my opinion is a crazy combo. I can't say much though because i'm like 25% thanks to my mother but i'm not sure if it counts.

"I mean whatever works for you." I reply meeting his hungry gaze.

"Oh well in that case spanish it is, i don't want those old geezers over there to hear the things i'm going to say to you. It might put them in cardiac arrest." he says while looking over the menu as if he didn't say anything.

Lord help me i'm about to drop my panties right now for this man.

"Entonces, mi amor, ¿qué me impide follarte en el baño de este excelente establecimiento?" he says huskily looking up at the menu and staring directly into my eyes. (so my love whats stopping me from fucking you in the bathroom of this fine establishment)

"Nothing." I mumble to myself.

"habla no puedo oírte." (speak up i can't hear you)

"Nothing." I repeat louder.

His voice is intoxicating. It sounds like deep velvet. God my panties are so wet right now.

"Well Salem because i'm a gentleman I won't do that, i'd much rather take you in my bedroom where you can scream all you want." he says winking at me.

Im kind of sad we didn't get to eat because this restaurant seems really good but i'm sure Vincenzo will take me again some other time

As soon as he says that he stands up and extends his hand out to mine and like that i'm in his car on the way to his home.

The tension in the car is high. He has his hand on my thigh and he knows what he's doing. I'm damn near squeezing my thighs together because of how wet i am.

As he pulls up to his quite large home he guides me up stairs holding my hand the entire time. He leads me to his room holding my waist and I enter first.

I look around and as soon as I turn around to meet him, his lips are on mine. He picks me up like i'm light or some shit and throws my big ass on the bed.

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