Gone and Who?

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(Namid POV)

It happened so suddenly...I had just finished telling uncle sans what happened to me and about the red eye when everything started to shake. Quickly we had ran outside and was shocked at what we saw, right in front of our very eye lights everything and everyone started disappearing- no, they started to get erased from existence. Their screams of help and pain was deafening but I couldn't pay attention to that at the moment, I had to get uncle sans and papyrus out of here...But how?

I know how to make one way portals to where I can view others in this au but never a portal to another au before. Why? Because each time I tried to use my magic to form a portal, it refused to form. Looking around frantically, I spot uncle paps rushing over with Miss bunny and was relieved to see they didn't get erased.

(Drawing of Miss Bunny)

(Drawing of Miss Bunny)

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(Miss Bunny POV)

Me and papyrus had just made it to the front of the house and was relieved to see Namid and sans already out but worry soon set back in when I see the strange wave of white get nearer, erasing everything it touched. Quickly beckoning the skeleton trio to follow me, we start running into waterfall and then hotland but when we made it to hotland we noticed the white was coming from all sides and we we're now trapped.

I have to admit I was scared, I didn't want to die and I could tell the others didn't want to either. Slowly, the white crept closer but right before it could touch us we were suddenly falling. Looking below, a purple hole which I believe is a portal is all I see before I start to feel dizzy and nauseous, then darkness consumed me...

(Namid POV)

I did it, I don't know how I did it but it worked! Finally after all these years my portal finally leads to somewhere. I just wish it happened sooner, I could've saved others if I could've used it earlier but it's too late for that now. Falling through the portal, I admire the purple color before suddenly feeling like my energy was getting sucked away from me. Confused, I try to stop whatever it is that's taking my energy only to falter when I suddenly feel even tireder than before.

Eye sockets slowly closing, the last thing I see is a blue sky and the ground coming to meet me as I fall.

(Still Namid POV)

What- what is this? Is what I wondered as I looked around in confusion, everything was dark and no sound could be heard. Frowning, I noted how it reminded me of the mind space that the red eye usually met me in. The only difference here though was there wasn't any red eye, it felt more like a dream but also real, and I could freely move about on my own.

Walking around, I watch for any changes in this darkness only to find none. Wandering around a little more, I remind myself I can just open a portal and am surprised when It worked in this strange mind space. Entering through, I feel slight awe at the stars I saw. Now that I think about it, it kinda reminded me of a memory, not my own memory but someone else's. Wandering away, I search for any life to find none so far until I heard talking and positive emotions coming off whoever was feeling happy.

Heading towards the feelings I felt, I feel my whole being go still as I stare at the skeleton standing with their back faced to me. They seemed to be wearing blue with some yellow and looked like they we're in their teens. Narrowing my eye sockets at this new skeleton, i sharply inhale as I suddenly feel the urge to rip them into pieces when I saw a side of their face. They looked like him- wait, who's him? I don't know and yet I feel like ripping this person apart just because they remind me of someone that even I don't know.

Tendrils swaying behind me, I feel a feral growl rip out of my throat as my eye lights turn into slits. Dark snake like shadows surrounded me as I started to approach this skeleton fellow. The closer I got, the worse the urge to rip this guy apart grew. The person in question though seemed to have not noticed me and happily talked to what was a...shield?

Confused, I look at the shield while wondering why they were talking to it before shrugging it off as them being weird. Reaching for their shoulder, I open my mouth to say something before stilling when I felt my body involuntarily move on it's own. All I saw was red and whatever self control I had just a few moments ago snapped as the stranger turned to  look at me.

...There was screams, pleas, the scent of blood, and so much Negativity. It felt refreshing and yet so wrong, I didn't know what I was doing. What was I doing? I soon found out the answer when I snapped out of whatever state I went in and looked down In shock at the one below me. The skeleton from earlier who was happily chatting with their shield, laid injured below me and their shield lay a distance away with cracks all over it, looking like it was gonna break at any moment.

Looking around me, I note that the shadowy snake like figures surrounded me and was staring at the poor victim underneath me with sadistic glee. Looking back down at the poor soul I have injured, I noticed they seemed to give off a slight positive aura that reminded me of nightmare except nightmare's aura was negative while this one was positive. Didn't nightmare have a brother? Is this perhaps...oh stars- don't tell me I injured my uncle's child?!

(Drawing of the messy scene Namid was met with)

(Drawing of the messy scene Namid was met with)

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Have a glorious day and night!

You weren't expecting a update huh? Well guess what? Neither did I!


Introducing...a new ship child! But who's the parents? You probably can tell from the looks, clothes, and etc.

Namid feels guilty for unintentionally injuring someone.

Anyone wanna guess the name of the new ship child?

Miss Bunny is thankful for being able to live another day.

For anyone wondering, error didn't destroy the au, it self destructed due to taking up a lot of space, glitches, and viruses.

Survivors of the destroyed Au:

Miss Bunny

Papyrus aka Arrow

Sans aka Hunter


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