The Dog And The Eye

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(Namid POV)

Papyrus was chatting happily to me as he led me to a house to which he said was his and his brother's. Following behind papyrus, I didn't notice anything strange happening until I suddenly got smacked into the face by... a tiny white dog?

Holding the dog out a short distance in front of me, I stare at it as it stares back at me with a happy look on it's face. Right when I was about to place the dog down, papyrus seemed to notice I wasn't following behind anymore and quickly turned around to see me holding the tiny white dog aka the one who keeps taking his special bone attacks.

Immediately, papyrus's eye socket widened and then with no warning at all, he ran straight at me and quickly tried to grab the white dog from me only to miss when the white dog suddenly jumped out of my hands and jumped behind papyrus and ran straight for the house me and papyrus were heading to.

Papyrus instantly turned around and followed the white dog into the house while calling for it seemingly forgetting that I was still here. Letting out a little sigh, I follow into the house while looking around with slight curiosity. And while I was looking around, I could hear papyrus rummaging through his kitchen while calling for the white dog.

Drowning out the noise papyrus was making, I continued to look around only to stop when I saw a sock with a few sticky notes above it. Confused, I pick up the sticky notes and read them. After I read the sticky notes, I shook my skull slightly while letting out a little smile and then I headed into the living room part that was across from the kitchen.

Once I was in the living room I decided to sit on the couch and wait for papyrus to finish his search for the dog. Though, once I sat on the couch i noticed something strange, the tv in front of me was glitching weirdly. Standing up from the couch I decided to touch the tv and least to say that was one of the worst decisions I have ever made in my life.

Right when I touched the glitching tv, a sudden strange pain spread through my body until finally it made it to my skull. By the time the pain made it to my skull I was shaking slightly while also resisting the feeling to lose conscious.

While I was resisting I didn't notice papyrus trying to near me until he suddenly touched my shoulder. Immediately my tendrils shot out and struck at papyrus but luckily papyrus was able to dodge in time. While my tendrils kept striking at papyrus, my conscious faded out while my body continued to attack instinctively.

(Somewhere in Namid's mind scape-)

All I could hear were murmurs that ended up turning into yelling that seemed to be directed at me. Confused, I try to figure out what the ones yelling are saying but whenever I tried to focus on what they were saying their voices would overlap each other until it all sounded like gibberish.

Giving up on understanding the voices yelling at me, I look around to see that I'm in a white space that could make anyone go insane if they stayed long enough. Though, instead of panicking about being in a white space I instead was curious. Moving my legs, I choose a random direction and start walking until finally after an unknown amount of time something happened.

The white space turned pitch black and then a huge glowing red eye appeared. "Interesting..." Is all the strange red eye said before disappearing and then everything went silent. Though, before the silence grew too long I started to walk and all you could hear was the sound of my breathing as I continued onward. All the while a gentle red glow surrounded me.

While namid was stuck in his strange mindscape, he didn't know what was currently happening with his physical body. What was happening with his physical body? Well it actually stopped attacking papyrus and suddenly went limp while also having the red glow surrounding it's body.

Have a good day and night!


The reason why Namid's physical body attacked papyrus is because it felt someone touch it but couldn't register if it was an Ally or enemy since it didn't contain it's conscious at the moment to see who it was.

The reason why Namid's physical body stopped attacking papyrus is because Namid's conscious was coming back.

Namid doesn't mind if an animal touches him.

I wonder what the red glowing does...
Perhaps it's a gift?

I wonder where the white dog went?

Everything happened quite suddenly didn't it?

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