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(Namid POV)

When I awoke I felt that something was different and right when I got up I immediately knew what it was since I felt something off with my face. Reaching my hand up, I touch my face and trail down the tear marks that I could feel going down the right side of my eye socket. Silently wondering when I got tear marks on my face, I shrug it off and reach for the left side of my eye socket since I noticed that I couldn't see out of it.

Touching my left eye socket I feel that it's kinda Goopy and move my hand away from it. Moving my attention away from myself, I look around to notice that I'm in a bedroom that was dimly lit and the only items in the room with me was a drawer, a mirror that was turned away, some toys, and my cradle that I just noticed I was in.

Looking around my cradle, I look for a way out only to notice that there was nothing that would help me get out of this cradle. Letting out a slight huff, I go into a sitting position until a few moments later I hear someone approaching the room I was in. Still sitting, I curiously tilt my skull towards the door until finally whoever made it to the door, opened the door and revealed who they were.

The one who came into my room? It was killer and it seems he was quite happy to see me since his face seemed to slightly light up upon spotting me sitting in my cradle. Going up to me, killer picked me up from my cradle and held me close to his chest while feeding me a bottle of his and nightmare's magic and then after he fed me, he gently put me on the floor to explore.

Seeing as I was now able to explore, I crawl around as much as I can until I finally make it to the mirror. Curiously, I try to move the mirror to face me only to fail miserably. Killer, who was watching me crawl about immediately saw what I was trying to do and lightly chuckled while heading towards the mirror and facing it towards me.

Excitedly, I look at myself and was surprised and slightly shocked when I saw that I was the ship child drawing that I made up before I died. Staring at my reflection for a few moments, I wondered if I could move my tendrils that were limp behind me and then with great effort I focus on my limp tendrils through the mirror and willed for them to raise up. And to my surprise and happiness my tendrils obeyed and moved upwards and right when my tendrils raised upwards, I took notice that at the end of my tendrils, they had purple tips.

Smiling happily, I slowly sway my tendrils back and forth not noticing killer's surprised and proud fatherly look as he watched me practice moving my tendrils. For a few minutes, all I did was practice moving my tendrils on my back until finally I grew tired and made my tendrils go limp while curling up on the floor to sleep.

Killer, noticing that I was now tired instantly went up to me and gently picked me up and laid me back down into my cradle to sleep.

Killer: *sigh* I wish I could visit you all the time namid but I'm afraid I won't be able to. But while I won't be able to watch over you and care for you, your assigned shadow papyri caretaker should be able to do it for me. Well, at least the shadow papyri should be able to come and care for you until your 5 years old. For some reason nightmare wants you to take care of yourself and to learn how to fight and do magic at such a young age when he knows it's dangerous to do so... You should be living a normal life but that seems like it will be impossible. Ah, I am ranting aren't I? You don't even understand what I'm saying do you? You'll probably forget me soon enough and if you do find out about me you might hate me for not being there when you needed me... I'll get going now. Have a good rest namid.

After killer had finished talking, he left the room not knowing that namid understood everything that he said and was currently feeling guilty for having killer worry about him.

(Namid POV)

Frick, poor killer shouldn't have to deal with this shiz of worrying about me! Killer said that nightmare is going to have me train and take care of myself when I turn five right? Well why not train myself now? Well, not right now since I'm tired but y'know each time I wake up from my nap I could just practice standing up, using my voice, move my tendrils about and Lastly practice my magic!

So by the time I'm five, I can at least be strong enough to heal myself, be able to dodge an attack from an enemy, and also be able to use my tendrils on my back as weapons or as a shield to protect myself. Determined with my plan, I stay laying down in my cradle urging myself to fall asleep faster so I could train myself to get stronger. After a few moments, my eye sockets finally closed shut to sleep.


Have a great day and night!


You guys might be wondering what Namid looks like right? Well the drawings are right below, so go ahead and have a look!

The drawing below is Namid when he doesn't have his tear marks, Goopy eye socket, or tendrils showing. (I made Namid's original look resemble nightmare's passive side, but made sure to add the tendrils, Goopy eye socket, and tear marks of nightmare and killer.)

This is Namid when he does have his tendrils, Goopy eye socket, and tear marks showing

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This is Namid when he does have his tendrils, Goopy eye socket, and tear marks showing.

(In the future, namid will learn to retract his tentacles and will also be able to make his Goopy eye socket and tear marks disappear

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(In the future, namid will learn to retract his tentacles and will also be able to make his Goopy eye socket and tear marks disappear.)

(A little spoiler: In a future chapter when Namid is older, Dream ends up mistaking Namid as the past nightmare that he knew. How? Because namid didn't have his tendrils, Goopy eye socket, or tear marks showing so dream thought Namid was his brother that he used to know.)

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