Time passes

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(Namid is now 10 years old for anyone wondering-)

(Namid POV)

'How long has it been since that weird incident I had with that red eye?... Right- it's been 5,000 years since that happened. I still don't know if that thing did anything to me but so far nothing has happened to me so thank goodness for that.' I thought while letting out a quiet hum in thought. 'i wonder if nightmare and killer remember me still? I doubt it since it's been so many years.' I thought with a sad smile that vanished the next second when I heard a rustle in a nearby bush.

"Really? How many are there of you guys?" I asked while staring at the flowey's that started appearing around me from the ground. Instead of answering, the group of flowey's stared at me while having their creepy smiles on their faces. "How many of you are here now? Let's see, 1,2, 3... 12? Isn't there usually more than this? Don't tell me you guys are going extinct?" I said aloud while grinning at their angry expressions that were directed at me.

"Well whatever let's just get this over with." I said while standing up from the rock I was sitting on. "It's been awhile since I saw you guys, About a month I think? were you guys eating each other for more power or something?" I asked while stretching my bones that let out small popping noises. Now full on glaring at me the flowey's all moved at once and attacked me from all around with their vines, friendlessness pellets, and thorns.

"Geez, you guys are really impatient. Can't you let a skeleton finish stretching before attacking?" I said while twisting my body in the air from the attacks that landed where I was before. As my body twisted in the air more attacks zoomed towards me from all directions, quickly grabbing one of the attacking vines with my hand I ripped the vine out of the ground before whipping it around in a circle which immediately deflected the attacks from me.

Landing on top of one of the flowey's heads I stab the soul on it's head before quick dodging more attacks coming from the other's. "Hmm... Y'know what I'm bored now so let's finish this up quickly." I said while turning my attention to all of the flowey's. Suddenly in a quick flash, the souls on all the flowey's immediately dusted from a visible slash on them all.

"Where's all the strong flowey's at?! At least they're actually more fun to battle with!" I complained while retracting my tendrils back into my back, turning away from the dust piles. "Well whatever, I should head back to uncle paps and uncle sans. It's near dinnertime anyways." I said before teleporting away to the front door of uncle paps and uncle sans.

Knocking on the door three times, I then open the door to see uncle sans waiting in the living room's door way while staring at me with a look that said 'really?'. "What?" I asked while tilting my skull innocently at sans. "... *Sigh* kid, y'know paps is gonna go crazy if he sees you like this right?" Sans asked while staring at me. "What do you mean?" I asked with confusion in my voice before looking down with realization sinking into my expression.

"You should hurry and clean yourself up before dinners done unless you wanna get scolded by paps." Sans said while facing the kitchen where you can hear papyrus happily humming a tune. "Got it." I said while nodding before teleporting into the bedroom uncle paps and sans created for me. Quickly cleaning the dust off myself, I then teleport downstairs where uncle paps is and greet him before sitting down at the kitchen table where uncle sans was waiting.

"So Namid, How Was Your Day?" Uncle papyrus asked while placing a plate of spaghetti in front of me. "It was good, it just felt kinda boring today." I said while taking a bite of the spaghetti. "I See, Well I'm Sure Something Fun Will Happen Next Time!" Uncle Papyrus said happily while placing a plate of spaghetti in front of uncle sans.

"Hopefully." I said before eating a fork full of spaghetti. "Anyways, namid there is something me and sans has been wondering..." Papyrus said quietly and a little nervously. "Oh? Do tell." I said while tilting my skull in curiosity. "Well, we always wondered... Who are your parents? Or do you not remember them?" Papyrus asked while staring at me. "My parents? I remember who they are but I don't exactly know if I care about them. I mean I care about my mom since they cared about me and birthed me but my dad... I just don't know how I feel about him." I said while looking away from papyrus's stare.

"Do you know why they decided to abandon you here? Not to mention at such a young age?" Sans said while taking a bite of his spaghetti. "I'm surprised both of you are just asking me about this now." I said while staring down at my spaghetti now feeling not too hungry anymore. "Namid, answer the question." Sans said while his eye sockets narrowed at me. "...I don't know." I quietly said while pushing the plate of spaghetti away. "I don't feel that hungry right now, I'ma go take a nap. Bye!" I said while standing up from my seat.

"Namid, if you don't feel like talking about it yet it's fine. Right brother?" Papyrus said while looking from me and then to sans. "But-" sans started only to cut himself off when he noticed the discomfort coming off of namid. "Right." Sans said though he felt frustrated since it's been on his mind for years on why your parents would just abandon you. After all, what type of parents just up's and leaves their kid in a dangerous au?

"Thanks. I'ma go take a nap now see ya." I said quickly before teleporting upstairs into my bedroom so that I didn't have to hear papyrus protest about me not eating much. Flopping onto my bed I let out a sigh before I felt my eye sockets start drooping, knowing I was gonna end up falling asleep I rolled into my blanket before letting sleep engulf me.

Have a lovely day and night!

Any questions? Go ahead and ask!


Namid views paps and sans as his uncles now.

Papyrus and sans are worried about Namid's wellbeing.

Namid's Thoughts Today:

Namid doesn't like sharing too much about his 'family' since he doesn't think it's important and because he doesn't want anyone knowing about who his parents are, plus he doesn't exactly know if he cares about nightmare and killer as family. I mean sure killer bought him into this world and cares about him and he's grateful for that but he wasn't with killer for too long so he doesn't know yet if he thinks of killer as his mom since he's not exactly attached to him.

Nightmare... Well that's another thing all together for namid. I mean sure nightmare seemed nice at first but then he goes and pretty much locks and isolates him away?! Yeah, namid doesn't exactly think of nightmare as a dad. (This nightmare definitely isn't getting the best dad award of the year that's for sure.)

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