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(Namid POV)

It's been a week since I've been stuck in this au and I don't think I'm going to be leaving anytime soon. Right now I was walking on a dirt path that I had found 15 minutes ago and was enjoying the little stroll when the dirt path in front of me started trembling. Stopping, I curiously look at the spot on the ground that was trembling and I was surprised when a strange looking flower appeared in front of me.

At first when the flower saw me, it just stared at me creepily before showing a creepy smile while sharp looking vines appeared behind it. Sighing when I saw that this flower monster wasn't nice, I sharpen my tendrils that were now swaying behind me and waited to see how this flower would attack.

(Yes, this flowey has a monster soul and it's on it's forehead.)

(30 minutes later-)

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(30 minutes later-)

(Namid POV)

'Why is this flower so annoying to deal with?!' I thought while dodging another sharp vine zipping past my skull. Backing away from the flower that I noticed must be this au's flowey, I glare at flowey since he wouldn't let me go near him to get a hit in. Sighing, i decided to observe flowey while dodging until I finally got an idea on how to get near flowey and kill him.

Internally grinning, I summon a gaster blaster and bones to attack flowey and once flowey was distracted with my magic attacks, I teleported above him and slashed at the upside down heart that I noticed was on it's forehead and right when I did that, flowey screeched in pain and anger before trying to grab me and kill me before it started dusting.

At first, flowey missed until he was able to grab my leg and threw me to the ground which led to one of his vines striking through my ribs. Hissing in slight pain, I use my tendrils to quickly cut off the vines that came near and I also made sure to cut off the vine that was sticking through my now broken ribs.

After I got the vine out of my broken ribs, I teleported a few feet away from flowey to notice that he wasn't dusting fast enough. Frowning, I look at flowey's forehead to see that his soul was trying to heal itself out of desperation. Glaring at flowey, I force myself to stand up even though it hurt and then I teleported in front of flowey mid air while summoning a bow made out of negativity and then took an arrow and struck it at flowey's forehead which directly hit his monster soul and this time it shattered.

Landing on the snow, I stare at where flowey was and looked at the dust pile before continuing on the dirt path that I was on earlier or at least I was until I thought I heard something and stopped. Turning around, I look around while listening for anything suspicious only to hear and see nothing. Shrugging, I turn back around and continued on the dirt path once again while looking for a safe place to heal since I didn't want to get attacked while having broken ribs.

While I walked away, I still couldn't help but get the feeling that something was watching me but I just didn't know what... Or at least I didn't know what was watching me until I was suddenly tackled hugged from behind into a hug by someone. Immediately, I flipped over whoever just hugged me only to feel a little bad when I saw that it was this au's Papyrus.

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