Chapter 18

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(Time skip of 2 moons because why not// Also Owlwing has officially left RIverclan)

     "Lionstar, you must pick a deputy today. I know you're upset over Owlwing leaving you. He was one of your long best-friends since apprentice-hood as well that he was your mate for a point in your life." Vineflower meowed, licking the leader's fur as he slowly stood up to go to the Wetrock. Lionstar whispered, "I must choose Lilytail. Out of all my warriors she is the one I most trust the most." Lionstar was on his second life, he had gotten sick all his leadership. He felt no reason to tell the medicine cats as it was just a wonder. Of why he had gotten sick.

"You mustn't have told me. It has been Riverclan tradition ever sinc-"

"-It was never a real tradition, Vineflower." 

(Back to Lilytail) 

The huge brown she-cat was in the nursery with her mate, she was bound to have kits any day now. She sat next to her mate licking her fur slowly as she slept. She must be tired from all this. Lilytail always caught the biggest prey to give to her, no mother expecting kits should starve.

      "Spots wake up it's almost sunhigh." Lilytail murmured, licking her paws that were full of feathers from the nests. 

"No it isn't. Let me sleep some more!" Spots groaned like a little kit. Maybe she was just acting like a kit because she was having kits? Well that didn't matter now. Suddenly, she remembered Foxpelt. I must find him. He's not dead yet. What about Owlwing? He had left two weeks ago. The clan still believed that he was alive, but he has not come back. He has officially been named dead. Just like the others.

     And Beetusk. He had left her alone. For some reason, he had left her. Why? Did he die too? Was he with Owlwing too? No! He can't be with Owlwing! That's impossible he's in the dark forest. That would make no sense, her brother had not interacted with her for such a long time that it would make no sense for it to come back now.

"All cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!" Lionstar yowled like thunder, his voice sounded deep and full of pride, though he had interrupted Lilytail's thoughts it must've been something important. "Come on, let's go, Spots." Lilytail stood up looking back at her mate, "Do you need help walking?" 

     "No I'm fine, dear. Just a bit hard to walk, but that's all just wait for me  under the Wetrock alright?" She said slowly rolling her eyes before the huge she-cat made a chivalrous remark about carrying her under the rock. Her brown spotted fur had grown to be a bit matted ever since she was expecting kits. Lilytail sat down under the Wetrock, her father looking proudly down at her, his blue gleaming eyes shining from the sunhigh's shine. Spots limped to her side, getting rid of the huge she-cat's thoughts once again. "Hey, Lilytail-"

      "As you all may know our previous deputy has left us, therefore it is time for us to assign a new deputy. Is everyone accounted for?" Lionstar looked around and nodded, "Very well. Let the ceremony begin."

"I say these words before Starclan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve my choice. The new deputy of Riverclan is Lilytail."Lionstar announced as the other warriors shouted her name and her congratulations. 

Suddenly, she stood up, Spots sitting by her side. "I promise I'll be the best deputy of Riverclan they'll be!"

     "Good job" Stormpool said before walking off to be with Heartswing and Marigold. Suddenly all cats went back to their regular duties as Lionstar walked up to her, "I'm proud of you, flower. Take care." as he walked back to his den. She thought he would say more to her, but he didn't he just walked back to his den. What was up with him? Suddenly, Spots poked her with one unsheathed claw. "I think we should go back to the nursery." she continued as she groaned, "Please get Maplefang or anyone once you're there."

     Of course! How could she forget? The kits were here! Quickly she rushed to the medicine den as if her paws were on fire, "Maplefang! Quick the kits are almost here!"  Maplefang gasped rushing quickly to the nursery with Lilytail in the lead.

(As you may know I AM NOT WRITING THIS PART :) ) 

     There were three kits, one of them was a silver she-cat, one of them was a black and white kit tom, and another brown tom. They were beautiful. They would make the best warriors or medicine cats they would be. 

"What names should we give them?" Spots asked

"For the black and white tom his name should be Moonkit and for the brown tom we should call him Oakkit." Lilytail suggested, licking their kits fur. "And Silverkit for the she-cat?" Spots said, licking her mate's fur.

     "They'll be the best cats this clan has been." Lilytail purred.

(Owlwing's pov) 

It had finally begun, he had brought back the lost clan: Skyclan. He had achieved his leader position. IN the way that he wanted, except this time Skyclan would beat all the clans. They all had to await his trouble. There would be no more Riverclan, Shadowclan, Thunderclan, or Windclan. Just Skyclan. Then, it would be called Starclan as it was the only clan who lived. 

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