Chapter 17

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This takes two days after Harvey Jr. leaving the clan)

     Lilytail stood in the medicine den. Redfur was finally dying. His eyes were full of stars, finally ready to visit Starclan. He laid on his back, one of his paws pointing to the sky, "Voleleaf? How come you have come to visit me now?" Maplfang glanced at him, "He's on his way to Starclan, sister. He has a special place for him." Lilytail's eyes shuttered before Redfur took his final deep breath. The den went stone cold. Such a strong warrior was gone. Such strong warriors like Foxpelt and Redfur. Can't I have a break? What will happen once Beetlepaw finds out about this? It's supposed to be his warrior ceremony today!        

"There will be vigil for him today." Maplefang said before Lilytail padded out of the medicine den. Her head held low. How could her friends just leave? Now she only had Vineflower and Spots left. She had to admit it, she missed Foxpelt. They were friends since kit-hood. Vineflower was too, but she had set her paws on a different path. And Spots would never understand the struggle of a clan-cat. Though, Lilytail had accepted her for not being forest-born, the loner would never understand the pain of your family or friends dying every single day. At least most loners were protected by barns, they had two-legs that took care of them if they ever got sick, and food was fed to them without needing to hunt.

     Lilytail was jealous. No, that wasn't the right word. She was bargaining over her friends' deaths. If she had another chance to talk to them again. If I had never let Foxpelt go would he still be here?  She wanted to know the answer. Even if there was no answer she wanted one. No matter what it would take. She brushed her tail against her scruff, sitting down under the Wetrock. 

     "Lilytail!" Spots teased as she licked her mate's fur, "What's with you lately? You've been all quiet around me- and well everyone!" 

"Redfur died. Foxpelt died." Lilytail repeated unsheathing her claws onto the soft grass under the Wetrock. Spots started licking Lilytail's matted fur again, it had gone matted ever since Foxpelt 'died'. "I miss Foxpelt." Lilytail managed to whisper out, her voice shattered after finally speaking since such a long time.

    Spots peeked at the Wetrock, her sharp eyes focused on the rock, "I had some news to tell news, but-" The she-cat stopped her sentence as Lionstar hopped on the Wetrock. It was Beetlepaw's ceremony. 

"All cats old enough to swim- All cats gather under the Wetrock!- Boulder!" Cats came rushing by as Beetlepaw was practically teleporting to the Wetrock. Lionstar sat down, signaling for Beetlepaw to join him on the rock. "I, Lionstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn."

      Lionstar continued, "Beetlepaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"Yes! Yes! I do!" Beetlepaw meowed, his eyes shining with stars and wonders.

"Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Beetlepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Beetle-"

"No! Wait!" Beetlepaw interrupted, " I'm honored that you'd give me a worthy name, but I'd like to be called Beetletail. In honor of my mentor, Lilytail. She honored me, gave me a chance to be a warrior, even if I am deaf." He peeped at Lilytail, the she-cat had probably never had imagined her apprentice would do this. And she was honored. 

      "Very well, your name will be Beetletail. Starclan honors determination and your honesty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Riverclan." Lionstar announced, his eyes full of glee as he rested his muzzle on the apprentice's head, as the apprentice licked his shoulder. 

"Beetletail! Beetletail! Beetletail!"

(2 hours later, after many warriors sat next to Redfur wishing him well on his trip to Starclan, holding his death ceremony.) 

     Spots and Lilytail walked to the place where the water fell down to the rocks, to where you could see the Moonpool on the cliffs. Spots glanced at the huge she-cat. "Lilytail, I've been meaning to tell you this." "May I?"

Lilytail nodded in return, staring at the foggy waterfall. "Lilytail, I'm going to have kits." Her mate slowly turned her head, in shock. Lilytail  wasn't ready to be a mother! She was such in a depressive state she wasn't sure if their kits would hate her for being so sad all the time. One thing she also knew, that they both couldn't have kits together. Suddenly Spots said, "They aren't yours. They're Andy's. He's a kittypet."

     Didn't Spots know that they couldn't have kits? Though, Lilytail wasn't mad. At least she was proud that they would have kits together. As long as her depressive state stopped, she would be an amazing mother to those kits. "That's great! I'm so proud of you! What names will we give them once they're born?" 

"I have no idea. Let's just wait and see until they're born." Spots murmured as her mate licked her fur.

(Time skip again. This time it's Owlwing's pov)

       He was away from his clan, he walked all the way to the rogue's home. To meet the so-called 'Hats'. The clan had been filled with non-forest cats. Two to be exact. It had been too much. The only cat he knew that wouldn't like this was Hats. He had overheard Spots' stories about that tom. He hated clan-cats. Moreover, he hated cats who betrayed his orders. 

He arrived to the long twoleg path, it reeked of their scent, he saw a huge red twoleg's nest. That must be where Hats is. 

     "Hats? Where are you?" Owlwing meowed loudly, hoping for the tom to hear him. He padded his way towards the red twoleg nest. "Hello?" 

"Stop yowling so loudly, you big tom!" Hats yelled peering out of the barn. "Now, who are you? I have never seen you. Why do you need me?"

"We both hate those who betray us, don't we?" Owlwing said. 

"Continue." Hats sat down as he grinned, he wanted to get rid of clan-cats even if it meant Spots was a part of them. All he wanted was to be one he was before. Hats was a part of Bloodclan. He hated the clan-life.

      "We should create a team. Be one again! Destroy the current clan-life there is! There will be no traitors! Not anything. Only those who listen."

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