Chapter 11

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     Foxpelt guided his way through the clearing, making his way towards the nursery to where his mother, Birchtuft. He thought, remembering her sweet scent and her fur, he remembered his kithood: The mischief he caused with Lilytail and how they first met Vinepaw. Since then, Vinepaw had chosen a different path, one of a medicine cat. Though she had left to go to the Moonpool to visit the ancient cats, Foxpelt would not see her until she had came back. Maybe she would come back in the morning? Maybe he could see her once she came back. 

     Foxpelt's fur shivered with excitement, would his mother be happy to see him? It had been once in a lifetime since he had spoken to her. The last final time they spoke was when they were kits ready to be apprentices. Did his mother even care for him?  Foxpelt thought, staring at his black paws. Quietly entering the nursery:

     "Mom?" He rasped.

"What do you want, Redfur?" She closed her eyes, "Oh, it's you. What's your name again?" Birchtuft groaned, looking at her son with cold and unbearable eyes. "I'm Foxpelt your son, remember?" He whispered, staring at his mother's stone cold eyes. Her yellow-eyes, just like Lilytail.  Lilytail would never be like her! Unlike Birchtuft, she was kind and bold! Not an useless warrior who depends on kits for a living! Shaking away his thoughts, he gracefully said, "I missed you, mom."

      Birchtuft retorted, "Look, leave me alone. I'm better off without you now," Her voice quieted as she spoke rudely, "You're just like your father, Harvey." Foxpelt tilted his head, what did she mean? Harvey? Father? For all he knew, he had no father. Curiously he questioned staring as her fur prickled in anger, "Father? I have a father? And who's Harvey?"

"Figure it out yourself! You fo- cats can smell yourselves!" What did his mother mean? Had she said what was on her mind, or had she only said that in case of spite and anger that she only kept for him? Foxpelt padded out of the nursery, "Bye, mom, I love you." His mother did not respond, instead she let out a frustrated growl. 

      As he made his way towards the clearing seeing his two friends Spots and LIlytail grooming each-other's fur, smiling happily, and purring. Had they become mates? Did he no longer have a chance with Lilytail? Then, he realized: How could she leave me for her! He growled at the thought of his friend and her mate as he approached them cautiously.

Lilytail purred, "Hey, Foxpelt?" She paused, "Is something wrong?" Now, she had stopped licking Spots' matted fur. Staring at him with kind and caring eyes, the type of eyes his mother never gave him. The orange-tom wanted to tell her the truth, but if he did she would be upset. Instead, he meowed, his ears lowering in embarrassment. "No, but I'm going to find my father." He smiled, remembering what his father might have looked like. Maybe a rogue? Maybe a kittypet? Foxpelt hated kittypets, but the thought that his father might have been one, changed his mind. He imagined his father as a big orange cat, unlike his white-spotted mother. Suddenly, one of the two she-cats spoke: "I could go with you if you'd like. Vinepaw could also come, if she's here of course. It'll be like the old times!" 

Foxpelt nodded, he knew Vinepaw was at the Moonpool with Maplefang, but it couldn't really hurt to look. Spots purred, licking Lilytail's shoulder before the warrior stood, "I'll stay, I need to take care of one of the queen's kits." She glanced at her mate, "You better not get hurt, mouse-brain!" As the warrior she-cat ran, her pink tail reflecting from the early morning sun, she meowed, "I won't!"

     Foxpelt snarled, grimly placing his paws on the padded grass. Maybe Vinepaw should come? He asked himself, placing his paws slower than ever as if he didn't want to go out of the camp, but curiosity got to him, and once it did there was no way it would go away. By each tiny step he took, his paw-pads hurt even more. Could it be his grimness from seeking the truth, or that he couldn't take the truth that they were mates? 

     Foxpelt sat, his heart burning from thinking what truth he might be told. Did his life realy have to end this way? Couldn't he be someone special like Lilytail or Maplefang? They both had powers from Starclan, so they obviously had to be special or some sort. Starclan please help! He prayed silently. As his pink-tailed friend rushed over to him panting, "I couldn't find her, I'm so sorry, Foxpelt." 

"It's fine. Now come on let's get moving." He said as he stood up, finally heading out from the camp. Feeling the soft grass touch his paws, the old-green trees bristling in the wind, and the rushing river-water that passed throughout. Smelling the air, he felt nothing new, though he kept on walking forward, seeing if any strange scent would remind him of his kithood.

     Something had hit him. Hard. A scent he had never known in the Riverclan territory, suddenly he meowed proudly, flicking his tail towards a huge branch that covered a hole,"There!" His huge sounding paws thudded louder and louder by each running paw-step he took towards it, his friend's paws on the other hand were quietly placed, incase any accident would have happened. The orange-warrior felt a breeze of adrenaline go through him, had he finally gotten his power? He had finally found who was part of his past and soon he would figure out why he had not been there with them through all this time. Why hadn't his father visited him as a kit? Why hadn't his father-

"It smells like a fox!" Lilytail responded trying to get the musty smell out of her nose. Foxpelt hadn't noticed the smell, had he been too busy trying to find him that he couldn't smell it. Minnow-brain!He shushed himself, how could he have ran that far only to be misguided by a fox? He told a closer look at the hole, he had never seen a fox-den before. Had they really looked like this? He scoffed, Thunderclan couldn't be afraid of a tiny den! Glancing back at his friend who was two fox-lengths away, because of the nasty smell the den gave off, he decided it was time to leave too, speaking up: "It's time to leave." his tail drooled in guilt. Had he really come all this way for nothing?

      An orange figure sneaked up behind them as it were coming out of its den, quietly whispering, "Harvey, i-is that you?" Foxpelt turned around. There was no way he could understand this fox or, he now had a power!

Lilytail sighed, "I'll translate-"

"-No, no! That's fine, I can speak cat." The old-fox said, his big accent pulling up through every word he spoke, "My son, I've missed you! Why did she take you?" he cried while yowling.

"I'm your son?"

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