Chapter 2

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     The warm breeze of greenleaf circled around Lilypaw's head as she rushed back to the Riverclan camp at the yowls of cats calling her. While she was talking to Spots she had quickly grabbed the mouse that she stole to take it back to camp, no cat could know that she couldn't drive out a rogue just because of her own feelings, she would be sent to take care of the elder's ticks she couldn't risk it, she was so close to becoming a warrior. This incident would only send her back to where is now. Mintfoot's face clouded Lilypaws mind, Mintfoot has always been a good mentor , she thought: her paws padding across the wet Riverclan rocks to finally make it to where she had spent her whole kithood. By this time, Twig had vanished, he had returned to his branch where he watched over the apprentice.

     The silver-furred tom she was supposed to go out with stood outside of the camp, instead of greeting her: he just stood as if he were watching something. Had Owlwing been mad at her? She did bring prey back. Lilypaw licked his shoulder shamefully, "I'm sorry, Owlwing, I should have gone with you." The tom snapped back into reality, looking down at her with a smile, "Oh! Sorry I didn't see you there, flower, I was too busy guarding camp," he continued, " don't worry about not coming with me, at least you caught a fat mouse! Take that to the elders, they'll enjoy it!"

He gave a joyful smile to Lilypaw before she walked towards the elder's den to hand them the mouse she caught. Hope they like this, she thought that the elders could detect that it smelled a bit different, since the rogue's paws had been on it. 

     The two elders, Mossear and Strikeclaw rested in the elder's den sharing tongues: " Yeh'  Mintfoot and 'er... What's his' name?" 


"-Err' yeh', Redfur, they ought to join' us here' soon, Mossear" he spoke, glancing his view at Lilypaw signaling her to enter with his tail. The old tom was often nicer to apprentices and kits rather than the fully-grown warriors and medicine cats, he just wants to make sure the younger cats are up for the best, rather than for the worst. The black cat meowed, "Thanks for the mouse, Lilypaw! It's one of the best I've seen from the apprentices, I'll share it with Strikeclaw." 

"'Ey, flower how's training going?" The calico tom asked, his ears pricked up making sure he could ever hear her response in the first place. "My training is going alright, Strikeclaw. There's plenty of prey" she affirmed, picking herself up to meet Foxpaw who was probably worried about her, or was causing trouble around camp.  The old-tom chuckled "-You remind me of your father, Lilypaw, you're just like him! Ambitious, a great hunter, and loyal... Well, talk to you later, flower, Vinepaw might come later to check for ticks!"

     Suddenly, her father rushed to the top of the Wetrock, yowling anxiously "Mintfoot is dead! Mintfoot is dead!", he repeated, " Please! Every Riverclan-cat gather under the Wetrock for an emergency meeting!" Every cat popped their head out of their dens quickly gathering under the rock to hear what he had to say, two other cats slowly grunting with pain followed after, carrying Mintfoot and Dovestar's bodies. The cats that looked back towards them gasped in shock, Mintfoot was covered in bumps and scratches, three bees still stuck under her fur. Dovestar was covered in her own blood some of her skin was missing, and her head was trapped in a bear-trap the twolegs made. The lily-tailed apprentice glanced at her friends Foxpaw and Vinepaw whose fur were prickled, growling and snarling at seeing their leader dead.

"Maplefang, please join me on the Wetrock" Lionclaw meowed, the medicine cat gave a quick jump to join him on the Wetrock her brown fur glistening  under the sunset as Lionclaw spoke, " Our leader, Dovestar has died, along with Mintfoot. We do not know who has killed Dovestar and Mintfoot, however we will sit silent vigil tonight for them," he paused clearing his voice, observing the cats react in all types of ways, " I will receive my nine lives tonight at the Moonpool as well as assigning a new deputy for Riverclan."

Maplefang interrupted, "We have truly lost great cats in Riverclan" she whispered quietly before jumping off of the Wetrock to signal that the clan meeting was over. She and her father whispered something before padding off to visit the Moonpool. Lilypaw couldn't believe it. Her father was now the clan leader, he won't be Lionclaw anymore he'll be Lionstar  she thought. How could she ever adapt? What if her father got angry at her because she wasn't good enough for his ideals?

     Her two friends walked over towards her, Foxpaw bouncing over, "Your father is going to be a leader! How awesome is that? Y-you're Lionstar's daughter-" Vinepaw interrupted him "It's Lionclaw, he hasn't received them yet once he comes back he'll be Lionstar. You idiotic fur-ball" she teased staring deeply into his eyes, chuckling.Could she like him? Sunbreeze was the only cat she knew that broke that medicine cat rule- Maplefang had taken Heartswing as her own son once she found him on a late leafbare sunset. She didn't break the rule did she?  Lilypaw thought, breaking her connection with reality. "-Ew! No, I'd never be mates with you- I can't! You're not a bad cat Foxpaw, you'll find the right mate someday after you're a warrior. An apprentice doesn't normally think of mates yet. But, if I had to recommend a cat for you it would be Lilypaw. You both get along so well!" Vinepaw explained snapping Lilypaw back into reality. Did she read her thoughts? Could medicine cats do that? The brown-furred apprentice replied to both cats realizing what Vinepaw had said: 

     "Foxpaw can be mates with whichever cat he wants to be with,  I really don't care about mates yet." As she spoke she felt a certain apprentice watching her maybe a certain cat? Was it Shypaw? Shypaw? She quietly whispered under her breath suddenly a branch from the camp  snapped. Yup it was Shypaw, he was listening he can be like that I guess.

Foxpaw raised his head, his vision looking upwards towards the blurry Silverpelt and the clouds, "Hey, do you guys smell that?" The other two she-cats raised their heads as if they were a wolf howling at the moon, hinting at a strong smell of twolegs and blood, though twolegs hadn't invaded them in seasons. Could it have been another fox? A bear?  A large brown cat stared at them, uneasy.

A bear!

Destiny: The Forbidden Prophecy (OLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin