Chapter 6

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     "Wake up, minnow-brain, Lionstar told me to show you around." Lilypaw purred softly, licking Spot's fur lightly to wake her up. Spots was still fast asleep, such a journey for a loner must be a long one. Warriors could travel far, but maybe she couldn't?  Lilypaw studied Spot's leg, it was full of thorns. Was it my fault?  Lilypaw thought, when Spots was with her on the tree, Lilypaw tried to lick her, but Spots jumped and suddenly fell down. Well, she wouldn't be here if it weren't for her being scared. Spots was a small cat, were all rogues as small as Spots? Her father didn't mind Spots, but she could see he was uncertain about his decision. But why? 

     Spots yawned, stretching her body as she tried to stand up, her claws unsheathed as she gripped onto the moss bed. There was no need to grip the moss bed, you wouldn't fall. Did  rogues not use moss beds? Spots sheathed her claws, grumpily complaining "Do warriors wake up this early?" Her voice was filled with curiosity and wonder, but she looked scared and nervous. Did warriors make her nervous? The amount of cats in camp? Spot's face got redder by the second. Did she have a fever? Were those plants poisonous?  It surely had to be that she was scared of her father! Sympathetically she meowed, "I know Lionstar can be a little scary, but he's my father, he is really nice when you get to meet him!" 

    The loner looked at Lilypaw as surprise crossed her face,  "What? I- I'm not afraid of him! He looks quite nice, I'm sure all the cats in Riverclan are as nice as you!" That was where Spots were wrong, many cats didn't like clan-cats, since most thought forest-born are better at battling and improving their skills. But, Stormpool used to be a kittypet, it took some time for the clan to trust him. Maybe they would trust Spots? The clan trusted Lilypaw very well, so they would trust any of her friends,right?

     When suddenly she heard her father's yowl for every Riverclan cat to join under the Wetrock. Lilypaw ambled beneath the  Wetrock, Spots followed her lead, sitting beside her as she softly mewed, "I've never seen so many cats before!" Spots' expression softened as she saw many cats looking at her, many cats shared tongues, though their words were too soft to hear. What if they don't accept her? Please don't ruin this for me! The apprentice thought as her expression felt absent. Lilypaw started to worry as more cats started to share tongues, it all felt so loud, they were crowding her thoughts. 

"Why would Starclan bring the rogue here? As if Lilypaw isn't a mess already!" One of the voices spoke as more voices crowded her mind, she felt her worry slide down her spine, her fur prickled in embarrassment. Then, she recognized one of the voices: it was her friends', Foxpaw as he teased her, laughing: "Catfish's with a rogue! What type of cat is friends with a rogue?" Then he repeated, "Dungface's being an idiot again!" His hallucination disappeared. Why would her friend say that about her? Did he actually think about her like that? 

     One of Lilypaw's tears slid down her fur as Spots stared at her. The apprentice glanced at her, trying to contain her feelings, but she had to accept the truth that they wouldn't probably accept her. She hid her face in her pelt trying to hide the fact that she was crying. Spots tilted her head, scooting closer to Lilypaw, again putting her paw on her's, "Lilypaw? Is everything alright?" she whispered discreetly as she wrapped her tail around her. She didn't respond back, but she kept bawling. "Lilypaw?" Spots purred licking her shoulder.

     Suddenly, her sister summoned herself with some poppy seeds wrapped in some leaves, as she shoved the poppy seeds into Lilypaw's mouth angrily meowing "Eat!" Lilypaw chewed them, unwillingly still crying. Maplefang glanced at Spots, mewing, "She'll get over it." Before she walked away to sit next to her apprentice, Vinepaw.

      Lionstar glanced down, making sure every cat had gathered around, by this time Lilypaw had stopped crying, but she remained silent. Lionstar cleared his voice, proudly meowing, "If you all haven't noticed, a new cat will stay with us until they are healed." He stared down at Spots. " Spots, the loner. As she is my daughter's friend, I will let her enter the territory. Therefore, If any of you attack this loner, you will be punished as if it were your own clanmate." Oh no here it comes! Wait- what? Lilypaw pondered, as she glanced at Spots purring happily. 

     "Welcome to Riverclan, Spots!" Lionstar cheered, many cats followed his cheering, ending the clan-meeting. Though she would only stay for a while in the camp, she was allowed to enter and exit whenever she preferred. This meant Lilypaw could come and visit the barn! Many cats yowled and meowed her friend's name as Foxpaw and Vinepaw walked over.

Foxpaw apologized, "So that's why you were acting so weird a few sunrises ago. I'm sorry Lilypaw, for pushing your boundaries the other day," Vinepaw continued his sentence for him, "I'm also sorry, Lilypaw, I've treated you wrong at times and I haven't even noticed it. Will you forgive us?" Both of them looked pitiful and quiet, Lilypaw empathized with them. They had done nothing wrong to her, but they sometimes made her do things she didn't want to do.

"I forgive you both." Lilypaw admitted, letting out a deep breath. Vinepaw and Foxpaw jumped at her, turning her over, both purring, "Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Spots stared in amazement, she just had seen how these three cats got along without fighting, nor bickering! 

     "How about we grab some fresh-kill and talk? Spots can come too!" Vinepaw offered, purring loudly as she padded away to grab the fresh-kill. Foxpaw yowled, "Get some for me too!" Lilypaw's eyes softened looking at her friends getting along. Vinepaw came back with three pieces of fresh-kill. "One for you, Foxpaw, I know you don't like sharing your prey." She dropped the mouse in front of him as she began again, dropping the big fish in front of Spots and Lilypaw, "Here's a fish for both of you, you can share it!" She walked back to her spot back in the clearing, next to Foxpaw, taking a huge bite of the fish she got from the pile. 

     Spots stared at Lilypaw in confusion as if she were trying to ask her to take the first bite. Spots had never eaten fish before, so she probably wanted to know how to properly eat it. Lilypaw nodded, taking the first bite of the delicious fish, signaling Spots to try. Foxpaw had already finished his mouse, he was a dry-paw so he decided to stay out of the water and despise fish in general.

"This is delicious!" Spots purred, as all the apprentices glanced at her joyfully, remembering their first time trying fresh-kill. It was always marvelous for kits to try it for the first time. Spots looked up at her friend, signaling that she had finished. All the cats had finished eating their fresh-kill now. 

"So how was it?" Lilypaw asked, purring deeply

"It was amazing! I've never eaten fish before until now!" Spots meowed.

Foxpaw stood up, as Vinepaw followed his movements. Foxpaw gulped, "Maybe we should show you the territory!" Every apprentice nodded agreeing with Foxpaw. Now Spots would be thrilled to learn about Riverclan's territory!

Destiny: The Forbidden Prophecy (OLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon