Chapter 4

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The sun rose happily, the warm breeze trembled down their spines, their fur prickling at its calming breeze. The breeze pushed the soft leaves of the trees into the Riverclan bank: the water being half covered with leaves. The sound of cats sharing tongues on an early sunny day, though it had been one sunrise since the bear incident. Most cats that saw what happened promised to not say anything about it. Shypaw was the only cat who had seen anything, excluding Foxpaw, Vinepaw, and Lilypaw.

     Lilypaw stretched out of the apprentice den, waiting for her first task of today. Maybe she will meet that rogue again? She was an excellent hunter, she was always sent out for hunting even if she didn't want to, though it was for the better. The clan needed fish? She already dropped them off in the fresh-kill pile, need herbs? She and Vinepaw are on it. Lilypaw wondered about the time where she was sent to hunt out with Beetlepaw, one of the newest apprentices of the clan, he was quite a mouse-brained fool, but he did have spirit for everything. His abilities weren't sent for hunting though, he was a deaf blue-cat, most deaf-cats couldn't become warriors even if they wanted to, but he's as great as any other cat. The she-cat always found ways to talk to him even if he couldn't hear her he would always be his best. Now that's  a hardworking cat! Lilypaw thought, making her way towards her father's den to begin her first task of today.

     His den was warm, no other cat was there, only him resting quietly and purring. He's purring in his dreams! Lilypaw chuckled. Should I wake him up? The huge lion-like cat slept peacefully during this time. He's probably exhausted from getting his nine-lives Lilypaw wondered, peacefully pressing her paw on his head, purring, "Come on, dad it's almost sunhigh"

Lionstar yawned, slowly sitting up facing his daughter with a smile on his face. Ever since Sunbreeze's death Lionstar has tried to be the best possible father to her and her half-sister, Maplefang, even if she chose a different path than them she was still his daughter. No change would make a difference that they were kin. Sunbreeze wasn't supposed to be a mother either, but Starclan killed her before she would ruin the clan, or at least those were her sister's words as she remembered since that day.

     "Hi, Lily! Don't worry we're about to train. Did you already eat from the fresh-kill pile? Did you go to the dirtplace?" He inquired licking Lilypaw's pelt peacefully. "Yes, dad I've already gone, we can eat after the task. The elders need their food first!

"Very well! You've learned great from Mintfoot, you'll be a warrior in no time, Lily" he meowed, stepping their way out of the den into the clearing. A dark-brown tom, Heartswing, sat in the clearing observing his mate, Marigold taking care of their kits: Deerkit a white spotted she-kit and Frogkit a black spotted tom. Marigold used to be a rogue; she came to the camp for refuge and she stayed ever since then. She's been a great help to Slightspots, another queen who was expecting kits.

     Lilypaw followed Lionstar out of the camp, the river's waves thudded louder and louder at each pawstep both cats gave. The apprentice gave a quick glance at her father wanting to ask him what task they were going to do. Maybe an assessment? She silently whispered to herself. She had to become a warrior soon, she worked herself too hard to not become one. She kept up with Lionstar, butterflies and other types of insects gliding over their heads, plants with intriguing smells, and different types of 'herbs' she had never seen before when she visited the medicine den. Once they arrived at a stop on the earthy ground, Lionstar spoke diligently:

"We won't be hunting today, I've left that to Owlwing and Foxpaw. Instead, we're going to be practicing our fighting moves!" Lilypaw's tail lashed in excitement, it had been a long time since she last practiced her fighting moves, she wanted to protect her clan at all costs even if it would take her own life, she unsheathed her claws and snarled as her fur prickled in adventure.

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