thank you

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There are so many people that deserve a thank you. So many people who have been here since the beginning, who have voted/commented on every chapter, who have given amazing answers to questions about each chapter, who are just amazing.

I honestly cannot find the words to show how thankful that I am for each and every one of you.

To some people this story was just a story, a piece of fiction with no other purpose than to be entertaining. In a way, it was. But, it was also my way to rant, to let out my emotions, to show people how perfect they are, to try and help someone who doesn't have the strength or the will to ask for help. This story has been a journey, an incredible one, and if it wasn't for you this story wouldn't have been what it is.

The first person to deserve a huge thank you is @holdinghoransheart, for all her amazing ideas and support and advice. I'm the kind of person who overthinks things, who doubts myself, so without her I'm sure this story would have gone absolutely nowhere. She's amazing even though she doesn't know it, and her advice is amazing.

Also, a big thank you to @ShutterSunflower, who was also such a huge part of this story as well. As one of the people who encouraged me to write it- and who told me that it wasn't cliché or stupid- this story wouldn't have been what it is today without her help either.

Thank you to: @Nevermind_MP, @BriannaThornton6, @XxLifeIsGoodxX, @SimplyObnoxious_x, @dearest-niall, @SmilingNiallxxx, @TineLoveHarry, @obsessedwith5boys, and @taryneckert because I know your usernames by heart, and I always know that you'll leave a comment. It's amazing. You're all amazing, a huge thank you for all of your support. You've been there since the beginning of this, and some of you have been here since the first Narry story I've ever written. Thank you so much, there are no words to describe how amazing you are, and no words to describe how much you mean to me.

Thank you for each and every one of you that read, voted, and commented on this story. I read each comment, and they mean so much to me, even if they're just a yes or a no or a smiley face.

Thank you, I appreciate each and every one of you. I love you all so much and this story has been a fun journey.

I want to thank all the old readers that have been here since the beginning, and the new readers that just decided to pick this story up and give it a shot. It means a lot to me. Thank you to all the readers that made me laugh my butt off with all your stories and jokes and funny comments, some days those were the best things to happen in my day.

I want to thank all of you who actually take my little author's notes- the ones that tell you that you're perfect because you are- and I hope that they make you believe the truth: you are amazing, and no one can tell you otherwise. I know a lot of the time it's easier said than done, but just telling yourself you're perfect is the first step. Soon, you'll believe it. I hope that what I say in those little notes mean something to you, and I hope you take them seriously, because I mean every word I say.

Thank you to @slr_niallers, @Favonius, @AmazingDreamerX, @fancyhoran_, @NiallsIrishArse, @xiluvdogs, @MyIrishOne, @NoControlNarry, and @chickfileigh for your lovely comments, and for being there since the beginning as well.

If there is anyone I didn't name, I'm sorry, but a huge thank you to you as well!

You all are so amazing, and I am so thankful for you all!

[Due to popular demand- I've always wanted to say that- I will be starting Capes soon. So keep your eyes open for that one yeah?]

Thank you all so much!

With this being said, Dark Hearted is now officially over.

*cue eye sweat party*

With love,

Val xxxx

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