Chapter 1

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It was a normal Wednesday afternoon for Lilly Kit. She was at her favorite spot, which happened to also be her normal spot. 'Her' spot was one of the many park benches in front of the capitol in Austin Texas. The specific bench could be seen by the street, it was surrounded by trees but you could see the top of the capitol.

It was one of the most beautiful places Lilly had ever seen, and that's saying something considering her family went on a lot of road trips when she was younger. When Lilly had first moved to Austin for college she was just walking down the road, exploring.

To tell you a bit about her day, so far she hasn't done a lot since she asked for the day off work, and she's already graduated college. Lilly did her normal morning routine of waking up around 8:00 and getting ready for the day. Once she brushed her teeth, changed clothes, and all of that she walked out the door. She got breakfast at Starbucks, and started making her way to her bench. Lilly walks everywhere because everything's so close there usually isn't a need a car.

Now that we're all caught up Lilly was reading a classic book, The Fault In Our Stars. It was one of her favorites, she reads it all the time especially in between books. (I'm going to change some of the book/movie to match this story)

Lilly was toward the beginning when Augustus and Hazel Grace were at a park, just hanging out. This was one of her favorite scenes from the movie, because it would remind her of the place she was at currently.

She felt a presence next to her, but she kept reading. Lilly was so invested in the book she almost missed the person next to her start talking.

"That's a great book." The stranger said, so Lilly looked up.

She was a bit shocked, but after a few moments she was able to put on a calm face instead of a dropped jaw and a bit of an eye brow raise. Lilly tries to act normal so she doesn't weird him out.

"Yep, it's probably my favorite." She says with a friendly, greeting smile.

"I can see that, it's a bit worn down." The man says with a chuckle, while returning the smile. Lilly saves her page with a bookmark, then closes it. She looks at the book and realizes it is pretty worn down.

"Well I guess that shows how much I love it." Lilly laughs.

"Yep just a bit," the 'stranger' says before continuing, "so what's your name?"

"I'm Lilly Kit, but not trying to make it awkward I know who you are." Lilly says with a nervous chuckle.

"Ahh well that's not a problem, I'm just slightly known." Harry Styles says with a grin.

"I love your music by the way. I'm sure you hear it all the time but I'm really appreciative of you at your work." She comments.

"Aww thank you, it's alright it truly means a lot." He says before continuing, "So Lilly are you going to the show tonight?" Harry asks curiously.

Lilly smiles and says, "I am in fact going to it, it'll be my first concert of yours."

"That's amazing, thank you."

"Of course! I've been a fan for years but I've been busy every time you came to town. So do you read a lot?" Lilly asks trying to switch the conversation.

"Not as much as I'd like to, but I do quite often. At least when I'm not busy." Harry states then adds, "I quite like mystery, and non fiction." (Idk what books he likes lol)

"Oh that's cool, I like like mystery as well along with books that go in a loop."

"Huh I've never heard of those. Tell me more, will you?"

"Well one of the first books I read was a book called Edward Tulane and that actually was what got me into the type of books. They basically start somewhere, go on an adventure, and over time end up right back at the place they started."

"That sounds very interesting, maybe I'll have to read it sometime." Harry says genuinely.

"Yes, and I love how the people, or thing," Lilly says with a chuckle, "because Edward was a toy. Finally goes back to the same physical spot, but mentally they're different."

"Wow that's usually very intriguing."

"It is." Lilly says with a smile.

"So what got you into this book?" Harry asks while looking at Lilly's warn down paper back copy of The Fault In Our Stars.

"Well I loved the movie, and so I started reading the book." Lilly smiled at the memory of first reading it when she was about 11, "But it's quite funny considering when I was a kid I never liked reading, and when I did I didn't ever finish the book." Harry and Lilly laugh at this.

"Yes that is a bit funny." Harry says with a small chuckle.

"So if I may ask," Lilly says a bit hesitantly but Harry looks at her showing it's fine to carry on, "but what're you doing walking around Austin? Like don't you have to prepare or something?" Lilly asks curiously.

Harry looks down at his watch before replying, "Well I thought it'd be nice to enjoy myself a bit before going to sound check. So yes I do have something to do, but I have some extra time to kill before then."

"That sounds kinda fun." Lilly said while thinking about having the freedom to walk around before going and performing for thousands of people doing what you love.

"You have a lovely spot by the way, if I come back to Austin again I might just have to visit here. Thank you for letting me crash your reading time." Harry says with a grateful smile.

"Oh it's no problem. I come out here all the time so it's good to share it every once in a while. Also you probably saved me since I always have my head stuck in some sort of book instead of socializing." Lilly says with a giggle.

"No I think you saved me, it feels like I can't talk to anyone without being pestered for something. Don't get me wrong I love my fans so, so much. But sometimes I need a break to talk to someone so down to earth like you."

"Aww thank you, and I understand. Maybe not in the same way, but on my own level."

"Alright well I should probably get going." He says starting to stand up.

"Oh yeah, of course. It was amazing meeting you Harry, good luck at your show tonight."

"It was great meeting you, Lilly. Thank you! I hope you have an amazing time at the show. May I hug you good bye? I'm just a touchy person," Harry laugh then quickly adds, "not in a weird way I swear."

We both laugh, "Yeah of course, and I do understand on your level since my love language is touch." I say and I stand up.

I feel his warm embrace, and immediately feel like I never want to leave it. What the fans say is true, you have to be the first to pull away from Harry. "Damn, you're a good hugger." I say laughing and he chuckles.

"Uhm.. thank you?" He says and I giggle.

"Alright, well, maybe someday I'll see you again."

"Maybe, but for now goodbye Lilly."

"Goodbye Harry." I say with a content smile while waving him goodbye as he walks away.

I look at the time and realize just how long I'd been sitting here. It's already 4 pm, and the concert starts at 8:30. I start to head home after grabbing my book and tote bag.


A/N :
Hi, this is my first story I've written! So if you like it please comment that you'd like more chapters, and comment any ideas you have for this story. Thank you for reading, I'm preparing more chapters so I can be ahead on the story. I'll be releasing them soon. Also sorry if I make any errors in the writing, sometimes my phone autocorrects, and other times I just miss a small mistake.

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