31| Worse Before It Gets Better

Start from the beginning

Believe it or not but Alexi is fully trained. He hates violence but if he's pushed far enough I'm happy to know that he can defend himself.

"How's everything with Angelo?" Dimtri starts with a teasing tone I'm all too familiar with.

"Better than ever."

Alexis's eyes widen as he grabs my arm to stop me from leaving. "You got with him?"


"You wanted to?"

"Of course I fucking wanted to but he didn't want me."

They both are silent.

"I'm sure you exaggerating," Dimitri adds always the peacekeeper.

"I asked him out and he rejected me."

Lexi chuckles, "L-let me get this straight. You asked him out?"

"How is that funny?" I demand glaring at Alexi who's braiding his hair with the biggest smile.

"It's hilarious not funny," Dimitri blabbers out like the fool he is. "I forgot to tell you I met him at the hospital."

"What happened ? You should have told me?"

Dimtri speaks sarcasm leaking "He was there for a friend Alek, calm down."

"I'm perfectly fine."

"You don't look it," brat number two pipes. I feel like I'm currently babysitting. 

"Whatever, he'll come back to me in no time." I add feeling confident that he's just confused and he'll be begging in no time.

I won't forgive him at first. He's stressed me out for no reason. It'll be a battle to ignore that pretty little face.

With that I leave the two and head upstairs. I change into my just my boxers and lay in bed. I'm desperate to sleep but all I can think of is that face that rejected me. I thought he was playing hard to get but all this time he's been playing me. Maybe I had wanted him too much. That's the problem.

I threw myself into him, I couldn't help myself when he looked at me like I was everything.


Why am I still thinking of him?

He's probably not thought about me once since.

I know what I'm going to do to make him regret it. He'll beg for me to take him back and I won't spare him a second glance. Why do I feel guilty about something that hasn't even happening yet?

It's those blue eyes.



And most of all special. Fuck I wanted to die with those eyes looking at me.


I fucked up

I'm a terrible human but I desperately can not get in a relationship again. My initial excuse was that I would eventually have to run.

But who am I kidding, I'm terrified. Every single time it ends badly, I'm like a broken record when it comes to relationships.

I make my way towards the bedroom. Somhow, I need to grab my clothes without waking Mika, last night he slept in my bed because he was paranoid that those men would come back

He's exhausted from lack of sleep, it breaks my heart. The thing that gets me the most is the lingering look of sadness in his eyes. It reminds me of myself. A mirror reflection of the scared person I once was.

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