Chapter 8: adopted!

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Oh fuck! What do I do?! I didn't expect master Billiam to be here.

"Well sir-"

"Where did you find a child?"

"I went over to my parents sir,"

"And stole this child?"

"Well I... adopted the child?" Why did I say that?!

"WHAT?!" Sir Billiam started walking towards us.

"I'm really sorry sir! I just wanted to save this child!" I bowed and lowered my head as he stoped in front of me and Ranboo.

"Child what is your name."  He said completely ignoring me.

"Ranboo sir," he said with a small bow

"Come." I watched as he walk towards his bedroom staring at him dumbfounded

"Are you deaf? I said follow." I took Ranboo's as I followed behind.

As we walked I noticed Ranboo staring around, he look far too young and tired. I picked him up from the ground he seemed surprised but otherwise stayed quiet.

Before we can reach the room we were stopped by sir Billiam's father

"Hello father,"

"Billiam," he took a look at me with Ranboo in my arms as I gave a slight bow

"Who is the child?"

"He's our son father."


"Adopted son sire," I said without thinking

"Ahh, congratulations Billiam."

"Thank you father, I do hope that you will excuse us we need to bathe Ranboo."

"Of course."

As sir Billiam's father walked away from us I saw that he wanted to yell at me, but he was holding back for some reason... perhaps it was because Ranboo was present.

"We shall have a conversation about the matter later, for now go bathe Ranboo." He walked away quickly.

As I walked towards the bedroom bathroom I can feel Ranboo's eyes on me.

I set him down onto the floor

"What's wrong?"

"Is it true?" He looked at me with teary eyes

"Is what true?"

"Your adopting me?"

"If you will have me. I would love to adopt you baby"

"Yes!" He jumped onto me, I hugged him close

"I know I just met you, but I will try my best to protect and love you sweetheart, I promise. As long as you want me to be your dad I will be here." I feel a wet spot on my suit but I ignore it to hold Ranboo closer to my chest, I don't intend to break my promise like my mother did.

I will give this boy the chance to be a child, to be happy. I will give him what I didn't get and I will rip apart anyone who tries to get between me and my baby.

"I would love it if you became my father."

Dear Archive of Our Own,

Where have you gone? Only a few minutes ago, we were lost in each other's embrace, and now you are gone. I cannot help but feel a deep sense of emptiness without you. Our time together was so perfect, what could have caused this sudden departure?

Look I know that this is cringe be like I just got out of the hospital, and ao3 is still down and I'm not emotionally stable so please forgive this cringe plot line.

Word count: 527

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