Chapter two: who's this peasant?

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Ughhh! I can't believe mother and father made me spend time with the Elizabeth! She's a right bitch

So entitled and stupid, if she wasn't the daughter of the duke I wouldn't even even let her look at me with her filthy eyes!

As I walked down the hall way towards my room I saw a servant standing there stupidly looking at the wall

"Who are you?!"  He turned around to look at me

"Hubert, Sir" he said with a little bow, I took a closer look at him he had dirty matted white hair, and just smelled like a peasant!

"BUTLER!" Soon after the head of the staff came running

"Yes sir?"

"who is this peasant? And why is he in the mansion? Get rid of him."

"Sir that's your new personal butler sir,"

"you hired a peasant to be my personal butler?!"

"Sir your parents bought him from a poor farmer" that's even worse! Not only is he poor! He's also filthy!

"Get rid of him."

"Sir I can't do that"

"And why not?"


"He's staying Billiam," I turned around to see mother and father standing there

"But fathe-"I got cut off before I can finish

"No buts we spent good money on him. David take him to bathe and show him to Billiam's bedroom they will be sharing" before I can protest father continued

"Billiam this is for your own good, besides it would be easier if he roomed with you in cause you need something you won't have you go find another butler,"

I just stared at them in disbelief. They just made me share my room with a peasant! I am determined to make his life hell

In Billiam's bed room

I heard knocking at my door,

"Come in,"

"Sir Billiam," the peasant entered the room with is hair now clean and dressed better

"Oh it's you," I just rolled my eyes and went back to my paper work

He continued to stand there with his head lowered, good. He doesn't deserve to look at me.

"Butler, go make me a cup of tea with exactly 2 spoons of sugar with 2 stirs after each spoon. Be back here in 3 minutes." If I want to get rid of him I have to make his life living hell so he would quit or make him mess up enough times to fire him

"Right away sir!" I watched as he hurried off, what an idiot

5 minutes later

"Sir your tea." I heard knocking from out side the room

"Your late." I glared at him as he walked in

"My apologies sir, I couldn't find the kitchen." He bowed

"Unacceptable." I said as I grabbed the tea cup from his hands

"I'm sorry..." he muttered as he lowered his head,I ignored him

Soon it was time for bed I settled into my large bed and said nothing to the butler, I saw him pick a corner in my bedroom next to the large window and curling up before I blew the candles out

The next morning

As I woke up I saw the butler still curled up in the corner
He seemed to be still sleeping.

I ignored him and changed in my private bathroom when I came back out he was standing near the door

"Sir breakfast is ready."

I ignored him and walk out the room he hurriedly followed me as we made our way to the dining hall I can feel his eyes on me but I ignored it.

"Mother, Father." I greeted as I sat down, butlers and maids started bring food in as I talked with my mother butler stood right next to me and it was getting kind off annoying

"Sit down."

"Yes sir." He dropped to the floor and I stared at him. I meant for him to sit on the chair but this works

For the rest of breakfast he just sat there and did nothing.

When I got up to leave he got up and followed me, I spent the rest of the day ordering him around and giving him difficult tasks so I wouldn't have to see him but he always managed to do them in under 10 minutes

After dinner I lead him to the kitchen and have him a plate of the dishes that was left over he seemed overjoyed to be receiving food


"Yes. You have 15 minutes to finish it" I started to leave until I heard a little sniff from behind me

"T-Thank you...thank you so much sir!" I turned to see him trying to hide tears of happiness and nbowing with the plate in his hands

And that's the second chapter hope you enjoyed:]
Word count:795

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