Chapter 4: leave...

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After I have completed my task I started heading back to sir Billiam's room, he's been so much nicer to me over the past year! He even gave me a bad in the corner on the room!

He would tell me tales about times when he went hunting and I would share some stories about me and my sister when she was alive...

Before I could open the door to sir Billiam's room David stoped me

"Do you need something?" I gave a polite vow as I looked up at him

"Your parents are here to see you..." my heart dropped, I haven't seen them since they sold me

"What do they need?" I asked trying not to stutter

"I don't know Hubert ... I don't know" he clearly wants me to follow him but I can't bring myself to see them

"I don't want to see them..."

" I know you don't... but you have no choice" I lowered my head

"What's going on here?" I looked up to see sir Billiam standing at the door

"Young master, Hubert's parents are here to see him."

"And? What's the problem?"

"He doesn't-" David stated

"Have you permission!" I cut him off, sir Billiam nodded and waved his hand giving me permission to go. I took a deep breath and walk behind David as he bowed goodbye.

When we got to the front door of the mansion I saw them... David left me alone with them to tend to his own duties

"Mother, father," I gave a slight bow

"Hubert...." I looked up to look at them. Their clothes where no longer worn and dirty but now it looked more expensive and cleaner, they looked at me with disgust, as if I was beneath them

"What brings you here today?"

"Where's our money?"  They said

"Money?" I looked at them like they were insane

"Your payment for the years you've worked here!"

"I don't-"I got cut off

"DON'T ACT DUMB WITH ME HUBERT!" My father raised his hand to slap me across the face

"You. Where. Supposed. To. Send. Home. Your. Payment. Every. Week!" My mother growled at me

They never told me that!

"I'm sorry... I'll go get it..."

"Be quick about it!" She spat in my face

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice behind me, I turned around to see sir Billiam standing on the staircase

"Sir Billiam! They are my parents, I'm sorry I'll get them out of your sight immediately!" I bowed, I was so scared that he might get mad.

"No need," he said as he walked over

"Ah! Sir Billiam!" My mother curtsied

"Hello, would you mind tellin me what you where doin with my butler here?" He ask in a monotone voice that always manages to send chills down my back

"Oh nothing sir Billiam, we where simply demanding payment from Hubert," my father said ' politely'

"Why does he owe you?"

"Well we raised him and he's supposed to send home his weekly paychec-"



"I said leave."

"But sir Billiam you have to understand this is family business!"

"No. You sold him to me so I own him. Now leave." He glared at them

"Sir, I thank you but they are my parents I can handle this." I tried to defuse the tension

"No Hubert, I own you now, do I have keep reminding you?!"

"No of course not sir! I'm deeply sorry" I bowed and shut my mouth

"I'll deal with you later," he glared at me, I kept my head down

"Now as for you..." he turned back to my parents

"Leave right now before I call security."

They glared at me before mouthing

'You better be paying us' before they turned around walking away.

:D I FINALLY FINISHED THIS! This took way too long! I'm never coding again! Merry Christmas for people who celebrate and happy holidays for people who don't this is my gift to you for the holidays! Hope you enjoyed
Word count:670

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