Chapter 3: you're annoying

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Sir Billiam just gave me a plate of food. A full plate of food made by the best chiefs in town!

I stared at it in disbelief

"R-Really?" Curse my stupid stutter

"Yes. You have 15 minutes to finish it" he said as he walked away

"T-Thank you...thank you so much sir!" I tried to hold back my tears as he turned around to look at me

"Finish it quickly and come to my room" with that he walked out


I have never seen anyone so happy to receive food before...

I shook my head, I shouldn't feel bad for the peasant it's his own fault that his family was poor as dirt,

And it's definitely not because I feel bad that I gave him a blanket and a pillow that night! Nope the great Sir Billiam doesn't feel bad for peasants.

That's night I swear I saw actual tears leaking out of his green eyes

"Stop crying, it's getting annoying" I said as I looked up from my paper work to see him sitting in the corner of the room

"S-sorry sir..." he wiped his tears, I just rolled my eyes

"Why are you being nice to me?" That caught me off guard

"What do you mean?" I turned to look at him

"I thought you hated poor people, why are you being so nice to me?"

"I'm not nice to you, I just pity you. I find you annoying and if you're going to spend the rest of your days here might as well make it slightly bare able"

"Oh. Okay." He sounds disappointed, I just ignored it and went back to work.

Year 2


"Yes sir?"

"Go take this to my father's office" he bowed as he left the room

Hubert... when did I start calling him that? I must admit I have grown quite close to the butler, he was devoted to me and we would share stories about our selfs on night when we can't sleep. Speaking of which he has his own little bed in the corner of the room now...

Im getting soft... I shouldn't treat a peasant so good, but I also can't bring my self to treat him bad! I have done worse to others why can't I hate him?! What is wrong with me...

Short chapter today had to do something
Word count:401

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