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I had a good start this morning. First we talked to Ozan and decided what time we would meet, and then I told him what he had to do. Now I was going to school. I checked my watch and checked into school. I left my bag in my locker and went upstairs to the teacher. Ozan and the teacher were chatting. After waiting for a while, Ozan came to me.
Ozan: Hello.
Ekim: Hello. What did he say?.
Ozan: Everything is fine, now I'm with you.
Ekim: Congratulations. Come on, let me show you where the vampires are.
Ozan: Isn't everyone in the same place?
Ekim: No. It used to be, but there were a lot of problems. Some vampires were not used to humans and were constantly attacking them. I can be in the same place with all of them, I am allowed to do so. But for example, witches and vampires cannot be on the same floor. Except for the hybrids, of course.
Ozan: Interesting.(laughs)
Ekim: Now I'll show you where we fought.
I took Ozan's arm and brought him to a large room.
Ekim: Here we are racing, everyone showing their skills.
Ozan: I would like to compete with you.
Ekim: You would win.
He came to me and grabbed my waist pulling me to him. This closeness took me by surprise.
Ozan: I don't think so.
I tried to pull back, laughing, but his arms wouldn't allow it. I lifted my head and looked at his face. His eyes were on my lips.
Ekim: I have other things to show you.
Ozan: You are so sweet, Ekim.
Ekim: Thank you. Shall we go?.
He came a little closer and rubbed his nose on my cheek.
Ozan: We will go in Ekim, don't be in a hurry.
When the door opened, I turned my head and looked at the person.
Ekim: Kanat?
Ozan: What?
Kanat: Calm down.
Ekim: What are you doing here?
Kanat: What are you doing with it? Answer me first.
Ekim: I was taking Ozan for a tour.
Kanat: Is that so?
Ozan: Who is this Ekim? What does he want from you?.
When Kanat came to Ozan, I got in between them.
Ekim: Stop. What are you doing?.
Ozan: Let Ekim come. What can it do to me?
Kanat: Is it? I will teach you a good lesson.
Kanat pulled me aside and punched Ozan very hard.
Ekim: Are you aware of where you are? Don't do it here.
I didn't know what to do out of fear. I tried to grab Kanat's shoulder and lift him off Ozan, but he was so strong he didn't even move. After a while, when I got up, I pulled Ozan to myself and looked at his face. He was in blood.
Ekim: What do you think you're doing? You would kill him.
Kanat: I do whatever I want.
Ekim: You did it, go away now!.
My eyes were starting to fill with tears. What he did was not right. When Ozan regained consciousness, I took him away and left. I cleaned his face and made him drink blood.
Ekim: Are you better?
Ozan: I'm fine.
Ekim: Go and meet the others.

When Ozan left, I went downstairs and got my bag from my locker. When I turned around, I saw Kanat again.
Kanat: I thought you were dead.
Ekim: You know I'm not a normal person.
Kanat: But you're not healed. You stayed with me for a long time and nothing happened.
Ekim: Do you care?.
Kanat: Of course. Our affaire is not like that.
Ekim: There is no affaire between us. If you don't love me, why did you come?
Kanat: Who said I don't love you?
Ekim: Ayşe.
Kanat: What?!. (Laughs)
Ekim: Anyway, you're laughing. Something funny?
Kanat: Yes, there is. Those filthy friends of yours deceived me. I didn't leave you. They said you were dead.
Ekim: Kanat, I don't want you in my life. I had a fight with my mom because of you and a lot of things happened.
Kanat: Have you forgotten the night we spent together?
Ekim: We didn't make sex. You forced me to sleep with you.
Kanat: What about what we did before that?.
I remember when we sat on his lap and kissed what he said. Damn!.
Ekim: What have we done?
Kanat: Your cheeks are flushed Ekim. You sat on my lap and rubbed. You kissed me willingly. You can't say you did it by force.
Ekim: You did it by force!.
I rushed into the classroom.

Kanat's pov
When Ekim was gone, I went out to the garden and came to Ayşe.
Kanat: You clever girl.
Her eyes changed when he saw me. Being here didn't make her happy at all.
Kanat: Did you miss me?
Ayşe: What are you doing here?
Kanat: I admit it was a good plan. You played your role very well. But your lie quickly came to light.
Ayşe: If Ekim hadn't come across you, you would have remained like that forever.
Kanat: I will avenge this on you banshee.
Ayşe: I'm waiting.
I left there and entered the classroom where Ekim was. Since Ayşe was not in class, her side was empty. When I sat down next to her, she turned and looked at me.
Ekim: This is someone else's place.
Kanat: I can't see the owner.

When the teacher came, they started the lesson and all I did was watch Ekim. I got a little closer to her.
Ekim: Stop.
Kanat: I don't have a book, should I look at yours?
Ekim : no.
I got a little closer and smiled.
Kanat: Use the gifts I gave you. I'm sure they will look great.
Ekim: Shut up.
When the lesson was over, she collected his books and left the classroom. I followed her and grabbed her arm.
Kanat : Come on, Ekim. Admit it. You want me.
Ekim : I don't want you.
Kanat : Then why did you call me?
Ekim : I didn't call.
I took her to an empty classroom and jammed the door .
Kanat: You missed me. I won't leave you alone until you accept it.
Ekim: You're pushing me.
Kanat: Okay.
I slipped my hand into her skirt and squeezed her hips. I smiled at her little scream.
Kanat: Calm down, we've done it before.
I started kissing her lips hard. There was no escape from me. She couldn't get out of here without getting what I wanted.

I finished in a very good place hahaha. Don't forget to vote.

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