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Ayşe.. I quickly got up and went to Ayşe.
Ayşe: Are you okay?
I was so scared that I just shook my head yes.
Ayşe: Run away! Ekim do you hear me? Run!
Ekim: Okay.
I ran out of the house without looking back. Fighting sounds were heard from inside. I ran quickly towards the forest, if I went to the area where the wolves were, I would be safe there. I was so tired that I tried to get some rest by holding on to the tree. The bleeding had stopped, but I was still in too much pain. I turned around when I heard a rustle behind me.
Kanat: Hey. Calm down, I won't do anything to you. I'm just trying to talk to you

That was the one staring at me when I woke up.
Ekim: What do you want? I have nothing to give you.
Kanat: Actually, there is. This is going to sound a little weird to you, but you're my-
What interrupted him was a wolf attacking him. I knew who it was when he threw it aside and looked at me.Orjinal... He gestured to me to run away with his head and went to her.
I couldn't go home alone and in this state. I had to use my powers. I tried to get my necklace by throwing my hand around my neck, but I couldn't find it. Fuck! I dropped my necklace. How will I use my power without my necklace now? It probably fell at home, but I couldn't go back there. I was out of there without any further ado. When I got home, I took a quick bath and bandaged my wound. My phone and bag were left at school. I went downstairs when the doorbell rang.
Ekim: You've finally arrived. I am really curious. What happened?
Orjinal: Good news, the vampire is dead. I drove a stake through his heart.
Ayşe: The other two idiots died
Ekim: What about the girl?
Ayşe/Orjinal: Which girl?
Ekim: There were four people. You said you only killed 3 people. Probably ran away
Ayşe: Okay, calm down. Look, you're fine now and you're safe. If there is any problem, we will take care of it.
Orjinal: Ayşe is right. If you're afraid, let's stay with you tonight.
Ekim: No no no need. I'm not afraid
Ayşe: Okay then we're going. We'll come to pick you up tomorrow. See you
Orjinal: See you beautiful
Ekim: See you
When they left, I closed the door and went to my room. I took a pain reliever and lay on my bed. I fell asleep immediately because I was very tired.

Hazal's pov

I put the mixture I prepared aside and went upstairs to the room.
Hazal: How are you? Did you come to yourself?
Kanat: A little, but I still have sore spots.
Hazal: Wolf bite is poisonous. Don't worry, you'll be fine.
Kanat: I don't care if I'm okay or not. The girl ran away. How do I find it again now? Who knows where they are hiding. As soon as I find that wolf, I will kill it.
Hazal: Kanat, calm down. Finding the girl is easy.
Kanat: How?
I took the necklace out of my pocket and showed it.
Hazal: Look. This is her necklace. We can find it by casting a locator spell. We also know the school he went to.
Kanat: After these events, he doesn't go to school anymore.
Hazal: We have her necklace. Look how beautiful and precious it is. We have to give it to her.
I put the necklace in Kanat's palm.
Hazal: Of course, you are the one who will give this necklace to her. But now we need this
I took the map out of the drawer and placed it on the table. I put the necklace right in the middle of the map and started saying my magic words. I stopped the spell when the necklace moved and stopped in a different place.
Hazal: Here it is. She lives here.
Kanat: Hazal, you are amazing! My dear cousin.
Hazal: I know haha. Let's get some rest. Tomorrow is the big day. We have a lot of work to get done.

 We have a lot of work to get done

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Ekim's necklace

The episode is delayed because I have classes. I hope you will like it♡

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