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It was still dark when I awoke. I tried to turn around, but Kanat's arms wrapped around my waist wouldn't allow it. I slowly got out of bed and checked the time. When I looked at Kanat, he was still asleep. I just learned that vampires sleep. I walked out of the room with a smile. I went to the kitchen and started drinking a glass of water. I screamed with the person I saw when I turned around.
Kanat: Calm down .
Ekim: Are you a maniac? Why are you secretly coming?
Kanat: Why did you get out of bed?
Ekim: I got up to drink water. You were sleeping though.
Kanat: I felt your absence when you got up from me.
He came close and hugged me. He buried his head in my neck and started to sniff.
Ekin: Seven o'clock. Can you drop me off at my house now?
Kanat: Sure. Come on get your stuff.
Ekim: Oh finally.
I quickly went upstairs to get my school clothes and went downstairs.
Ekim: I'm here. I am ready.
Kanat: Let's go then.
We left the house and got in the car. After a while, when he came to my house, he stopped the car and looked at me.
Kanat: I had a good night thanks to you. Thanks.
I got out of the car and went to my house without saying a word. I didn't know what to say. I took out my phone and texted our friend group.
Ekim: You have called a thousand times. I'm fine. I'll tell you everything when I get to school.
I went to my room and slept.

Kanat's pov
After I left Ekim at home, I went to my own house. When I entered, Hazal came running to me.
Hazal: How was your night? (winks)
Kanat: It was good.
Hazal: You made sex?!
Kanat: No, Hazal!. my god. Do you think it will allow it?
Hazal: Oh, whatever. By the way, I found Aziz's place.
Kanat: Where was he?
Hazal: There were vampires we used to hang out with, then we got in trouble with them. I think they're probably planning something to kill you.
Kanat: Fuck!. If I don't die, I don't think he will relax.
Hazal: Be careful, Kanat, please. I don't think he have a gun, but they can catch you and do something.
Kanat: Don't worry. Anyway, I'm going to my room. Now it's time to give the gifts I've prepared to Ekim.
Hazel: Let's see. I'm sure will like it.
I went upstairs and took the box from the closet. I put the last necklace I made inside and closed it. I wrote this note on it and went downstairs. I came to Ekim's house with vampire speed and dropped the box on the floor. I knocked on the door and left. When Ekim opened the door, she stared at the box in surprise for a while. Her demeanor made me laugh. When I took the box and went inside, I left.

Ekim's pov
I didn't see anyone around so I took the box and went inside. I went upstairs to my room and left the box on my bed. The box was a little heavy, I wonder if there is a bomb in it. What the hell am I doing? When I opened the box, I saw a small and sweet note inside.

I've wanted to give you these for a long time, my little love. I hope you like it. I love you.
Kanat ♡
I put the note aside and began to look at what was inside. When I opened the first tiny box, I saw a very beautiful ring. I opened the others one by one and started looking at them. These were not ordinary. It was all too valuable. I took my phone and texted Kanat.
Me: Thank you.
Kanat: Do you like it?
Me: Yes. But Kanat can't take these please come get them all.
Kanat: Why?
Me: We are not lovers. Don't treat me like you're my boyfriend.
Kanat: Maybe I'll be your boyfriend. I'm sure you'll be mine one day.

I hung up the phone without answering and put it aside. I opened my closet and took off my dress.
I sat in front of the mirror and started doing my hair and makeup. When I was done, I put on my dress and texted my friends.
Me: It's like they'd die if they didn't throw a party.
Bekir: I like parties.
Ayşe: You like to look at girls more.
Orjinal: Haha.
Me: Are you ready?
Ayşe: I'm ready.
Bekir: I'm not ready yet.
Ayşe: Why? Aren't you done with your make-up yet, Bekir?
Bekir: I have to be handsome.
Me: You'd be handsome if you didn't act dumb.
Bekir: You upset me October.
Bekir: Don't be angry October.
Me: Don't come across me, Bekir.
Orjinal: Don't talk nonsense. I'm leaving the house.
Ayşe: Take me too Orjinal.
Me: Me too, please.
Bekir: My dear alpha come get me too.
Finally, we all arrived at the place where the party was. When I got out of the car and went inside I thought the atmosphere was scary but everyone was dancing to the slow music.
Ekim: I did not expect such an environment.
Ayşe: Me too.
Orjinal: I think they decided to be romantic.
Bekir: The girls are so beautiful.
Ekim: Bekir, please shut up.
We bought ourselves a drink with Ayşe. I looked around and saw Hazal. If Hazal is here, then Kanat is definitely here.
When I turned my gaze to the other side, I saw Kanat looking at me with a smile. He understood that I was looking for him. Fuck. After looking at me for a while, he came over to me.
Kanat: Good to see you.
He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. We were dancing together, putting his hands on my waist like we did in our first dance.
Kanat: I missed you.
Ekim: Don't. We can not be together.
Kanat: Why?
Ekim: Not with someone like you.
Kanat: What's wrong with my?. I do not understand you.
Ekim: You know what it is.
Kanat: Is it a problem for you that I'm a vampire?
I didn't say anything. Or rather, I couldn't say. We were dancing slowly, looking down.
Kanat: Look at me. I want to see your face.
I lifted my head and looked at him. Their looks were different. He was hurt...

After a while, Ayşe came running to us and we had to leave.
Ayşe: Ekim. We need to go.
Ekim: What's the matter? Are you okay?.
Ayşe: I just saw you. Let's go.
Kanat didn't let me while he was holding my arm and trying to take me away.
Kanat: Tell me what happened.
Ayşe: Ekim, I just saw that you died.
Kanat/Ekim: WHAT!
Ayşe: Yes. Someone had killed you. Ekim you are dead.
Someone hit him in the heart.
The Kanat looked at me worriedly. Everyone looked around when the music stopped.
X: Sorry to interrupt the fun guys.
We looked at the door to see who the voice belonged to.
Kanat: Aziz.
Aziz: Hello my brother and his little girlfriend.
The Kanat hid behind it to protect me.
Kanat: What are you doing here?
Suddenly, many vampire surrounded us. I was getting scared.
Orjinal: Who is this?. What do you want?
Ayşe: He is here to kill..
Aziz: Yes. That's exactly what I'm here for. Kill. Kill them all. Let's attack!
Everyone started fighting with each other. Damn. I was going to die in the middle of this fight.
I screamed as I felt the pain in my neck.
Kanat: Don't touch her!
The Kanat vampire had taken it off me and threw it aside. I started crying from pain.
Kanat: Are you okay?
I nodded my head yes.
Kanat: I'll get you out of here, don't be afraid.
He was trying to take me in his arms and get me out of here, but he stopped with Aziz, who came in front of us.
Aziz: Where is it, my brother?
Kanat: Aziz, stop this nonsense.
Aziz: Not until I get what I want.
When they attacked again, they took me from Kanat and gave it to Aziz. He was writhing on the floor from the vervain they had injected into Kanat.
Kanat: Aziz, let him go.
Aziz: Watch it brother.
I cried out in pain with the knife blow I had in my stomach.
Aziz: The next one will come to your heart.
Kanat: Stop. Don't do that. AZIZ!
Aziz: Don't worry brother. This is just a start.
He took the knife out and held it to my heart.
Aziz: Are you ready, Ekim? Here we go.
I fell to the ground with the sharp pain I felt, and the rest was completely dark..

It was the longest chapter I've ever written. I may have a typo. I didn't pay much attention. I hope you like it.

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