Chapter 11

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Adrianna POV.

Tomorrow is the day which the charity ball is held. Ivy has been climbing nonstop and I regret agreeing with Victor what he did. I just want my innocent little sister with me. Victor on the other hand, has been trying to contact me but I have been avoiding him. I can't let whatever happened on that day repeat itself. It makes me feel like the worst daughter even though I am not. 

There are fifty percent chances that Vincenzo will be there and I am also very aware that they are still looking for me. It was fun messing with them but the fact still remains that one can never mess with a mafia leader and continues to leave. I am actually lucky that I am. Today, I really have a busy day ahead of me therefore I better get out of bed before it is too late.

I dragged myself from the bed towards my washroom. After taking a bath and brushing my teeth, I walked to my closet to choose today's outfit. Before I got a chance to walk in, my bedroom door was opened and I looked in the direction and saw Ivy standing at the door post. She neither looked happy nor sad. Infant she looked extremely angry and I wondered what I had done this time.

"What do you want?" I asked her in as soft a voice as possible.

"Why aren't you answering dad's call?" She asked. I really should have seen this coming but I was too late.

"I don't want to?" I asked instead of replying.

"He is crazy about you Ria. He wants to fuck you," she said.

"And I don't want to fuck him. Why can't both of you understand that!" I snapped.

"If you don't he will then force me to sleep with him again!" She snapped.

I looked at her with a confused expression and it seemed she realised what she had done because she shook her head.

"What do you mean again, Ivy?" I asked.

"Nothing," she whispered.

"Really? Is that what you mean by nothing? For goodness sake just tell me!" I shouted at her and she stepped back as she was afraid. I looked at her and saw that she was crying.

"Ivy, please tell me what happened. How will I help you if you don't tell me what is happening," I whispered as I neared her.

I took her towards the bed and we sat on it. She was now crying on my shoulder.

"He has been trying to reach you for two weeks now. The first week when he was unsuccessful in doing that, he contacted me and I went there. He fucked me because you were hiding yourself," she explained and I let out the breath I did notice I was holding.

"You loved fucking him. What has happened?" I asked her.

"After that day that I had sex with Max, I realized that I need to stop having sex with dad. Yes, I did enjoy the sex with Max but what dad did was wrong. He forced me in having sex with Max. I don't want to be used as an object Ria. I want to be loved because I am me. When I left both of you in the office, I was planning on going to the penthouse to get a shower. As I was on the way, I overheard Max telling the rest that dad has control over us. He fucks us whenever he wants and even can force us into having sex with anyone. I was angry at first but calmed down. I realised what Max said was true," she told me.

"I am sorry. Okay. I never knew that he was going to do that to you. But I just don't want to fuck him. It doesn't feel right, you know. Be is supposed to be our dad not a man who we can fuck," I told her and she nodded her head.

"I understand you but you need to tell him that. I know he won't take it well but at least try," she said.

"Alright. I will definitely do that. But for now, we should go shopping," I said.

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