Chapter 1 What Eren See

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Eren is kneeling on the ground while Historia, the current queen of Eldia, places his medal around his neck. He kisses Historia's hand, and just then, gold sparks come from Eren's mind and he finds himself standing in a place where there are only sand and stars.

"What the... where am I?" Eren asks until he finds a girl holding a bucket of water building a sand titan. Curious, Eren walks towards her and says, "You are?"

The girl finally looks at Eren, and she slowly mutters, "Papa..."

"Papa? Me?" Eren is confused, and Ymir nods. Then she signals Eren to follow, and Eren nods as he walks along with the girl. "Um... can you tell me your name? I mean..."

The girl slowly says, "Ymir..."

Eren is slightly confused, Ymir is the name of the girl with the Jaw Titan before she went with Reiner and the others, but he decides to shake off the thoughts and says, "Okay, Ymir. Can you tell me where exactly are we?"

"The Coordinate..." Ymir mutters. When she stops, Eren looks at the coordinate and touches it, and just then, he starts to see the story of the girl in front of him.

Ymir lived in a peaceful village and she was fetching water from a well. One day, a group of Eldian soldiers arrived, they burned the whole village, and the villagers were either dead or enslaved. Ymir was one of them, and she was forced to be a slave to the king. She looked at the crowd gathering, she saw a man kissing a woman with love, she just stopped there and stared.

Just then, a pig escaped from its pen with the door open, and King Fritz said, "One of you let a pig escape. If nobody fesses up, every one of you loses an eye. Slaves have no need for two."

Everyone was frightened, and just then, all of them were pointing their fingers at Ymir.

"You're the one who let it escape?" King Fritz asked the kneeling Ymir, who turned to the other slaves with fear and sadness in her eyes. Nobody wanted to help her, and then she lowered her head. "Very well. You are "free."

The scene changed with Ymir running in the forest, her eye was torn, and she had an arrow attached to her body. Behind her, Eldians were using bows and arrows while riding on horses, trying to hunt her.

Ymir was hit as she fell to the ground, the Eldians thought she was dead, so they left her alone. But just after they were gone, Ymir slowly got up, her only eye flowing with tears. She noticed a large tree and she slowly walked toward it. Noticing that the Eldians were back, she quickly stepped inside.

Drips of water could be heard, and Ymir slipped and fall into the pool of water in the sinkhole. All hope seemed to get lost, and Ymir accepted her fate as she was about to die. Just then, a spiny creature appeared and attached itself to her. A lightning happened, and the Eldians were terrified to see Ymir turned into the Titan, and she let out a roar.

Then the scene changed back to the castle. "You've done well, my slave, Ymir." Fritz said. "You've built roads, cultivated the wilds, and bridged mountains. My tribe, Eldia, has grown quite large. As a reward, I shall give you my seed."

Ymir bowed to the king, and the scene changed to the war with Marley. "In the name of Fritz, annihilate the vile people of Marley!"

With Ymir's Titan, Eldia started to invade other nations with war, and eventually, Founder Ymir was pregnant and she had Maria, Rose, and Sina.

When Marleyan officers kneel before Fritz, one of them rises in retaliation and throws his spear at him. Ymir intervenes, letting the spear impale her through the shoulder. She collapses in front of Fritz as her daughters look on in horror. They rushed to her, and in secret, Ymir transferred all of the powers to Maria, Rose, and Sina.

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