That alone made Jimin's blood boil in his veins as there's nothing he despised more than all powerful, money-hungry corporate that abused less fortunate than them. Despite the chances of winning being low he'd taken the case and spent months painstakilly compiling evidences that he in the end brought to court.

It was quite damning even the L.B.T lawyers that were in charge of defending the company's CEO struggled to refute all of it. The suit eventually made the headlines of medias, bringing even more attention to the actions of GOLIATH Inc.

The lawyer exchanged a few reassuring words with his client as deep down he was convinced of theirs chances to win. Once Seokjin was done giving interview he joined them and they headed inside.

Theirs steps echoed in the long tiled halls. As always the courthouse was in a frenzy of activities. Lawyers, baillifs all coming and going. Some stopped to exchange a few word with them.

Once they'd reached the doors of the courtroom, Seokjin leaned forward to mutter into his ears.

"We better not lose after the speech I just give."

He settled behind the bench, eyes firmly fixed before him.

"Will you fire me if we lose?" He asked while Seokjin took place beside him. The older man tilted his head to the side, one legs crossed over the others as he looked deep in thought.

A light danced in his eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous." he chided Jimin with good humour. "Of course I will." His tone's casual with just a hint of mischief. Kim Seokjin was a riddle. With his looks it seemed like he belonged more on the glazed covers of magazine and the screen of tv than in the austere halls of the courthouse but behind the handsomness ans casualness lurked the mind of a shark and those who underestimated him always regretted it

The man was the embodiement of quiet strength as at Twenty-eight he had raised from the ashes the law firm mismanaged by his father. It's no surprise they got along so well and Jimin didn't think he'd have adjusted as well in Seoul without him.

The Baillif's thunderous voice as he announced the arrival of the judge anchored Jimim back in the present. They stood up, Kim Seokjin whispered

"Do we stand a chance?"

If he didn't know him better, the younger man would have thought he was nervous. He threw him a sidelong gaze before he skipped to stare to the opposite bench were the Goliath's Ceo were sat with his attorneys.

His lips quirked up into a grin.

"Unless he bought the Judge, we stand a chance. The evidences alone are flagrant enough." He assured.

He highly doubted they'd found a way to bribe Judge Changmin as the man was well known to be uncorruptible. He was a strict but fair judge known to follow more his gut instincts and the law. During Jimin last pleading he'd seemed to lean on their side but nothing was set in stone and the thing with verdicts was they tended to be impredictable most of the time.

Albeit, maybe not this time as he'd come to understand a few minutes after the Judge made his entrance. He didn't drag it forever though and found the CEO of GOLIATH inc. guilty of all the charges and sentenced him to pay an astronomical sum of money as fine and indemnity for all the damages they'd caused.

Behind him, a concert of cries of joy and applause erupted. It's a total triumph. His client pulled him in a hug, emotional with tears running down his eyes on his cheeks while the opposition was booed out of the courtroom.

Law of attraction - KOOKMINOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant