“Easy now, babe.” I muttered, sitting her down on the desk In the room.

“What was that feeling? When I fell I mean? Everything seems to be spinning around me.” She closed her eyes in concentration, breathing heavily.

“I think you were dizzy, dear.” Carlisle mumbled, sitting down beside her to check her eyes with his lamp. He touched her head with his hand, and even checked her pulse. “You seem perfectly fine.” Carlisle concluded, concern masking his face. “Try standing up?” She did as he told but fell down in his arms again.

“My head hurts..” Alice complained, shaking her head to get rid of the feeling. My poor baby was extremely disorientated. She had never experienced the feeling of dizziness in over a hundred years, of course she was disorientated.

“Shh, it’ll be alright, baby.” I whispered, picking her up and holding her close to me. I tried to calm her but my own nerves made it extremely difficult to try.

“I’ll call Esme, we will have to move into our own house and find out what it is that is wrong with Alice.” Carlisle said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Esme, dear, please ready a hospital bed in our home. Bring the kids over, too.” I heard Esme’s worry on the other side of the phone. “Esme, please, I’ll explain it when we arrive.” Carlisle murmured soothingly into the phone. I listened closely to the voices outside the room.

“Ehh Carlisle, we’ve got a small problem here.” I said, tugging his arm. “Well it’s not exactly small.” He hung up the phone saying he had to go and looked at me.

“Well?” he asked.

“Outside is a group of doctors who are convinced you’re saying your goodbyes to your dead daughter.” I bit my lip, listening closely. “What do you suppose we do, Carlisle? We can’t say she survived, she’s been dead for over five minutes, there is no way they are going to believe that.” I whispered.

“Then we’ll have to pretend she’s dead.” Carlisle responded soberly. “Hand her over, will you.” He stuck his arms out, taking Alice from me. “Seems more convincing, right.” He said, looking at me.

“I don’t get it..” Alice mumbled, only half aware of what was happening.

“We will explain, don’t worry.” Carlisle said, laying his hand on the doorknob. “Alice, act dead. Jasper, act as if she’s dead. Easy enough, right?” I nodded and went into the crowd which had formed behind the door. People moved away, mouths gaping at Carlisle, who had a blank face, Alice cuddled closely to his chest. It seemed so real, I didn’t have to act sad. Carlisle made it seem like she was really dead. A shiver went trough me; She isn’t dead, Jasper, but something is terribly wrong with her. Only one doctor had the courage to step in front of Carlisle, looking down at Alice.

“Is.. Is she.. you know…” He stuttered slowly, not being able to ask the exact question everyone had in mind.

“Yes, yes she is.” Carlisle muttered dramatically. If I didn’t  know vampires couldn’t cry, I would’ve believed he was crying right now.

“I’m so sorry Carlisle.” The doctor, Dr Wilson according to his nametag, mumbled, not meeting Carlisle’s eyes.

“It’s OK, Paul. If you could just have everybody move out of here.” He muttered. Paul nodded quickly and started calling for people to leave us some time alone. When everybody was out, Carlisle started working at vampire speed. He picked Alice up over his shoulder, tugged my arm and started running too fast for human eyes too see. When we were outside he handed Alice to me and told me to move, and he went to get his car. When we were finally inside with the three of us, we realized how big of a problem we had.

“What now?” I asked Carlisle from the backseat while stroking Alice’ soft face.

“Carlisle, Jasper, What’s going on.” Alice’ tiny voice sounded weak and hurt.

“You fainted. We don’t know what happened, but everyone thinks you’re dead now.” I explained.

“Why did I faint? That’s not possible, right Carlisle?” Alice panicked.

“Let’s say I didn’t think it possible.” He said, concentrated on the road while he drove 220 km/h. “Jasper, we shouldn’t have this situation get any worse. I will quit my job, we’ll get a funeral for Alice,” I gulped when I heard it, “and I’ll try to figure out what’s happening. Understand?” I’d never heard Carlisle so demanding. It was so different from his usual behaviour, I felt almost shocked. I nodded quietly, looking at my poor Alice, who had her eyes closed and almost looked as if she was sleeping.

I tightened my black tie, looking at the coffin placed on a table. Carlisle had insisted the ‘funeral’ was to be held in Forks. He said it wouldn’t seem normal if she had her funeral in a place where she’d only lived for 2 days. So here we were, together with the pack, who didn’t know it was fake, half of forks high school and Charlie and Renée were there, too. Of course our whole family was sat on the first row, fake tears ready in their pockets. Renesmee was already so caught up in the moment, she was sobbing in Charlie’s jacket. Even Seth and Jacob, who knew Alice better than any of the wolves, had watery eyes.

The funeral was harder then I’d thought it would be. Especially when it was time for me to speak. I took my place and started reading out my small speech, looking my family members directly in the eye.

“Thank you everybody for being here. I’m sure Alice would’ve appreciated it.” I started off, and then started on what must’ve been the hardest speech in my life.

“At first, when we were adopted by Carlisle, Alice felt like a sister. But as we began to get to know each other better, spend more time together, I felt more. Like there was something between us I couldn’t describe at the time. It was love. I loved my Alice dearly and she will never vanish from my heart. The way she would smile, the way she would dance around the room. She was always happy, a sunshine in my life.” I swallowed,  “C-Carlisle I can’t .. I can’t continue.. Sorry” I choked on my words, leaving the stage. I fell in his arms – not to increase the drama but because I was hurt. I was so sad, I was sure my sadness was coming from me in vibes, affecting everybody. It wasn’t controllable.

“Relax, Jasper, it isn’t real. She’s alive.” Carlisle whispered in my ear, so the pack wouldn’t hear.

“But what if something’s wrong with her.. what if she really dies?” I cried in his ear.

“She won’t, Jasper, trust me.”

[A/N I got so emotional writing this! I hope I wrote it well enough so you understand Jasper's feelings. hehe :)]

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