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"hey. sorry about that wait time, I have your results right here." dr. wrince said with a jolly smile on her face.

"you can just say it aloud." azari smiled taking taurus's hand into hers. was she nervous? absolutely but she knew she would honestly be happy with either answer.

if it was yes then yay a baby! if no then whew dodged a bullet. she wasn't sure which answer taurus really wanted.

"well, I am happy to say that your pregnancy test was indeed a false positive. I'm not sure why you got one your urine levels aren't elevated at all." she smiled.

a breath of fresh air left taurus lips in relief. of course, he would have been happy for a baby, especially with all his big talk. he would have to stand on those words. but right now wasn't really convenient for him. he feels like he isn't supporting his family to the best of his abilities and can do way more than what he is doing now.

"oh thank god I can go shot for shot this weekend. yo liver better be ready." azari kissed tauruses cheek. he couldn't help but laugh at her.

"naa fatz you better be ready for me." he said wrapping his arm loosely around her waist. "thank you dr. wrince, we appreciate your time today. when we really are sure about a baby you are the person we're calling." he smiled.

she was the doctor who delivered secret and tokyo and is also the daughter of the nurse who delivered aries, kamaria, and monica. they were really family favorites.

"I hope yall do! and secret is due for her yearly check-up get my sweet baby back in here." she said which he nodded in compliance. "and it was very nice meeting you. yall have a nice one." she smiled before making her exit from the room.

"whew we dodged the bullet fats we gotta stop playing with fire." taurus laughed wrapping his arm around azari who snuggled under him. she wrapped her hands along his torso and smiled inhaling his familiar scent.

"no fareal we talked a lot about kids but when the time came we both were scared shitless. let's be logical. right now isn't an ideal time at all. your business is taking off and mines is on a hiatus. plus I didn't even know my receptionist role in G.O.A.T was that big. I didn't know I was the advocate for the girls at all but now that I do know I gotta make sure they all eat." she rambled but he was fully listening taking in everything she was saying.

this was definitely an eye-opener to the ideals they both sprout especially taurus. after this scare and really evaluating his life, he knows right now isn't the time. He hasn't even opened a savings fund for sakai yet because he's been that busy. he was going to do that very soon though. blood or no blood sakai is his child and will be taken care of as one.

"I think we should try celibacy until we get married.." azari lowly said, seeing that taurus was in deep thought. she had been celibate for 4 years but not by choice she can't lie and say that wasn't a good decision on her end because her life used to revolve around sex. if it wasn't sex she wasn't interested but taking that out of her life it opened something new and changed her perspective.

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