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"girl why the fuck you smiling so hard?" grey asked as she walked into the lobby

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"girl why the fuck you smiling so hard?" grey asked as she walked into the lobby. I just smiled and smiled off into space because I was genuinely happy.

I hit my quota this morning so I can now move into a better neighborhood, then start renovations for the old house to put on airbnb. life was looking up.

"awee i'm just getting ready to gon ahead and move into a better neighborhood, then I can go back to school.'' I cheesed making her smile.

"awee babeeee i'm so happy for you." she smiled walking over to give me a hug.

grey has been with me through everything and she knows how hard my life is, so her seeing me now moving onto the next chapter of my life is so great.

there was a point in time when I was lost because I never saw myself making it to 22. days were very hard for me but it's okay because now i'm out of that place and finally about to put the plans i've been dreaming of in motion.

she gave me a big hug making me smile more, "are you celebrating?" she said, lifting an eyebrow.

"bitch I know you still not mad about that, IT WAS A MONTH AGO" I laughed pushing her off me.

"no cause I was playing babysitter while you got shit face drunk, it's my turn next" she said with a small attitude.

"caresha please" I said, holding my hand up to her.

"what are you going to do with your mother and sister though? you always talk about the plans but only include sakai." she said

"well personally minnie has been dead since sakai was born, mentally i'm grieving so for her body to be in my new house isn't right I think we should cremate her and hold an official ceremony for her memory" I said and she nodded.

"and your mother?"

"she can go live with her sister! but she is not coming with me. she is too negative" I simply said.

"you gon put that lady on my mama? you dead wrong" she laughed, shaking her head.

I just shrugged because I want her away from me. as simple as that! let me be the bad guy at this point ion give a fuck.

"can I leave early so I can call my realtor and talk about the money?" I asked, she nodded and I started to pack up my things.

"thank you," I said, giving her a hug. I finished getting my things then left.

I got in my car and called taurus, he should be going on break right about now.

"wassam" he said once the call connected, I just smiled making him mug me.

"fuck you smiling at nigga, you kill somebody" he whispered making me burst out into laughter.

"noo chubs i'm just so happy" I cheesed starting up my car.

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